Devin Harp Ryan Hague Caitlin Hillman Michael Jantes Beau Johnson Brayden Johnson Lukas Jolly Elizabeth Kenenounis Jacob Kero Aikino Kershaw Nicole Kiffe Savannah LaSpina Tony Bogh Owner 503.325.5000 CCB#188326 C The future is yours O Congratulations N Class of 2020! G R C PAVING & EXCAVATION S 2020 A T C LEAN GRADUATES S WEEP • A sphAlt p Aving • E xcAvAtion • s wEEping • l AndscApE M AtEriAls • d EMolition • M owing • d rivEwAys 1570 Lewis & Clark Rd., Seaside 503-738-7556 www.cleansweepp aving .co m Seaside High School Class of 2020 • 27