B5 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2020 [ RESPOND RECOVER REBUILD ] In rapid response to COVID-19, Oregon Community Foundation and its partners have already deployed over $13.3 Million in emergency grants to nonprofi ts on the front lines of emergency response, as well as funding to small business lenders and bridge funding to arts nonprofi ts. See the impact of these funds in communities across the state at oregoncf.org/COVID, and please consider a donation. We’re all in this together, Oregon. Let’s take care of each other. A S O F M AY 5: $14.3M DONATIONS | $13.3M IN GRANTS TO 508 NONPROFITS O R E G O N C F.O R G /C O V I D : R E A D I M PA C T S T O R I E S | LEARN FACTS | DONATE O R E G O N C F.O R G / C O V I D Classifieds Searching for Employees? PLACE YOUR JOB POSTING HERE Special Includes: • 2 Weeks in Print & Online • Logo Included • Facebook Boost • Featured Advertising Call at 503-325-3211 or email: classifieds@dailyastorian.com GARAGE SALE SELL YOUR VEHICLE HERE! SEASON IS HERE! If it Drives or Floats... ONLY $ 25 $ 49.95 ys for 3 da Call 800.781.3211 or 503-325-3212 to advertise today! 184 Personals 651 Help Wanted I’m looking for Amy, she has a dog named Nimbus. Know her? Please tell her of this ad. Amy and woof-woof it’s been over a year, I would like to talk with you, call me (503)861-8413 Steve. Alder House Assisted Living Facility We’re looking for talented people to join our team. Go. Do. RN-Assisted Living Manager Full-Time Assisted Living Manager. The manager has the opportunity to impact multiple lives daily, they are integral to ensuring that the highest quality of care, service and safety are provided for their residents. coastweekend.com Minimum of 3 years of related experience in health care, senior living. RN with current WA State license. dining • the arts • music shopping • museums • classes • movies gardening • news • blogs • more Part time RN & Part-Time Personal Service Assistant. PSA must be a Certified Nursing Assistant or Home- care Aide Certified. Pay is based on experience. Classified ads work hard so you don’t have to. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! For application contact Krisy Funkhouser kfunkhouser@willapa.net or 360-875-4500. ADVERTISE TODAY 800.781.3211 or 503-325-3212 If it doesn’t sell in two weeks We will give you two weeks for FREE! 651 Help Wanted Full-Time Manager Emergency & Trauma Services This position provides leadership and overall responsibility for the management of the ED Trauma Program, Acute Car- diac and Stroke Programs. Responsibility and authority for directing management and clinical practice within the department. Must have 4-years of recent experience in ED, 2-years as a charge nurse or 1-year management. WA State RN license required and BSN pre- ferred. We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefit package. A small town newspaper with a global outlook One of the Pacific Northwest’s great small newspapers To apply, please go to www.willapaharborhospital.com or contact Dustie Franks at dfranks@willapa.net. EOE Classified Ads work hard for you! www.DailyAstorian.com www.dailyastorian.com