The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 07, 2020, Page 12, Image 12

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Unnerved by online infi delity
Dear Annie: My hus- me a number, but when I
band and I have been mar- have tried it, it doesn’t work.
ried for more than 50 years. So I have gone behind his
We have had a great life back and checked his mes-
sages on his phone
a lot of the same
and have found that
they pretty much
We had a great
text daily. He has not
said a word to me
another couple. Sev-
about it. And I have
eral years ago, the
noticed at times that
husband caught my
he deletes her mes-
husband and his wife
sages but not any-
sexting each other. ANNIE LANE one else’s, so I am
I do believe it was
feeling he is trying
Syndicate Inc.
a one-time thing,
to hide them from
as she was drink-
me. I have yet to
ing and the circumstances confront him with this. Am
pointed to being a one- I being stupid about this or
night thing. I wanted to for- should I be concerned? His
give and forget, as she was a lying is what bothers me
really great friend. However, about this whole situation.
her husband insisted that we — Disgruntled Wife
have no further contact with
each other.
Wife: The fi rst time you
We have another friend caught your husband sex-
who is a single mom with ting another woman should
two grown children. They have called for some seri-
live a couple of hundred ous relationship repairs. Not
miles from us. For some rea- just sweeping it under the
son, she started texting my rug as a one-time thing. That
husband about issues she has behavior is unacceptable,
had with her children. Over and if you’re going to stay
the years, they have contin- married to him, then some
ued to text each other, but it serious counseling should be
is getting more and more fre- done.
quent. One time I looked at
Fool me once, shame on
his text messages, and she you; fool me twice, shame
was sending him pictures on me. Your husband is lying
of herself. She is beautiful to you and keeping secrets
and younger. I told him that about his correspondence
I was not comfortable with with another woman. Kindly
all the texting and the pic- tell this woman that she
tures she sends. Since then, I needs to fi nd a professional
have found them texting a lot therapist to help her with her
more. I confronted her, and grown children problems,
she said that my husband is and she needs to stay away
her best friend and a big sup- from your husband.
port system to her. She has a
Your husband has lied
lot of issues with her grown to you many times, and
children. I told my husband his behavior points to him
that I did not have an issue knowing better. Otherwise,
with their friendship, but my he wouldn’t feel the need
issue is his keeping it from to delete these messages. It
is not unreasonable for you
I asked that he tell me to ask him for honesty and
about her texting, and what’s openness in his communica-
going on. He agreed. But tion. It is time to go into mar-
nothing has changed. I knew riage counseling and have
they were still texting, and your husband come clean.
he wasn’t saying anything You sound like too kind of
to me, so I tried to check his a woman to be lied to and
messages from his computer, taken for granted. It is time
but he changed the password. to stick up for yourself and
When I asked him what his tell him no more, once and
new password was, he gave for all.
Oregon fi lm studio wins its fi rst
Golden Globe for ‘Missing Link’
The Oregonian
“Frozen?” “Toy Story?”
“The Lion King?”
Not Sunday night. The
Golden Globe for best ani-
mated movie went to tiny
Hillsboro fi lm studio Laika
for its latest feature, “Miss-
ing Link,” which beat
out all those Hollywood
fl abbergasted,”
director and writer Chris
Butler exclaimed as he
reached the stage to collect
the award. He thanked the
450 animators and craftspeo-
ple who made the fi lm in the
Hillsboro warehouse where
Laika makes its movies, then
singled out studio CEO Tra-
vis Knight “for making this
Sunday’s upset win is a
major piece of redemption
for “Missing Link,” which
was warmly reviewed but
collected just $26 million at
the worldwide box offi ce –
well below a budget that was
likely north of $60 million,
and by far the worst perfor-
mance of any Laika fi lm.
As with Laika’s other
fi lms, though, “Missing
Link” was beloved by ani-
mation enthusiasts for its dis-
tinctive, handcrafted look.
Hollywood trade pub-
lications rated Laika’s win
among the night’s big sur-
prises, but maybe it shouldn’t
have been.
The other nominees in the
animation category were all
retreads — “Frozen 2,” “Toy
Story 4,” Disney’s “The
Lion King” remake and the
third fi lm in the “How to
Train Your Dragon” fran-
chise. “Missing Link,” by
contrast, was an original,
offbeat idea.
Released last April,
“Missing Link” featured
the A-list voices of Holly-
wood stars Hugh Jackman,
Zach Galifi anakis, Emma
‘Missing Link’ writer and director Chris Butler and producer Arianne Sutner accept the Golden
Globe for best animated movie.
Laika Studios
Sir Lionel Frost, left, voiced by Hugh Jackman and Mr. Link, right,
voiced by Zach Galifi anakis in director Chris Butler’s ‘Missing
Link,’ a Laika Studios Production and Annapurna Pictures release.
Thompson and Zoe Saldana.
It’s the tale of a 19th century
explorer who comes across
Bigfoot in the Pacifi c North-
west, then accompanies the
creature to the Himalayas
in search of family. “Miss-
ing Link” is now available
to stream on Hulu or rent on
Amazon for $3.99.
“We try to tell more irrev-
erent stories, try to do things
other studios wouldn’t
do,” Butler told entertain-
ment reporters at the Bev-
erly Hilton Hotel, according
to the Hollywood Reporter.
“Walking around our studio
is like walking around San-
ta’s workshop, all kinds of
In an age of comput-
er-generated effects, Laika
is among a handful of stu-
dios worldwide specializ-
ing in an old-fashioned tech-
nique called stop-motion
animation. The Oregon stu-
dio’s animators painstak-
ingly manipulate puppets
one frame at a time to simu-
late motion.
Undeterred by its modest
showing at the box offi ce,
Laika has been running a
full-tilt promotional cam-
paign for “Missing Link” in
the run-up to awards season.
Ads for the fi lm appeared
regularly on the websites of
the major Hollywood trade
publications in recent weeks.
And the studio mounted a
massive, multi-story bill-
board promoting “Missing
Link” in downtown Port-
land last fall — months after
its theatrical release had
Nike co-founder Phil
Knight owns the studio and
is Travis Knight’s father.
“Missing Link” is the stu-
dio’s fi fth fi lm. All its pre-
decessors were Oscar nomi-
nees, though before Sunday
none had taken home a
major Hollywood award.
“Missing Link” was
already a favorite for an
Oscar nomination — nomi-
nees are announced a week
from Monday — and with
Sunday’s win at the Golden
Globes, its prospects for
winning an Academy Award
next month may have shot
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