B5 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 2021 Library manager relishes solving patrons’ puzzles By PATRICK WEBB Chinook Observer ILWACO, Wash.— It is a truth universally acknowl- edged that all modern library managers secretly prefer the title “information warrior.” Amy Hitchcock laughed behind her mask when a vis- itor suggested that. But she is ready for battle, leading the Ilwaco Timberland Library branch back into some sem- blance of cautious normalcy as some COVID-19 restric- tions are eased. Her core belief is that libraries must continue to play a crucial role, provid- ing accurate information as well as enrichment and entertainment. “People come here for so many diff erent reasons,” said Hitchcock, gesturing to shelves neatly stacked with murder mysteries and con- temporary romances she devours off duty. “Of course we have books, and enter- tainment like DVDs, but there is so much more that the library has.” About helping people Hitchcock, 42, took the helm of the Ilwaco branch when Susan Carney and two long-serving colleagues retired last year. She earned a bache- lor’s degree in linguistics at the Evergreen State Col- lege in Olympia and a mas- ter’s degree in adult educ- tion and training at Seattle University before working in higher education, evaluat- ing programs and designing curriculum. She and attorney hus- band, Jon Quittner, had relo- cated to Ilwaco from the Seattle area, in part to assist her mother, affl icted by mul- tiple sclerosis. They initially cared for her at home before medical needs prompted a move to Golden Sands for professional care. Hitchcock began work- ing part time at the library four years ago while teach- ing English composition and literature for Grays Harbor College through the Ray- mond campus. “The college met my intellectual needs and the library was all about helping people,” she said. The library manager job opening presented an oppor- tunity to focus. “I wanted to be really challenged,” she said, acknowledging the statement’s irony in today’s COVID-19 world. The pandemic touched the Long Beach Peninsula in March 2020. At fi rst librar- ies closed, then Ilwaco and other Timberland branches fulfi lled online book requests with no-contact pick-up services. Now the building at 151 First Avenue North is open Wednesday through Satur- day, requiring masks and distancing, with restrictions on numbers of people using Patrick Webb Amy Hitchcock was appointed manager at the Ilwaco Timberland Library branch after the retirement of Susan Carney. She is helping the library gradually resume normalcy as COVID restrictions are eased. computers and bookshelves. browsing Puzzle-solving mission Other than reading, Hitch- cock’s other hobby is knit- ting. Creating useful gar- ments from raw yarn is an apt metaphor for her mission, responding to patrons’ needs. “It’s complex life tasks, it’s solving puzzles,” she said. Some library users need guidance working their tech- nology; others seek informa- tion and entertainment. “We don’t always know how we can help them, but we have community connec- tions and online resources, as well as reference books. There’s a wider world,” she said. “And that’s the really fun part, talking with peo- ple, getting to know them and fi nding out what they are asking. Then we can match them with what they need.” Hitchcock has contin- ued to strengthen links with Ilwaco High School and Hilltop Middle School, host- ing virtual research work- shops, steering students toward accurate information. Trustworthy sources Another demographic is devoutly eager. “Home- schoolers are one of my favorite groups — the ones that use the library exten- sively, their kids are awe- some,” she said. Homeschooling parents seek clarity. ‘THERE ARE TRUSTWORTHY SOURCES OUT THERE — AND LIBRARIANS KNOW THEM.’ Amy Hitchcock | Ilwaco library manager Invention drives knowledge “There’s a bunch of mis- information and sources that can’t be trusted,” she said. “But there are trustworthy sources out there — and librarians know them.” One recent interaction with a mother came to mind. “She wanted to teach her kids to access information and know whether it was trustworthy. It was really fun for me to give her some really concrete resources and help her.” Making connections Hitchcock commends her retired boss for laying the groundwork for her own lead- ership. “Susan Carney was incredible. She forged com- munity connections and made the library part of the com- munity. It is all about help- ing people. I want to continue doing that and build on that.” She has linked with Made- line Moore at the Columbia Pacifi c Heritage Museum in Ilwaco to develop a histori- cal storytelling collaboration WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Fre e Est Fast ima te Call me ti Any s Jeff Hale Painting Residential Commercial Cedar Roof Treatments Exterior Repaint Specialist Over 25 years local experience 503-440-2169 Jeff Hale, Contractor When library system leaders in Tumwater asked her for a favorite quote for an introductory profi le, Hitch- cock chose one from modern Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire. “Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continu- ing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” When they announced her appointment, she added one of her own. “Education and libraries are best friends, so it’s a great fi t for my interests and skill set.” Dear Annie: I am 70 minutes on each occasion. years old and have just relo- I’ve been to their house cated to the U.S. from over- many times and each time seas after an unexpected for several hours at a time. divorce. It was my daugh- I’m told I only care about ter’s suggestion for me to myself and she doesn’t want move here. I’ve bought a anything else to do with me house and am 5 miles from now. I’m partially reliant on my daughter’s house. This her regarding the fi nal part is the fi rst time in years that of my immigration here. If I have lived close to her and she withdraws from that, my two grandchildren. It’s then I’m in trouble and may been a huge change for me, have to leave as a result. She feels that I and I am still getting DEAR am selfi sh and don’t used to things here. ANNIE care about her and My daughter is the boys but that still married, but isn’t true. I just want she and her hus- some life of my own band haven’t lived along with being together for seven here to be close to years. She is cur- them. This is a huge rently furloughed ANNIE LANE problem for me and from her job. Creators I have no idea how While I want Syndicate Inc. to make it right. — to be here and be Dissed By Daughter involved in their Dear Dissed: I don’t lives, I also want a life of my own as I cannot be with know what your daugh- them all the time. Using ter’s problem is, but it’s not a dating website, I met you. Some unhappiness in a woman. I wasn’t sure her personal life is proba- whether to tell my daugh- bly causing her to lash out ter, but my daughter told me so irrationally. Hopefully, how she’d met a man on a she comes to her senses dating site and they were and apologizes. The immi- planning to meet soon — so gration factor does compli- I fi gured I’d open up and tell cate things. I’d recommend her about my new friend. It consulting with an immi- seemed like she approved or gration lawyer to see what other options you might at least didn’t disapprove. Then it came to my have so you don’t have to eldest grandson’s birthday. rely on the whims of a petu- I forgot his card and pres- lant daughter. You didn’t lug ent, so I asked my new lady your whole life 2,000 miles friend to bring them to my to be her punching bag. Dear Annie: With an daughter’s house for me. I got it from her when she eye toward Earth Day, I arrived outside and gave wanted to encourage your her a quick kiss goodbye. I readers to try going meat- went in and gave it to my less (and preferably vegan) grandson who was over- at least one day a week. Ani- joyed with the present. My mal agriculture is respon- daughter on the other hand sible for more greenhouse was unhappy, as she saw gases than all transportation combined. — Healing the my lady friend. Now my daughter wants Planet Together Dear Healing the nothing to do with me any- more because she thinks Planet Together: Thanks I’m only thinking about for the letter. I’d encourage myself. 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