A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2021 Biden pitches big spending boost Pause: ‘A reset is essential right now for all aspects’ By JONATHAN LEMIRE and JOSH BOAK Associated Press WASHINGTON — Pres- ident Joe Biden declared Wednesday night that “America is rising anew” as he called for an expansion of federal programs to drive the economy past the pandemic and broadly extend the social safety net on a scale not seen in decades. In his fi rst address to Con- gress, he pointed optimisti- cally to the nation’s emer- gence from the coronavirus scourge as a moment for America to prove that its democracy can still work and maintain primacy in the world. Speaking in highly per- sonal terms while demanding massive structural changes, the president marked his fi rst 100 days in offi ce by propos- ing a $1.8 trillion investment in children, families and edu- cation to help rebuild an economy devastated by the virus and compete with ris- ing global competitors. His speech represented both an audacious vision and a considerable gamble. He is governing with the most slender of majorities in Con- gress, and even some in his own party have blanched at the price tag of his proposals. At the same time, the speech highlighted Biden’s fundamental belief in the power of government as a force for good, even at a time when it is so often the object of scorn. “I can report to the nation: America is on the move again,” he said. “Turning peril into possibility. Cri- sis into opportunity. Setback into strength.” While the ceremonial set- ting of the U.S. Capitol was the same as usual, the visual images were unlike any pre- vious presidential address. Members of Congress wore masks and were seated apart because of pandemic restric- tions. Outside the grounds were still surrounded by fencing after insurrectionists in January protesting Biden’s election stormed to the doors of the House chamber where he gave his address. The nationally televised ritual raised the stakes for his ability to sell his plans to vot- ers of both parties, even if Republican lawmakers prove resistant. The president fol- lowed the speech by hitting the road to push his plans, starting in Georgia on Thurs- day and then on to Pennsyl- vania and Virginia. “America is ready for takeoff . We are working again. Dreaming again. Dis- covering again. Leading the world again. We have shown each other and the world: There is no quit in America,” Biden said. This year’s scene at the front of the House chamber also had a historic look: For the fi rst time, a female vice president, Kamala Harris, was seated behind the chief executive. And she was next to another woman, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The fi rst ovation came as Biden greeted “Madam Vice Continued from Page A1 Chip Somodevilla/AP Photo President Joe Biden addresses a joint session of Congress on Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol as Vice President Kamala Harris, left, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi look on. President.” He added, “No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.” The chamber was so sparsely populated that indi- vidual claps could be heard echoing off the walls. Yet Biden said, “I have never been more confi dent or more optimistic about Amer- ica. We have stared into an abyss of insurrection and autocracy — of pandemic and pain — and ‘We the Peo- ple’ did not fl inch.” At times, the president plainly made his case for democracy itself. Biden demanded that the government take care of its own as a powerful symbol to the world of an America willing to forcefully follow its ideals and people. He con- fronted an issue rarely faced by an American president, namely that in order to com- pete with autocracies like China, the nation needs “to prove that democracy still works” after his predeces- sor’s baseless claims of elec- tion fraud and the ensuing attack on the U.S. Capitol. “Can our democracy overcome the lies, anger, hate and fears that have pulled us apart?” he asked. “Ameri- ca’s adversaries — the auto- crats of the world — are bet- ting it can’t. They believe we are too full of anger and divi- sion and rage. They look at the images of the mob that assaulted this Capitol as proof that the sun is setting on American democracy. They are wrong. And we have to prove them wrong.” Biden repeatedly ham- mered home that his plans would put Americans back to work, restoring the mil- lions of jobs lost to the virus. He laid out an extensive pro- posal for universal preschool, two years of free commu- nity college, $225 billion for child care and monthly pay- ments of at least $250 to par- ents. His ideas target frailties that were uncovered by the pandemic, and he argues that economic growth will best come from taxing the rich to help the middle class and the poor. Biden’s speech also pro- vided an update on combat- ing the COVID-19 crisis he was elected to tame, show- casing hundreds of millions of vaccinations and relief checks delivered to help off - set the devastation wrought by a virus that has killed more than 573,000 people in the United States. He also championed his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, a stagger- ing fi gure to be fi nanced by higher taxes on corporations. His appeals were often emotive and personal, talking about Americans needing food and rental assistance. He also spoke to members of Congress as a peer as much as a president, singling out U.S. Sen. Mitch McCon- nell, the Republicans’ leader, to praise him and speak- ing as one at a professional homecoming. The GOP members in the chamber largely stayed silent, even refusing to clap for seemingly universal goals like reducing childhood pov- erty. U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, of South Carolina, said, in the Republicans’ designated response, that Biden was more rhetoric than action. “Our president seems like a good man,” Scott said. “But our nation is starving for more than empty platitudes.” The president spoke against a backdrop of the weakening but still lethal pandemic, staggering unem- ployment and a roiling debate about police violence against Blacks. He also used his address to touch on the broader national reckoning over race in America, urg- ing legislation be passed by the anniversary of George Floyd’s death next month, and to call on Congress to act on the thorny issues of pre- scription drug pricing, gun control and modernizing the nation’s immigration system. In his fi rst three months in offi ce, Biden has signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill — passed without a single GOP vote — and has shepherded direct payments of $1,400 per person to more than 160 million households. Hundreds of billions of dol- lars in aid will soon arrive for state and local govern- ments, enough money that overall U.S. growth this year could eclipse 6% — a level not seen since 1984. Admin- istration offi cials are betting that it will be enough to bring back all 8.4 million jobs lost to the pandemic by next year. A signifi cant amount pro- posed just Wednesday would Specials DON’T MISS Margarita Cor a Fiesta o T n im e! (WITH LOTS OF OT HER SPECI ALS) Chicken Carnitas Pork Chile Verde and for this special day we will have our tasty Margarita Fiesta!!! 11 am to 9 pm EL COMPADRE 119 S. MAIN ST. · WARRENTON · 503-861-2906 Certain specials may not be available in Long Beach REASONABLE PRICES, GREAT SERVICE AND LARGE PORTIONS ensure that eligible families receive at least $250 monthly per child through 2025, extending the enhanced tax credit that was part of Biden’s COVID-19 aid. There would be more than $400 billion for subsidized child care and free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds. Another combined $425 billion would go to perma- nently reduce health insur- ance premiums for peo- ple who receive coverage through the Aff ordable Care Act, as well a national paid family and medical leave program. Further spending would be directed toward Pell Grants, historically Black and tribal institutions and to allow people to attend community college tui- tion-free for two years. Funding all of this would be a series of tax increases on the wealthy that would raise about $1.5 trillion over a decade. Republican lawmak- ers in Congress so far have balked at the price tags of Biden’s plans, complicating the chances of passage in a deeply divided Washington. Associated Press writer Darlene Superville contrib- uted to this report. Henrikson said the aim is to end up with a fi nal product that the board is able to adopt . Commissioners unan- imously supported paus- ing the work. D uring the hiatus, Henrikson said, county staff will continue to prepare drafts of the 18 goals and provide regular updates to the board. “As we go forward, the governing body will take on the responsibility of tru- ing up this process,” Com- missioner Lianne Thomp- son said to committee members during a board meeting Wednesday night. “We’re working on this. Let me assure you, your work is honored. It is val- ued. It is not lost. “A reset is essential right now for all aspects.” When committee mem- bers received an email from Henrikson about the pause, there was some shock and speculation about the intent behind the move. Several committee members attended the b oard meeting Wednes- day to ask commissioners to reinstate the committee meetings. “Has it been tedious and too long, maybe,” Patrick Corcoran, a member of the countywide citizen advi- sory committee, said. “But this is the part of the pro- cess that’s supposed to be diffi cult. This is the begin- ning part of the making of the sausage. And as the process works through, it will fi nally come to the B oard of C ommissioners to adopt the language as it is written at that point. So I’m a little more patient with the process. “Pauses equal lost momentum on a major proj- ect and this project doesn’t need to lo se momentum. Land use planning is a very complex, steep learn- ing curve for the non tech- nical stakeholders.” Corcoran added that having county staff work exclusively with commis- sioners over the next sev- eral months is at odds with Oregon’s land use plan- ning goals, which stress citizen involvement. “While I’m hesitant to lose momentum, I think there is value in having a dialogue with commission- ers, the P lanning C ommis- sion and staff on the best way to move forward,” Andy Davis, the chair- man of the countywide cit- izen advisory committee, said. “So what I’d like to ask you to consider is to include some of or all of the CAC members in the dialogue suggested at the work session so that we can share both our refl ec- tions on our current work and to have conversations with you about some of the items that were brought up, like aspirational goals and scope of authority. “I think reasonable peo- ple can have diff erent ideas about how those concepts fi t into the comprehen- sive plan and having a dia- logue about them outside of just short public com- ment periods may be help- ful to everyone getting on the same page, or at least understanding each other and fi nding a way forward in a way that best contrib- utes to making a success- ful comp plan — and in the long run makes our county stronger, which is what I believe all of us want in this process.”