Congrats to the Robert Pina-Morton Joseph Ramvick Kaleb Roe Micah Sapp Jewell Class of 2020 Eli Takalo Madelynn Weaver Mason Westerholm The 8! 1 0! 0 2 f o ss a l 202 of C ss e Cla c be to en l ud el Pro Be xc E n i M ain ta W e R o u tin ely Trea t: Keith Klatt, MD Mark Tabor, PA-C Sally Baker, PA-C • In fection s • M in or Bu rn s • Cu ts & Con tu sion s • D O T & S p orts P hysicals • Cold s & F lu • M VA’s • Bron chitis & P n eu m on ia • O n - the- Job & S p orts In ju ries *A cceptin g M ost In suran ce *20% C ash D iscoun t • W e accept th e O regon H ealth P lan an d M edicare We are here for ALL YOUR HEALTHCARE NEEDS not just emergencies! Illahee Apartments Appointments are gladly accepted! 503-325-0333 A storia 2120 E xch an g e St. Su ite 111 7 A M -7 P M M O N -F R I 9 A M -7 P M S A T -S U N Congratulations to the class of 2020! 1046 Grand Avenue Astoria, OR 97103 Kenyon Solecki, PA-C 22 • Knappa High School Class of 2020 503-325-2280 503.755.1818 42362 Highway 26 Elsie, Oregon Favorite stop to & from the Coast