B1 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2021 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 2021 • B1 WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE COMPILED BY BOB DUKE From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers 10 years ago this week — 2011 C ANNON BEACH — It wouldn’t be Earth Day in Cannon Beach without a parade, even if that parade consists only of a few puffi ns, some dogs and about 30 people marching four blocks down the cen- ter of town. Led by Mayor Mike Morgan and Barbara Linnett, this year’s Gaylord Nelson A ward winner, Saturday’s parade was over almost as soon as it began. “Come join us,” Ed Johnson shouted to passersby who gawked at the parade participants suddenly appear- ing in the middle of Hemlock Street. Johnson and his wife, Barb Knop , an Earth Day committee member, wore puffi n masks and waved to those enjoying the midday sunshine. Turn the clock back to early December of last year for the North Coast Dungeness crab fl eet and the picture was pretty bleak. First, it was the crab — they weren’t consis- tently full of meat — so crab fi shermen waited extra weeks to start the season. And then, once the season got started, unforgiving storms rolled in through the rest of December. For John Corbin of the Astoria Crab Mar- keting Association, and many Oregon crab- bers, the outlook for the 2010 to 2011 crab sea- son wasn’t bright. “At fi rst, I was like, ‘Whoa, this isn’t good,’” he recalled. But before long, things shifted. Weather improved, and pots came up fuller. “It just started getting better and better,” Corbin said. In landings and value, this sea- son will probably end up being very close to the last one, he added. Supporters of the Cannon Beach Trail are led by a fi ddler down Hemlock Street in Cannon Beach during the town’s 2011 Earth Day parade. SEASIDE — Seaside leaders are examining signs and other safety features at a downtown boat ramp after the deaths of two people. A man and woman from Washington state died after their SUV plowed into the Necanicum River at Quatat Park Monday night. Seaside Police Lt. Dave Ham said the couple might have been lost and didn’t realize they were on a boat ramp leading into the river. The St. Jude, a commercial fi shing boat owned by Jeremy Olson, motors through the Hammond Marina on the Skipanon River in 2011 to deliver the day’s catch of crab to Warrenton Deep Sea. The North Coast’s troubled bus district has been notifi ed by the state to stop illegally pro- viding transportation to cruise ships immedi- ately — or face a shutdown. Although facing fi nancial diffi culties, the Sunset Empire Transportation District has set up temporary fi xed routes to the Port of Asto- ria for cruise ship passengers at the charge of $47 per hour. And those routes are open to the public at regular bus stops, said Scott Earls, the district’s operations manager. But the Oregon Department of Transpor- tation sees this as supplying a charter service, which is against federal law, Dan Schwanz, Sunset Empire’s interim director, told the dis- trict’s board of directors at Thursday’s meeting. A cease-and-desist letter has been issued, Schwanz said, the latest in a series of diffi cul- ties for the district. Although it’s something that’s been in prac- tice for eight years, it only recently caught the state’s eye. “All it took was a letter to the editor in the paper,” Schwanz said. That letter appeared in the April 22 edition of The Daily Astorian. In 2011, Larry Olson, left, and his son, Tyler Olson, deliver a load of crab caught on the Columbia River to Warrenton Deep Sea on the Skipanon River. 50 years ago — 1971 A Knappa resident was named Miss Clatsop County 1971 Saturday night after nine contestants vied for the title. Teresa Anne Hunt was crowned by Mary Craig, the 1970 Miss Clatsop. The red-haired lass is a senior at Knappa High School. A large aluminum plant, similar to the one proposed for Warrenton by American Metal Climax, would increase business in Clatsop County by more than $20 million, according to a study conducted by Oregon State University. Salmon fi shing started Wednesday after proces- sors and the West Coast Trollers Association reached an agreement, ending the longest processing dispute in recent years. Jim Bolin, manger of the trollers’ association, said processors off ered to pay 73 cents a pound for large salmon, 53 cents for medium and 43 cents for small. Trollers accepted the off er 290-61 in a vote, late Tuesday, Bolin said. Oil-polluted water touched Washington state shorelines in two separate areas Wednes- day, and 210,000 gallons of crude oil threat- ened an important Chinook salmon river in Canada. The U.S. Coast Guard expects to complete cleaning up an oil spill on the ocean side of the Long Beach Peninsula, near Oysterville. The spill appears to be bunker “C” oil. The Coast Guard hired a commercial rig to scoop up the worst parts of it, according to a spokes- man at the Astoria Air Station. The oil had apparently been in the ocean for some time, and had congealed into small patches which looked like tar, he said. Although they took no offi cial action, members of the Fishermen’s Interlocking Committee spoke against fi lling of the Baker Bay estuary for expansion of the Port of Ilwaco’s mooring basin. Astoria troller Gene Hill prepares a boat in 1971. The committee is an unoffi cial organization of com- mercial and sport fi shermen who meet together to dis- cuss mutual problems. Russell Bristow, of Astoria, is executive secretary of the Columbia River Fishermen’s Protective Union and the committee’s chairman. Bristow raised the question of whether the Port of Ilwaco could construct their proposed mooring basin expansion “without fouling up Baker Bay.” There is a question of what eff ect it will have on the ecology, he said. “Estuaries are the bread basket for all of the river fi sh. If it runs into fouled-up estuaries, it is a dead fi sh.” 75 years ago — 1946 Portland may have its bear visitor, but Asto- ria has its deer. For the second time in a week, east end res- idents had visitors from the nearby woods — a sleek pair of does from the band of deer that lives in the forests just beyond the city limits. The two does wandered through the gar- dens of several households, nibbling away at vegetables just coming through the ground and chewing up some blooming primroses and other fl owers. Salmon and civilization are incompatible so far as present scientifi c knowledge is concerned. T he need to keep the salmon in spite of man-made barriers presents the greatest challenge in the fi eld of aquatic biology. This was the assertion of Dr. Frederick F. Fish, in charge of Pacifi c Ocean coastal fi sh culture investi- gations for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in an address to the seventh annual biology colloquium held at Oregon State College under the sponsorship of Phi Kappa Phi honor society. The lower Columbia and much of the Pacifi c Northwest is supporting the Port of Ilwaco in Washington state in its eff ort to obtain federal Teresa Hunt was crowned Miss Clatsop County 1971. appropriations for deepening the west channel to Baker B ay and establishing a mooring basin for 350 fi shing boats in Ilwaco. Representatives of the Seattle Chambers of Commerce, Portland Chamber of Com- merce and deep sea fi sherme n’s organizations were among the many Columbia River fi sh- ing and packing interests appearing at a hear- ing in Ilwaco on the feasibility of the proposed improvements. Dredging of the west channel into Baker B ay, which reduces the distance from the bar to Ilwaco more than 10 miles by eliminating the long trip around Sand Island, has already been approved to the depth of 10 feet. Two civilian divers from the U.S. N avy tug USS Discoverer boarded a landing craft from which they expected to descend into the sunken hull of the USS Driver in the Tongue Point anchorage. The unfi nished naval craft sank there, despite eff orts to keep it afl oat by pumping. Ocean fi shermen arriving in port this after- noon reported that two U.S. N avy patrol craft, being towed out of the Columbia River Friday night by tugs, drifted into Peacock Spit when their tow lines parted in a heavy sea just out- side the port. Aboard the patrol craft, which had no power, were skeleton crews. Because of the rough seas, the fi shermen reported, the tugs were unable to maneuver in time to cast a line to the small patrol craft. Fishermen said the U.S. Coast Guard motor lifeboat Triumph rushed into the spit and with naval craft succeeded in getting lines on the patrol craft and bringing out the boats and men safely. U.S. Navy authorities denied that any considerable quantity of materials of any value are being thrown upon the city dump, as was charged by U.S. Rep. Wal- ter Norblad. Conceding that some quantities of usable material undoubtedly have found their way to the dump from ships being decommissioned here, despite naval pre- cautions against waste, naval authorities appealed to the public to “bring it to our attention so that we can take corrective action.” Orders to place the naval air station on a caretaker status eff ective June 1 were received by the commanding offi cer of the station on Friday. Receipt of the orders confi rms previous reports received that the U.S. N avy was plan- ning to eliminate the station as an operating base.