The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, April 29, 2021, Page 30, Image 30

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Unwanted visits
from cousin
Senior Lunch To Go — Pick
up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Drive up
to Avenue B to pick up at back door.
For information, call Suzanne Bjaran-
son at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on
Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420.
Columbia Senior Diners — Full
Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or
pickup available at the Astoria Senior
Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange
St. For information, or meal delivery,
call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m.
Detachment 1228 Marine Corps
League — For information, contact
Lou Neubecker at 503-717-0153.
Senior Lunch To Go — Pick
up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Drive up
to Avenue B to pick up at back door.
For information, call Suzanne Bjaran-
son at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on
Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420.
Columbia Senior Diners — Full
Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or
pickup available at the Astoria Senior
Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange
St. For information, or meal delivery,
call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m.
Warrenton Senior Lunch Pro-
gram — For information, or to vol-
unteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or
Astoria Rotary Club — For infor-
mation, go to
Columbia Northwestern Model
Railroading Club — Group runs
trains on HO-scale layout. For informa-
tion, call Don Carter at 503-325-0757.
Astoria Toastmasters — For
information, go to 775.toastmaster- or call Christa Svensson at
Stewardship Quilting Group —
Donations of material always appreci-
ated. For information, call Janet Kemp
at 503-325-4268.
Do Nothing Club — Men’s group.
For information, call Jack McBride at
Senior Lunch To Go — Pick
up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Drive up
to Avenue B to pick up at back door.
For information, call Suzanne Bjaran-
son at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on
Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420.
Columbia Senior Diners — Full
Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or
pickup available at the Astoria Senior
Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange
St. For information, or meal delivery,
call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m.
Astoria Lions Club — Prospec-
tive members welcome. For infor-
mation, contact Charlene Larsen at
Astoria Kiwanis Club — For
information, call Frank Spence at
503-325-2365 or Susan Brooks at
Bras2Moms Fitting — Free nurs-
ing bras and/or tanks to mothers. A $5
donation is requested, not required.
For best fi t, come for a fi tting two
weeks after giving birth. Sizes subject
to availability. For information, call
No. 137 — For information, call
Authentic Spiritual Conversa-
tions — Open dialogue about spiri-
tual issues. All faiths, including “spir-
itual but not religious” welcome. For
information, email info@cgifellow- or call 916-307-9790.
Moms Off ering Moms Support
Club — For information, go to
MOMSClubofAstoria or email presi-
Wickiup Senior Lunches To Go
— Pick up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m, Wickiup Grange Hall,
92683 Svensen Market Road. For
information, call Suzanne Bjaranson
at 503-861-4202. For new Meals on
Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420.
Senior Lunch To Go — Pick
up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Drive up
to Avenue B to pick up at back door.
For information, call Suzanne Bjaran-
son at 503-861-4202; for new Meals on
Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420.
Columbia Senior Diners — Full
Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or
pickup available at the Astoria Senior
Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange
St. For information, or meal delivery,
call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m.
Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla
06-02 — Uniformed civilian volun-
teer branch of the Coast Guard. Mem-
bers learn new skills and qualifi ca-
tions; no former military or boating
experience needed. For information,
contact Della Wilson at 360-244-7062
Seaside Elks Lodge No. 1748 —
For information, call 503-738-6651 or
Dear Annie: A cousin of What should I do? — Lonely
mine found out that we get all Girlfriend
Dear Lonely: The recipe for
the diff erent sports networks
in our cable package, and ever strong romantic relationships
since, he has invited himself calls for aff ection, intimacy, ded-
over to watch games at our ication and communication. If
house all the time, on a weekly physical intimacy were the only
basis. This was frustrating in missing ingredient, I’d say that
itself — but then recently, some- he should see a doctor about his
thing unbelievable happened. low libido, as it can signal seri-
ous underlying health
He was over watching a
problems. But sex isn’t
game at our house, yet
the only missing ingre-
again, when my 65-year-
dient. He’s giving you
old girlfriend began hav-
nothing to work with. I
ing severe chest pains
know this is easier said
(which we later learned
than done, but I really
was a heart attack). As
encourage you to end this
I attempted to fi gure out
relationship and spend
what was going on and
some quality time with
to help her, this relative
said that he’d get out of ANNIE LANE yourself. It will be hard
at fi rst, but in the long
our way and abruptly
Syndicate Inc.
run, you will feel much
left. He just walked out
less lonely on your own
the door, not bothering to
call 911 or even to shut the door than you do in this relationship.
Return to the dating scene only
behind him.
What do I do about my after you’d rather be by yourself
than with the wrong person.
cousin? — Put Out
Dear Annie: Your response
Dear Put Out: This guy’s
behavior is so out of bounds; it’s to “Scared to Smile” was incor-
not even in the stadium. Treating rect. There is a huge diff erence
your house like his own personal between dentures and implants.
sports bar was rude. Turning his Dentures are removable. They
back on you and your girlfriend can slip around while eating and
in a life-threatening situation talking. They often have to be
was fl at-out heartless. I really removed at night and soaked to
clean them.
hope she’s OK.
Implants are just exactly what
If he dares to invite himself
over again after what happened, it sounds like. They are metal
let him know you’ll no longer be posts that are implanted into the
hosting him for games. It’s that jaw bone and then have crowns,
simple. Embrace the power of that look like natural teeth, glued
onto them. They are permanent.
Dear Annie: My boyfriend They do not move. They are actu-
and I will have been together ally stronger and last longer than
three years next month. He natural teeth. And unless you tell
doesn’t say he loves me, and he someone you have implants or
refuses to talk about feelings in get your teeth X-rayed, no one
general. He won’t make love to would ever know you had them.
If this person is so self-con-
me or even hold my hand or kiss
me. When I spend the night at scious of her dentures, she
his place, he avoids lying close should look into implants. If
to me in bed. He says he has no there is a dental school near her,
sex drive, but he just turned 50. she likely can get them done for
I’m a nice-looking woman who very little money. — Person with
stays in shape. The one time Implants
Dear Person: Thanks for set-
we’ve had sex in the past year,
it was all about him — no con- ting me straight on this, and I
cern for my needs. On top of appreciate the practical piece of
this, he never compliments me. advice.
North Coast Women — For infor-
mation, call 503-738-8695 or go to
Wickiup Senior Lunches To Go
— Pick up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m, Wickiup Grange Hall,
92683 Svensen Market Road. For
information, call Suzanne Bjaranson
at 503-861-4202. For new Meals on
Wheels inquiries, call 503-304-3420.
Senior Lunch To Go — Pick
up a hot lunch from 11:30 a.m. to
12:15 p.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen-
ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Drive
up to Avenue B to pick up at back
door. For information, call Suzanne
Bjaranson at 503-861-4202; for
new Meals on Wheels inquiries, call
Columbia Senior Diners — Full
Meals $6: Delivered to seniors or
pickup available at the Astoria Senior
Center kitchen door, 1111 Exchange
St. For information, or meal delivery,
call 503-325-9693 before 10 a.m.
Warrenton Senior Lunch Pro-
gram — For information, or to vol-
unteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or
Rotary Club of Seaside —
For information, visit Rotary Club
of Seaside on Facebook at
Grief Support Group — For infor-
mation, call Lower Columbia Hospice
at 503-338-6230.
Lower Columbia Danish Soci-
ety — 7 p.m. Zoom virtual meet-
ing. Group is watching Danish fi lm
“Babette’s Feast” prior to the meeting;
discussion of the fi lm is during the
meeting. Being or speaking Danish
not required; only an interest in Dan-
ish heritage, culture and traditions is
needed. For Zoom and meeting infor-
mation, go to lowercolumbiadanes.
org or call 503-325-2612.
Blankets needed — Colum-
bia Veterinary Hospital, 576 31st St.
Needs blanket donations for their
four legged patients. Anything is
helpful, even the stained or frayed.
Donations can be dropped off during
business hours (closed for lunch from
noon to 1:30 p.m.) Monday through
Ci t y Lumber
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