A2 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020 IN BRIEF County warns of contact tracing scam The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning about a text messaging scam involving people posing as government coronavirus contact tracers. Clatsop County is urging people to use caution and not click on any links in a text message about contact tracing. Clicking on the link downloads software onto the phone that allows scammers access to personal and fi nancial information. Offi cials say legitimate text messages from a health department say that a call will be coming from a spe- cifi c number. The contact tracer will not ask for money or any personal information like a Social Security or credit card number. People who are unsure if a text message is legit- imate should call the Clatsop County Public Health Department at 503-325-8500. Family of late hiker raising money to support fi re districts The family of a 21-year old woman who died after falling on Neahkahnie Mountain last May has set up a GoFundMe campaign to help local fi re districts buy new rescue equipment. Michelle Casey was hiking with her boyfriend when she slipped and fell over 100 feet off the face of the mountain. Nehalem Bay Fire and Rescue and Cannon Beach Fire and Rescue responded and were able to recover Casey, who died later that night after suffering severe injuries. “As her family, we don’t want anyone else to ever go through this same tragic experience, so we asked what we could do to help both the Nehalem Fire and Rescue team and their neighbors to the north, Cannon Beach Fire and Rescue,” Casey’s parents wrote on the GoFundMe page. They are raising $30,000 to help pay for rescue equipment and training for crews. — The Astorian DIGGING OUT Cape Disappointment State Park reopens from virus restrictions ILWACO, Wash. — Cape Disappointment State Park reopened on Sunday for day use, ending a two- month coronavirus-related safety closure. Barricades were removed early Sunday morning to allow visitors to drive into the 2,023-acre site, one of the most popular in the Washington State Parks system. Although never really closed to walk-in pedes- trians, many Pacifi c County residents and the park’s countless fans around the region missed the option of driving in to observe waves crashing against the cliffs, fi sh on North Jetty, picnic on Benson Beach and enjoy other attractions. Coastal fi shing will reopen on Tuesday. — Chinook Observer In Brief Photos by Hailey Hoff man/The Astorian TOP: From left, Skyla Stone, Malia Laranger and Jenna West dig a giant hole in the sand at Sunset Beach on Saturday afternoon. Despite coronavirus restrictions, many people headed out to the beach to enjoy Memorial Day weekend. ABOVE: Dozens of cars lined the road to Sunset Beach on Saturday afternoon. Clatsop County closed beach access gates to restrict vehicles because of the coronavirus. DEATHS May 24, 2020 Deaths ROEHR, Dolores Ann, 88, of Astoria, for- merly of Long Beach, Washington, died in Asto- ria. Ocean View Funeral & Cremation Service of Astoria is in charge of the arrangements. May 22, 2020 ANNAT, James Stew- art, 89, of Astoria, died in Astoria. Caldwell’s Luce-Layton Mortuary of Astoria is in charge of the arrangements. PUBLIC MEETINGS TUESDAY Astoria Planning Commission, 5:30 p.m., City Hall, 1095 Duane St. Warrenton City Commission, 6 p.m., City Hall, 225 S. Main Ave. Seaside Budget Committee, 6 p.m., (electronic meeting). WEDNESDAY Astoria Parks Board, 6:45 a.m., City Hall, 1095 Duane St. Clatsop County Budget Committee, noon, (electronic meeting). Astoria Budget Committee, 6 p.m., City Hall, 1095 Duane St. Clatsop County Board of Commissioners, 6 p.m., (elec- tronic meeting). Gearhart City Council, 7 p.m., special meeting on budget (electronic meeting). THURSDAY Sunset Empire Transportation District Board, 9 a.m., (electronic meeting). Astoria Budget Committee, 6 p.m., City Hall, 1095 Duane St. Seaside Budget Committee, 6 p.m., (electronic meeting). PUBLIC MEETINGS Established July 1, 1873 (USPS 035-000) Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday by EO Media Group, 949 Exchange St., PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Telephone 503-325-3211, 800-781-3211 or Fax 503-325-6573. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Astorian, PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103-0210 DailyAstorian.com Circulation phone number: 503-325-3211 Periodicals postage paid at Astoria, OR ADVERTISING OWNERSHIP All advertising copy and illustrations prepared by The Astorian become the property of The Astorian and may not be reproduced for any use without explicit prior approval. COPYRIGHT © Entire contents © Copyright, 2020 by The Astorian. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBER CERTIFIED AUDIT OF CIRCULATIONS, INC. Printed on recycled paper Subscription rates Eff ective May 1, 2019 MAIL (IN COUNTY) EZpay (per month) ...............................................................................................................$11.25 13 weeks in advance ...........................................................................................................$37.00 26 weeks in advance ...........................................................................................................$71.00 52 weeks in advance ........................................................................................................ $135.00 Out of County Rates available at 800-781-3214 DIGITAL EZpay (per month) .................................................................................................................$8.00 Larger creditors collect on Jessie’s debt By ASHLEY NERBOVIG Chinook Observer ILWACO, Wash. — Jes- sie’s Ilwaco Fish Co. ‘s big- gest creditor will get the proceeds from all inven- tory sales, while Turnford Restructuring Group will remain as receiver. Jessie’s will begin pay- ing down debt to its largest creditors, GemCap Lend- ing I LLC, despite the fi sh processor fi ling for receiv- ership in February . Meanwhile, unsecured creditors, such as Ilwaco, fi led documents that the city is owed about $28,000 by the company. The city fi led a proof of claim with Pacifi c County Superior Court because the city believes initial receiver- ship documents underval- ued what the city was owed by about $10,000. At this point, there is no indication whether or when fi sh processing might resume at the multi de- cade Port of Ilwaco institu- tion. The plant was among south Pacifi c County’s larg- est employers and Ilwaco’s biggest water customer. When Jessie’s fi led for receivership, Superior Court Judge Donald Richter assigned Christopher Wain, owner of the Bellevue fi rm Turnford Restructuring Group, as receiver. Wain was recommended to be receiver by Donald Alber, owner of Alber Seafoods , which bought Jessie’s in 2013. GemCap opposed Wain’s appointment. But GemCap agreed to allow Turnford Luke Whittaker/Chinook Observer Jessie’s fi led for receivership in February. Restructuring Group to remain in charge of Jessie’s assets after GemCap was released from the automatic receivership stay, which prevented GemCap from collecting on its debts. The receivership also removed any claims to the collateral Jessie’s used to secure a $5 million loan from GemCap. Jessie’s pledged all its company assets as collat- eral for the loan. The bal- ance of the loan from Gem- Cap as of March 3 was about $1.9 million, accord- ing to court documents fi led in April . GemCap will be prioritized above other lenders until its debt is paid, according to court documents. GemCap is entitled to all collections of the com- pany’s accounts receiv- WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 able and can sue for anyone in possession of its collat- eral. Any profi t from inven- tory sold before the end of June will go to GemCap. After June, any remaining inventory will revert to the receivership’s estate, unless GemCap makes alternative storage arrangements. Proof of claim docu- ments submitted to the court by local fi shermen, cities and others owed money by Alber Seafoods and Jessie’s are unsecured and won’t be a priority above GemCap and other creditors. This includes money owed to the Marchand fam- ily. A proof of claim submit- ted by A. Pierre Marchand Jr. Living Trust estimated it was still owed $3.25 mil- lion. Pierre was the son of company matriarch, Jessie Marchand. Another mem- ber of the family, Doug Ross, fi led a proof of claim for about $193,400 through his company, PDP LLC. The initial estimate that undervalued the debt owed to Ilwaco also may have done the same to the Port of Ilwaco’s debt, which it estimated was a little less than $28,000, according to a proof of claim fi led with the court. 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