B8 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020 Make your own feelings a priority Moose Lodge Dear Annie: I have been good friends with Wanda for over 20 years. Though our friendship has lasted a long time, it’s not been without its trials. This is mostly because Wanda has a tendency to make everything about her. Recently, my beloved mother passed away after a long illness. When that hap- pened, Wanda called me — to tell me that it reminded her of her own mother’s passing several years ago. She said this was very dif- fi cult for her, and she asked if I would be there for her during this time. Since then, she has called me twice to reminisce about her mother. She has not asked about me or my mother even once. I am not unsympathetic to Wanda’s feelings. I know she misses her own mom very much. Despite that, I feel like it’s incredibly self- ish of her to make my mom’s passing about her grief. Though she’s been selfi sh before, this seems like the uge in Grief: worst thing she has done. It “As a culture, we don’t was my mom who just died, make space for loss. ... That not hers! Am I being means that nearly unreasonable here? every person is car- DEAR I know there is no rying a backlog of ANNIE timeline for grief, unexpressed, unac- so I’m not expecting knowledged pain. Wanda to be “over Like a dammed up it.” I just might like river, unexpressed a little acknowledg- pain seeks expres- ment of my own sion. Wherever it loss. Should I say can. It’s what hap- anything to her? — ANNIE LANE pens when we hear Creators My Mom’s Death Is someone else in Syndicate Inc. Causing My Friend pain, and we rush to Grief say, ‘Me, too! I lost Dear MMDICMFG: (insert person’s name) when Where to begin. I am so I was young, so I know incredibly sorry for your just how you feel.’ Grief loss. And I’m sorry that becomes a competition for you have to deal with your the scarce resource of love friend’s behavior on top of and support.” that. While that might help Psychologist and grief explain Wanda’s actions, it specialist Megan Devine doesn’t mean that you need writes about the tendency to offer her that kind of sup- for people to make others’ port — quite the opposite. losses about them, in a post To avoid carrying your own titled “But What About MY “backlog” of pain, you must Grief” on her website Ref- make your own feelings a priority now. Give yourself whatever you need during this time of grieving, includ- ing space from Wanda. You are not obligated to say anything to her to explain your being dis- tant; but if you’d like to, go ahead. What you told me really says it all: You feel for her, but you’ve just lost your own mom, and you need to focus on that. You’ve clearly got compassion in spades, so I have no doubt you’ll han- dle it in a caring way. Dear Annie: What is the link to the sleep body scan meditation that was men- tioned in one of your recent columns? I have looked all over. — Scanning Dear Scanning: You can fi nd that recording, and many others from the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center, includ- ing Spanish versions, at the following URL: https:// www.uclahealth.org/marc/ mindful-meditations. SENIOR NOTES Alzheimer’s Association Oregon Chapter — Informa- tion, referral and counseling ser- vices for families and caregiv- ers of people with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other related dis- orders. For information, call 800- 272-3900 (24 hours a day). Astoria Alzheimer’s & Other Dementia Family Sup- port Group — Open to all fam- ily members of people with dementias. For information, call Rosetta Hurley at 503-325-0313, ext. 216, or email support@clat- sopcare.org Clatsop Behavioral Health After Hours Crisis Line — 503-325-5724. Clatsop Community Action — 503-325-1400. Respite care services, low-income energy assistance, emergency food assistance, housing information, emergency personal care items. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m. weekdays, 1111 Exchange St., Astoria Senior holds food drive The Astorian The Astoria Moose Lodge, 420 17th St., is holding a Drive By Food Drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday to bene- fi t the Clatsop Commu- nity Action Regional Food RELIGION BRIEFS Pacifi c Unitarian Universalist Fellowship The Pacifi c Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is holding services every Sun- day at 11 a.m. via zoom. us. On Sunday, the visit- ing minister is Rev. Connie Yost, whose topic is “Hope in a Dark Time.” She has served in community min- istry for the last 20 years. Access codes for the Zoom service can be found on the fellowship’s website, pacuuf.org National Day of Prayer Center. Cost is $6. For informa- tion, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Exploring New Concepts of Retirement Education — 503-338-2408. Provides a wide assortment of educational experiences for individuals older than 50. Elder Friendship Line — 800-971-0016. Available from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; crisis calls taken 24/7. Food Pantries — 503- 325-1400. Clatsop Commu- nity Action serves six food pan- tries in Clatsop County through the Oregon Food Bank Net- work. Call for area locations and hours. Grief Support Group, Sea- side — For information, call Lower Columbia Hospice at 503-338-6230. Lifespan Respite — 503- 325-1400. Provides informa- tion, referral, training and paid respite for family caregivers. National Suicide Preven- tion Lifeline — 800-273-TALK (8255). A 24-hour, toll-free sui- cide prevention service for anyone in a suicidal crisis. TTY users should dial 800-799-4TTY (4889). National Alliance on Men- tal Illness — 800-950-NAMI (6264) or locally, 503-717-1835. Separate support groups for people with mental illness and families of those with mental ill- ness are available. Northwest Oregon Hous- ing Authority — 503-861- 0119. Rent assistance based on income. NorthWest Senior and Dis- ability Services — 503-861- 4202 or 800-442-8614. Med- icaid services, food stamps, information and assistance, family caregiver support ser- vices, Medicare choice assis- tance, home delivered meals, senior meal sites and senior peer counseling. Oregon Aging and Dis- ability Resource Connection — 855-ORE-ADRC (673-2372), adrcoforegon.org. Information and services for older adults, people with disabilities, their caregivers and families. Oregon Care Partners — 800-930-6851, oregoncarepart- ners.com. Funded by the state of Oregon, provides no-cost in per- son and online training to fam- ily care givers and professionals. Oregon Home Care Com- mission Registry and Refer- ral System — 877-867-0077, or-hcc.org. Provides lists of home care workers available to hire. Oregon Law Center — 877- 296-4076. Provides free services in civil cases to low income peo- ple. Partners with Clatsop Com- munity Action , Community Action Resource Enterprises Inc. , and the Bob Chisholm Commu- nity Center to provide in-person clinics in Astoria, Tillamook and Seaside each month. Bank. The outside drop off location is at the Asto- ria Armory parking on 17th Street, across from the Moose Lodge. Non- perishable food items, diapers and wipes are needed; cash donations are appreciated. The annual National Day of Prayer is today. Commu- nity members are encour- aged to join others on this 69th observance in praying for the nation’s health and safety. First Lutheran First Lutheran Church is holding online services. Videos are available on the church’s website, bit. ly/2VT2btg, and Facebook page, bit.ly/39Qqxrt Those who do not have access to the internet, and would like a DVD of the worship services, can call the church at 503-325-6252 and leave a message. SELF-HELP GROUPS Al-Anon (Astoria) — For information, call 503-325-1087. Al-Anon (Clatskanie) — For information, call 503-728-3351. Al-Anon (Nehalem) — For information, call 503-368-8255. Al-Anon (Seaside) — For information, call 503-810-5196 for information. Al-Anon (Tillamook) — For information, call 503-842- 5094 or 503-730-5863. Al-Anon Family Groups information — Oregon Area Al-Anon website, orego- nal-anon.org Alateen (Tillamook) — For information, call 503-730-5863. Alcoholics Anonymous — To fi nd a meeting in Clatsop County, call 971-601-9220, in Tillamook County, call 503-739- 4856, or go to aa-oregon.org Celebrate Recovery — Faith-based 12-step recov- ery from hurts, habits and hang ups. For information, call 503-738-7453. Men’s Sexual Purity Recovery Group — Part of the Pure Life Alliance (purelifealli- ance.org) in Portland. For infor- mation, call the confi dential voicemail at 503-750-0817 and leave a message. Narcotics Anonymous — For full schedule details, as well as upcoming special events, call the h elpline at 503-717- 3702, or go to na.org Ci t y Lumber Voted “We’re more than a lumber yard” BE S T Founded 1904 Home Im p Store in rovement 2019 Your Project Headquarters 2019 REALCOMFORT ADIRONDACK COLLECTION $ 21 99 Now Offering The Adirondack collection is an attractive, comfortable, and extremely budget friendly addition to your porch, patio, or backyard. The RealComfort design provides lumbar support for hours of poolside lounging and chatting the night away. Choose from a wide variety of bold colors to accent your outdoor area. Supports 250lb Product inquiry texts & Curbside Pickup Have a question or product inquiry? 30”W x 34”D x 37.5”H Want to schedule a curbside or lumberyard pickup? Just text this number! 503-852-9146 $ 14 99 QUICK FOLD TABLE Folds flat with ease. 17.5”L x 15”W x 20”H. Flame Genie Inferno Flame Genie Original (Black) FG-19 (Stainless) FG-16-SS TM It’s a unique pellet firepit experience without the smoke, sparks and cleanup. $ 129 88 $ 194 99 2142 Commercial, Astoria 325-4511 • 1-800-248-4511 ® www.citylumber.com FOLLOW US ON Open Monday - Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm; Saturday 8 am to 5 pm; Sunday 9 am to 4 pm FOLLOW US ON