B7 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020 Classifieds GARAGE SALE SEASON IS HERE! ONLY Searching for Employees? Special Includes: • 2 Weeks in Print & Online • Logo Included • Facebook Boost • Featured Advertising ys for 3 da Call 800.781.3211 or 503-325-3212 to advertise today! 184 Personals I’m looking for Amy, she has a dog named Nimbus. Know her? Please tell her of this ad. Amy and woof-woof it’s been over a year, I would like to talk with you, call me (503)861-8413 Steve. 651 Help Wanted Clatsop Care Health District has an Opening for a Member of the Board of Directors. For an application, please visit https://www.clatsopcare.org/ leadership-team.php If it Drives or Floats... PLACE YOUR JOB POSTING HERE $ 25 SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! 651 Help Wanted at Call 503-325-3211 or email: classifieds@dailyastorian.com 651 Help Wanted Point Adams is hiring Full-Time for All production help during Whiting Season. Full-Time Employment Cowlitz Family Health Center Ocean Park seeks Medical As- sistant. Must have WA DOH Certification. Visit cowlitzfamilyhealth.org/jobs fill out FHC application & Disclo- sures and send with Resume Ocean Park, WA. jobs@cfamhc. org Jewell School District Vacancy Notice College and Career Advisor UPGRADING? Sell your used equipment fast, by listing it in The Astorian classified section. Call 503-325-3211. Application Deadline: Until Filled Full-Time Employment Oregon State University seeks a Faculty Research Assistant for the Astoria Seafood Laboratory. For more information please visit: http://jobs.oregonstate. edu/postings/90481 Astoria, OR. (503)325-4531christina. dewitt@oregonstate.edu Start Date: September 1, 2020 Application Requirement: Must have experience working with students in schools. Application Process: Applicants can apply by submitting materials electronically to allycec@jewellk12.org, or through our link to Frontline Hire & Recruit on our website For more posting details, a list of required applicant materials and an application, visit our website http://www.jewell.k12.or.us (under the Employment tab) Full time employee wanted, hours vary. Tasks include torch cutting, metal sorting, unloading vehicles and more. Inquire at 503-325-8855 ext.2 Customer Service Hotline 800-781-3214 8 AM - 5 PM or leave a message anytime or e-mail us: circulation@dailyastorian.com Please call if: • You would like to order a subscription • Your don’t receive your paper Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday • Your paper is damaged • You have a problem with a news rack • You are going on vacation • You have questions about your subscription We’re your newspaper $ 49.95 Y OU R GU ID E TO LOCAL PROF E SSIONAL S Arborist Affordable Rates BIGBY’S TREE SERVICE 101 Legal Notices AB7746 Sunset Empire Transportation District Second Budget Meeting Cancelled The second electronic SETD Budget Committee Meeting for FY 2021 scheduled for May 21, 2020 has been can- celled. For more information contact Executive Director Jeff Hazen at 503-861-5399 or jeff@ridethebus.org. Published: May 19, 2020. AB7723 Notice of Budget Committee Meeting A public meeting of the Bud- get Committee of the Cannon Beach Fire District, Clatsop County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fis- cal year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, will be held at the Cannon Beach Fire Main Sta- tion, 188 Sunset Blvd. Can- non Beach. The meeting will take place on May 26, 2020 at 5 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the bud- get message and to receive comment from the public on the budget. A copy of the budget document may be in- spected or obtained after May 19, 2020 at Cannon Beach Fire Station, between hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. An additional Budget Committee meeting may take place at the same location with pub- lic comment and at the time stated above on June 1, 2020. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the pro- posed programs with the Bud- get Committee. Published: May 12, 19, 2020. AB7745 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLATSOP PROBATE DEPARTMENT CASE No. 20PB02484 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of Kathleen Susan Adams, De- ceased. Notice is hereby giv- en that Stacey Teresa John has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned attorney at PO Box 23067 Portland, OR 97281, within four months af- ter the date of first publication of this notice, as stated be- low, or such objections may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the Court or the attorney of the personal representative. Dated and first published May 19, 2020. Stacey Teresa John Personal Representative Javier D. Spyker,OSB#141172 Attorney for Personal Representative P.O. Box 23067 Portland, OR 97281 503-941-0598 Fax: 503-207-6154 Email: javier.spyker@gmail. com Published: May 19, 26, and June 2, 2020. If it doesn’t sell in two weeks We will give you two weeks for FREE! BUSIN ESS D IRE CTORY Apply Mon-Fri 8am-1pm 482 Fleet St in Hammond. Now hiring!!! Seafood processors in Warrenton, OR. No experience necessary. Drug test required. Weekly pay. Work starts 5/15/20. For more information call 503-312-1683. ADVERTISE TODAY 800.781.3211 or 503-325-3212 ISA CERTIFIED ARBORISTS •Pruning •Removal •Stump Grinding •Excavator/Brush Rake •Vegetation Management (503)791-0767 bigbystreeservice.com CCB#158562 ARBOR CARE TREE SPECIALISTS ISA Certified Arborists ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Comprehensive Service, Pruning/Removal, Stump Grinding/Hazard Evaluations (503)791-0853 www.arborcarenw.com CCB#171855 WA#ARBORCI909RW Care for Your Trees Boat Repair ••OUTBOARD REPAIR•• Clatsop Power Equipment 34912 Hwy 101 Bus, Astoria 1-800-220-0792 or 503-325-0792 www.DailyAstorian.com Construction Design Jack Coffey Construction •New•Repair•Remodel •Drywall•Concrete•Decks •Licensed•Bonded•Insured (503)325-7406 * CCB#55284 101 Legal Notices Handyman Services Painting & Repairs North Coast Handyman & Woodworking, LLC (503) 440-5758 Facebook: northcoasthw Interior remodeling, siding, windows, decks, rot specialist. Licensed, bonded, & insured. CCB#215908 Ginther & Associates, INC Interior/Exterior Painting Gutter Cleaning, Pressure Washing, General Yard Work Senior & Veteran Discounts Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB # 226061 541 - 974 - 0857 ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. Nick the Handyman 15 years experience. Insured, Licensed, and Bonded. (503) 939-6291 CCB#161764 If you see an error, The Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. Lawn & Garden To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211. Diego’s Landscape Maintenance LLC One time clean ups! Monthly maintenance! Professional Services Mowing, Weeding, Edging, Trimming, Pruning, Re-seeding, Gutters, Mulch, Power washing, and many other services! TM Bookkeeping Service •Payables •Receivables •Payroll •Quarterly Reporting Terry (503)298-0750 Dionne (503)791-1928 CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE (503)791-0190 Licensed & Insured Vegetation Management Bigby’s Tree Service Bellos Construction, remodeling, framing, drywall, flooring, kitchen, showers, tile, roofing, siding, concrete work, grading, driveway, Retaining walls, Pressure washing, Painting Free Estimates Call (503)741-1582 CCB# 228782 *Bello*825CP OR & WA Licensed, Bonded & Insured •Excavator mounted Flail Mower•Brush Raking•Brush Hogging•Lot Clearing•Scotch Broom Removal •Chipping •Invasive Species Removal•Levey/Dike Mowing •Low Impact Logging. (503)791-0767 bigbys tree service.com Affordable rates. CCB#158562 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices AB7743 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Lewis & Clark R.F.P.D. will be held on June 9, 2020 at 6:00 pm at 34571 Hwy 101 Business, Astoria, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 as approved by the Lewis & Clark R.F.P.D. Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is present below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 34571 Hwy 101 Business, Astoria, Oregon between the hours of 9:00 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Fire Chief Jeff Golightly, (503) 325-4192, lewisclarkfire@gmail.com TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS FINANCIAL SUMMARY—RESOURCES Actual Amounts 18 19 20____–20____ Adopted Budget Approved Budget 21 20 20 Next Year: 20____–20____ 19 This Year: 20____–20____ 1. Beginning Fund Balance/Net Working Capital ........................................ 372,440 360,000 434,000 2. Fees, Licenses, Permits, Fines, Assessments & Other Service Charges ... 3. Federal, State & all Other Grants, Gifts, Allocations & Donations ........... 1,000 101,000 151,000 102,027 363,263 838730 114,000 375,000 950,000 118,000 391,000 1,094,000 254,0321 143,475 82,881 265,000 195,000 205,000 275,000 195,600 255,000 358,342 838,730 285,000 950,000 368,400 1,094,000 4. Revenue from Bonds & Other Debt ......................................................... 5. Interfund Transfers/Internal Service Reimbursements ............................ 6. All Other Resources Except Current Year Property Taxes ....................... 7. Current Year Property Taxes Estimated to be Received .......................... 8. Total Resources—add lines 1 through 7 ................................................ FINANCIAL SUMMARY—REQUIREMENTS BY OBJECT CLASSIFICATION 9. Personnel Services .................................................................................. 10. Materials and Services ............................................................................ 11. Capital Outlay .......................................................................................... 12. Debt Service ............................................................................................ 13. Interfund Transfers ................................................................................... 14. Contingencies .......................................................................................... 15. Special Payments .................................................................................... 16. Unappropriated Ending Balance and Reserved for Future Expenditure .... 17. Total Requirements—add lines 9 through 16 ........................................ PROPERTY TAX LEVIES Rate or Amount Imposed Permanent Rate Levy ............ (Rate Limit___________Per $1000) 1.0928 1.0928 Local Option Levy ....................................................................................... Levy for General Obligation Bonds ............................................... .90 Published: May 19, 2020. Rate or Amount Imposed Rate or Amount Approved 1.0928 .90 1.0928 .90