A5 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2021 OBITUARIES Pamela Lynn Chestnut Melissa Benfi eld-Schertenleib Astoria Nov. 19, 1951 — April 7, 2021 Kennewick, Washington July 12, 1972 — April 7, 2021 Pamela Lynn Chestnut, of Astoria, died and minds. peacefully, surrounded by friends, family, Her passion for preserving old windows love and light, in the wee hours of the morn- and restoring historical features in homes ing on April 7, 2021, just as a light will hopefully resound in the com- rain began to fall. After a few years munity for years to come. So many challenged by ovarian cancer and homeowners in the area are priv- its eff ects, she is fi nally at rest ileged to have her touch on their and at ease, and surely enjoying a homes as a lasting legacy! regained freedom and wholeness She loved traveling near and that she lacked in her fi nal time on far, was an avid reader and an even Earth. more avid chocolate and ice cream Pam is survived by her beloved lover. She absolutely adored chil- daughter, Erin, of Astoria; two dear dren, and would get right down on brothers, Ron and Vince, of Peta- the ground with them, and enter Pamela Chestnut luma and Magalia, California ; four their world happily and readily. noteworthy nieces and nephews, She loved watching movies; Robin, Ryan, Shane and Sarah; two excep- her all-time favorite was “Moonstruck” — tional cats, Punkin and Mimi; one amazing she knew every line. Her red truck, “Brave- dog, Lady; and multitudes of lovely, interest- heart,” was a loved one, and made her easily ing and devoted friends and relations. recognizable everywhere she went. She was Pam grew up in San Diego, California, an excellent seamstress, a natural in the gar- and graduated from high school in Lodi, den, a lover of architecture and house plans, a eventually making her way to Pleasanton, natural born yogi, a skilled artist. where she met her handsome, kind husband Pam was “so full of life and fun to be of a few years, Bart, who would help her cre- around,” “such a beautiful and sweet person,” ate her life’s work, their daughter. “so very special” and had a “beauty, calm She spent many years as a well-respected spirit and silliness” that will be so missed. escrow offi cer before leaving her career to go She was a “truly remarkable woman and to college in 2000, something she’d always friend,” “a blessing” and “a gem,” and had a wanted to do. She chose Humboldt State Uni- “warm smile and optimistic spirit” — com- versity in Arcata, California, because of her ments from dear ones after her passing. love of the area from the many vacations she She was the best mom a girl could wish and her daughter had enjoyed camping in the for, best friend a person could make and the redwoods over the years. best example a human could have in kind- After receiving her bachelor’s degree, Pam ness and generosity and lightness and fun. enrolled at the College of the Redwoods to She will be missed so very much, but those earn her associate’s degree in historic preser- of us closest to her vow to take on these qual- vation and restoration. The skills she learned ities in ourselves to keep her spirit alive (and there were used to many homes’ and home- please join us!). owners’ delights after she moved to Astoria Pam-ma, Pam-la, Pammy, Pam- in 2008 to be with her daughter. ma-Lamma, Auntie Pam Sir!, Pam Chest- Pam was always active in the community nut!, Momma: We will miss you! Thank you of Astoria, from her work on the board of for everything, always, and mostly for mak- the Lower Columbia Preservation Society to ing us smile and laugh and remember to the classes she both took and taught at Clat- keep the silliness alive, no matter our age or sop Community College, to her attendance circumstance. at many and most art, music and community Pam’s ashes will be spread in a casual events and gatherings. Everywhere she went, ceremony and gathering in the redwoods people knew and loved her; she always had a of Northern California not-yet-planned for smile and a hello or brief conversation or silly the coming months, and a lively celebration encounter for everyone she happened upon. will be held in Astoria this spring or summer, She made most everyone feel welcome with plenty of dancing and eating and laugh- and loved wherever she went, as she truly ing and loving in her honor. If you want to be loved people. She participated in (and often included on the contact list for either of the was the instigator of) innumerable uncontrol- above celebrations as they come to fruition, lable laughing fi ts with friends and family please email her daughter, Erin, at emmasto- over her lifetime. ria@yahoo.com Fort George Brewery, where her daugh- Donations can be sent in her name to the ter has worked for 13 years, holds a special Lower Columbia Preservation Society, P.O. place in their hearts for her, as she always Box 1334, Astoria, OR., 97103. brightened every gathering. Her imperson- Memories can be relived and renewed ation of a sea lion singing a song at a com- every day by smiling, laughing, saying “hi” pany camp out’s talent show will remain a to a stranger and being just plain silly at each fond and hilarious memory in so many hearts and every opportunity. We regretfully announce the passing of and John Schertenleib; two brothers, Nico- Melissa Benfi eld-Schertenleib, 48, of Ken- las and Donald Mcknight; and granddaugh- newick, Washington, on April 7, 2021. ter, Ashley. She is survived by her mother, Melissa passed away peacefully, Donna Vitko, and stepfather, and surrounded by her loved ones, Paul Vitko; father, Gordon Ben- after a valiant battle with cancer. fi eld; husband, Rick Scherten- Melissa was born on July 12, leib; brother, Latt Benfi eld; sisters, 1972, to Donna Schott and Gordon Jackie Mcknight, Josie Benfi eld, Benfi eld in Seaside. Melissa fi rst Ashley Polevoi and Heidi Brown; attended grade school and junior daughters, Brianna Anderson and high school in Warrenton, then Stefanie Dellit; stepchildren, Josh Seaside High School and Mount and Jamie Schertenleib, Nikki Hood Community College. and Josh Peters and Janelle Scher- Melissa worked for Safeway, Melissa Benfi eld- tenleib; niece, Megan Brown, the Clatsop County Public Health Schertenleib and nephew, James Benfi eld; sis- Department and U.S. Bank before ters and brothers-in-law, Karen meeting her husband of 18 years, Arrotta, Linda Peitz, Kathy and John Albert- Rick Schertenleib. Melissa had an adventurous spirit, was son and Ed, Joe and Janelle Schertenleib; and kind-hearted, courageous and adored her her grandchildren, Aida, Owen, Tyler, Kyle, entire family. She lovingly embraced every- Jason, Bella, Allison, Braden and Austin. A celebration of life will be held at Coast- one as her family, whether they were bio- logical or not. She was a strong woman who line Christian Fellowship in Olney at 2 p.m. never lost her sense of humor, no matter how on June 5 . In lieu of fl owers, the family asks that you hard her life became. Her smile and laugh make a donation to the Knight c ancer cen- were beloved by all who met her. Melissa was preceded in death by her ter through Oregon Health & Science Uni- grandparents, Mary and John Schott and versity, or the American Cancer Society, in Kathleen and Latt Benfi eld; in-laws, Juanita Melissa’s name. OREGON CAPITAL INSIDER We’re investing in Salem coverage when other news organizations are cutting back. Get the inside scoop on state government and politics! APPLIANCE PACKAGE DEALS APPLIANCE AND HOME FURNISHINGS 529 SE MARLIN, WARRENTON 503-861-0929 Over Mattresses, Furniture & More! 30 Y E A R S IN C L AT S O P COUNT Y HOURS OPEN: MON-FRI 8-6 * SATURDAY * SUNDAY 10-4 We Service What We Sell Coastal Living Golden Whale Jewelry Proudly serving the Oregon North Coast from Tillamook to the WA. Peninsula Mention this ad for Gemstones • Silver Gold • Navaho • Earrings 14kt Gold & Sterling Charms $1 off our Irish Cream Mocha! Quality jewelry in gold and sterling silver by nationally known artists 194 N. Hemlock Cannon Beach (503)436-1166 (800)548-3918 Se habla español Renae Lalyn Nelson P.O. Box 979 Seaside, OR 97138 www.luckyductllc.com CCB# 206236 Owner Cell: 503.717.2231 renae@luckyductllc.com valid until 4/30/21 ENJOY IT HOT, ICED OR BLENDED Off Hwy 101, next to Costco IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING UNIQUE, VISIT THE GOLDEN WHALE Come Join Us! One of the most unique Cafes in the world. Located on the Columbia River in the West’s oldest cannery building; the historic Hanthorn Cannery at the end of Pier 39 Friendly services • High quality espresso Sumptuous fresh pastries Unique breakfasts and lunches Monday - Friday 7 AM TO 4 PM Saturday & Sunday 8 AM TO 4 PM 1335 Marine Dr., Astoria Northwestwildproducts@gmail.com We ship overnight. northwestwildproducts.com OPEN DAILY Fresh Spring Chinook and Columbia River Sturgeon. Available as Fish and Chips or Grilled Dinner with Salad and Rice in our restaurant or Fresh Filet out of our Cold Case. SEVENDAY FORECAST FOR ASTORIA TODAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 100 39th Street #2, Astoria, Oregon 503.325.6900 • T HE C OFFEE G IRL . COM FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY REGIONAL FORECAST Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Seattle 63 43 Partly sunny 62 45 57 44 Partly sunny Low clouds 58 45 55 42 Mostly cloudy Rain 58 43 56 41 Rain possible Showers possible Aberdeen Olympia 68/41 72/48 Wenatchee Tacoma Moses Lake 72/39 ALMANAC UNDER THE SKY TODAY'S TIDES Astoria through Sunday Tonight’s Sky: First quarter moon (11:59 p.m.). Astoria / Port Docks Temperatures High/low ................................ 59/42 Normal high/low .................. 57/41 Record high .................. 74 in 2016 Record low .................... 26 in 1927 Precipitation Sunday ..................................... 0.00” Month to date ........................ 0.34” Normal month to date ......... 3.38” Year to date .......................... 33.15” Normal year to date ........... 28.22” Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 Time 6:53 a.m. 9:32 p.m. 7.0 1:26 a.m. 6.0 2:39 p.m. 4.1 0.9 Cape Disappointment 6:43 a.m. 9:22 p.m. Source: Jim Todd, OMSI Hammond SUN AND MOON Sunrise today .................. 6:20 a.m. Sunset tonight ............... 8:10 p.m. Moonrise today ........... 12:19 p.m. Moonset today ............... 3:30 a.m. First Full Last New 6:54 a.m. 9:31 p.m. 6.9 1:08 a.m. 6.1 2:16 p.m. 4.3 0.8 7.4 1:10 a.m. 6.4 2:23 p.m. 4.2 1.0 7:30 a.m. 7.2 2:27 a.m. 10:09 p.m. 6.3 3:40 p.m. 3.5 0.8 Warrenton 6:48 a.m. 9:27 p.m. Knappa Depoe Bay Apr 19 Apr 26 May 3 May 11 6.7 12:43 a.m. 4.5 5.9 1:57 p.m. 1.0 5:55 a.m. 8:38 p.m. 6.6 12:13 a.m. 4.4 5.9 1:26 p.m. 0.7 City Atlanta Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Honolulu Houston Los Angeles Miami New York City Phoenix San Francisco Wash., DC Today Hi/Lo/W Wed. Hi/Lo/W 74/53/pc 70/49/pc 38/30/sn 65/39/s 39/23/pc 84/71/pc 80/47/s 76/59/s 89/76/c 74/52/s 92/64/s 63/51/c 74/57/s 62/41/s 65/36/sh 45/32/sh 63/47/pc 36/25/sf 85/71/s 72/47/s 67/58/c 86/69/t 66/38/r 89/62/s 64/50/c 65/38/r Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. 68/38 Hermiston The Dalles 72/32 Enterprise Pendleton 59/27 67/33 74/39 La Grande 63/30 74/43 NATIONAL CITIES High (ft.) Time Low (ft.) 62/33 Kennewick Walla Walla 66/39 Lewiston 74/34 77/41 Salem Pullman 70/37 Longview 63/43 Portland 75/47 62/36 Yakima 72/34 74/40 Astoria Spokane 68/43 Corvallis 73/44 Albany 74/41 John Day Eugene Bend 73/42 62/31 63/30 Ontario 67/34 Caldwell Burns 63/27 64/34 Medford 75/43 Klamath Falls 65/33 City Baker City Brookings Ilwaco Newberg Newport Today Hi/Lo/W 62/27/s 61/47/pc 61/44/pc 75/44/pc 57/42/pc Wed. Hi/Lo/W 67/30/s 64/48/s 60/44/c 81/43/pc 58/43/pc City North Bend Roseburg Seaside Springfi eld Vancouver Today Hi/Lo/W 56/43/pc 74/43/pc 64/42/pc 75/40/pc 76/44/pc Wed. Hi/Lo/W 58/44/pc 77/44/pc 64/44/pc 78/43/pc 81/45/pc