B5 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2021 TLC delivers gift baskets to schools, teachers RELIGION BRIEFS Bjert the troll comes to Astoria Astoria Christian Church For service information and updates, go to astoriachristian.org or bit.ly/AstoriaChristian, call 503- 325-2591 or email AstoriaChris- tian@gmail.com The Astorian TLC, a division of Fibre Fed- eral Credit Union, is delivering teacher appreciation gift baskets, packed with classroom essen- tials, to schools in several coun- ties in Oregon and Washington state. Bailey Roberts and Deb Dixon of TLC hand-delivered the baskets over the last several weeks. “Classroom teaching has gradually resumed,” Dixon said, “so we took this great oppor- tunity to show our gratitude to teachers in our service areas.” The baskets were delivered to: the middle and high schools in Astoria, Knappa, Seaside and Ilwaco, Washington; Jewel High School; Nehalem Elemen- tary School; Wahkiakum High School; and Warrenton High School. Mannix named to All-Oregon Academic Team The Astorian SALEM — Valerie Mannix, of Seaside, who attends Clatsop Community College, has been announced as one of 45 com- munity college students selected to this school year’s All-Oregon Academic Team by the Oregon Community College Association. The students are selected for their academic excellence, lead- ership and community service. They are all members of Phi Theta Kappa, a community college honor society. Each year, Phi Theta Kappa, com- munity college Valerie Mannix presidents and community col- lege state associations sponsor All-State Community College Academic Team ceremonies in 37 participating states. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Ore- gon Community College Associ- ation is honoring the students on its website at bit.ly/2QWluT1 Astoria First Baptist Church First Baptist Church, 349 Sev- enth St., holds an in-person wor- ship service at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. Social distancing is practiced, face coverings are required and hand sanitizers are available. The ser- vice is also broadcast at fb.me/ astoriafi rstbaptist Sunday school starts at 9:30 a.m. There is no child care, but children are encouraged to join the service. For information, call the church offi ce at 503-325-1761. Astoria First United Methodist Church For livestream service informa- tion and updates, email the church offi ce at offi ce@unitedmethodistas- toria.org or call 503-325-5454. The Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival 2021 members of the Astoria Nordic Heritage Park Committee welcomed Bjert the troll to Astoria recently. They helped escort him in a Troll Parade from the future site of Astoria Nordic Heritage Park to FinnWare, where he will be on display until the park is built. Grace Episcopal Church For updates, food pantry hours and in-person and livestream ser- vice information, call the church at 503-325-4691, email graceasto- ria4691@gmail.com or go to gra- ceastoria.org or fb.me/Grace Astoria COMMUNITY BRIEFS Seaside business leaders chapter members win awards Achievement Award, complet- ing over 500 hours of community service during her high school career. SEASIDE — Seaside Future Business Leaders of America chap- ter members competed at the 2021 State Business Leadership Confer- ence. Several received awards. First place: 3D animation, Zach Fukuda and Jonathan Granillo; cyber security, Fukuda; and pub- lic service announcement, Emma Arden and Isabella Rodriguez. Second place: 3D animation, Jackson Schermerhorn; impromptu speaking, Westin Carter; and polit- ical science, Wyatt Mayhugh. Third place: E-business, Wyatt Mayhugh and Susana Velazquez. Finalist: Coding and program- ming, Connor Jackson. Seaside High School was one of fi ve high schools in the state to be recognized for the Gold Champion Chapter Award for the third con- secutive year. Senior Emma Taylor was recognized as the only Ore- gon Future Business Leaders of America member in the state to fi nish the Community Service Church off ers clothes bank WARRENTON — A free good condition clothes bank, for chil- dren in sixth grade to infants, is being off ered from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, at Warrenton First Baptist Church, 30 N.E. First St. For infor- mation, contact Sandi Bridgeman at 503-338-6073 or 503-791-7522. Young artists invited to enter peace poster contest The Astoria Lions Club and the Astoria Art Loft are partnering again to host young artists in creat- ing peace-themed posters for sub- mission to the Lions Club Interna- tional 2021 to 2022 Peace Poster Contest. The winning local entry will be submitted for judging at the district level; the district winner will be submitted for multi-district judg- ing. That winner will be submit- ted to the Lions Club Internation- al-level contest. The contest, whose theme is “We Are All Connected,” is open to ages 11 to 13, born Nov. 16, 2007, through Nov. 15, 2010. Post- ers are evaluated on three criteria at each level of judging: Original- ity, artistic merit and expression of the theme. Artwork size can be no smaller than 13 by 20 inches, and no larger than 20 by 24 inches. Do not mat or frame the artwork. All materials will be provided. The contest, which is open now, is hosted by the Astoria Art Loft, 106 Third St., and is part of their activities planned for young peo- ple this summer and fall. The local winner will be selected on Oct. 6. Young people interested in participating can send their con- tact information to astorial- ionsclub1942@gmail.com or can contact the Astoria Lions Club on Facebook at fb.me/ LionsClubAstoria — The Astorian Pacifi c Unitarian Universalist A Pacifi c Unitarian Universalist Fellowship service is being held via Zoom at 11 a.m. Sunday. For Zoom information, go to pacuuf.org Peace First Lutheran For service information, go to astoriafi rstlutheran.com under “Worship & Music/Videos & Resources” or bit.ly/FLCAstoria. To receive a DVD of the services and bulletin, call the offi ce and leave a message. Pioneer Presbyterian Church WARRENTON — For service information, call the church at 503- 861-2421 or go to pioneerchurchp- cusa.org St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish For information about the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry hours, and service and livestreaming infor- mation at both the Astoria church and Hammond mission, call 503- 325-3671, email offi ce@stmaryas- toria.com or go to stmaryastoria. com or bit.ly/stmaryastoria Classifieds GARAGE SALE SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! SEASON IS HERE! If it Drives or Floats... ONLY $ 25 ys for 3 da Call 800.781.3214 to advertise today! classifieds@dailyastorian.com Searching for Employees? 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Astoria, (503) 468-0752. Community Yard Sale May 7, 8, 9 10-4pm daily New vendors! Pacific Grange 90475 Highway 101, Warrenton SPECIALTY SERVICES W E URGE YOU TO PATRONIZE THE LOCAL PROFESSIONALS ADVERTISING IN T HE A STORIAN S PECIALTY S ERVICES . T O PLACE YOUR S PECIALTY S ERVICES AD , CALL 325-3211. 613 Houses for Rent Astoria-born local couple looking for house with garage to rent in Astoria or Warrenton. Non-smokers. 503-310-5273 Sell your children’s outgrown clothes and toys with a classified ad in The Astorian. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! The most valuable and respected source of local news, advertising and information for our communities. www.eomediagroup.com