A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 2020 Secretary of state to focus on civic education Nonprofi t groups working to fi ll gap in Oregon, US By JAKE THOMAS Oregon Capital Bureau As a social studies teacher at Amity Middle School, it falls on Jeff Geissler to teach students the impor- tance of voting, paying taxes and how their government works. Now in his fourth year teaching social studies, Geissler recalls taking a training offered by the Class- room Law Project on civic education. During a week- long training, Geissler spent long days learning about the Greek roots of democracy, the American Revolution, the genesis of the Consti- tution and debates over the founding document. He overcame his stu- dents’ “so what?” reaction by linking civics to confl icts in social life, questions over how rights are applied and conversations they might have with their family at dinner. When his students learned about the number of adults who don’t vote, “They were aghast and disappointed in the adults,” he recalled. Geissler said that civics education like this should be in every classroom. But it’s not. In recent decades, civ- ics has fallen to the wayside in classrooms in Oregon and across the country. Cur- rently, there is no require- ment for students to study civics in Oregon schools. Research shows that stu- dents who are taught civics are more likely to vote and be engaged in their com- munities. Last year, lead- ers of the College Board, which administers the SAT exam, said that understand- ing the U.S. Constitution was as important as com- puter science. At least 31 state legisla- tures proposed 115 bills or resolutions aimed at bolster- ing civics in 2018, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. But legislative attempts in Ore- gon to require students to study civics to graduate have failed in recent years. For now, there are non- profi ts working to fi ll in the gaps. “It is taught, but it is not taught to all of our students,” said Erin Esparza, executive director of the Classroom Law Project, a civic educa- tion nonprofi t. After being appointed earlier this year to fi ll out the term of the late Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, Bev Clarno has continued and expanded civic educa- tion initiatives launched by her predecessor. During her nearly 20 years serving in the Oregon Legislature, Clarno recalled getting letters from peo- ple seeking help on federal issues. Some were strug- gling with a government issue and didn’t know who to turn to. She remembered the civic education she received at Redmond High School. “I think it’s something that lasts all your life,” she said. However, both face chal- lenges in reaching all parts of the state. ‘We’ve got to make good citizens’ Americans are becom- ing increasingly unaware of the basic functions of government. A 2016 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that only 26% of Americans could name all three branches of govern- ment. Only 17% of Amer- icans trust the government according to a Pew Research Center survey released in 2019. The National Assess- ment of Educational Prog- ress’s most recent report card released in 2015 found that 77% of students scored below profi cient in civics and less than half of eighth graders knew the purpose of the Bill of Rights. West Albany High School students who participated in the 73rd annual Oregon YMCA Youth & Government session in 2019 with Gov. Kate Brown. “What’s going on in today’s politics, we don’t have people that understand how their government is sup- posed to function,” said state Rep. Paul Evans, D-Mon- mouth. “Now we don’t have people who understand that it’s their responsibility to maintain a republic.” Evans attributed the decline in civic education in Oregon classrooms to a series of tax measures meant to curb the increase in prop- erty taxes as well as the decline in timber revenue around the late 1970s and 1908s. With less revenue, he said schools had to get “back to basics.” Evans has unsuccessfully introduced legislation three times to require students to study civics in order to graduate, most recently in 2019. He said that the Ore- gon Education Associa- tion opposed the bill over concerns of creating an unfunded mandate. He said it makes sense that the state’s educational system has given more sup- port to reading, writing and math as standardized test- ing has become increas- ingly common. But he said schools should teach civ- ics, which he said is just as critical. “We have got to move away from just deciding how we’re going to make good workers for the 21st century,” said Evans, who won’t reintroduce the bill for February’s short session. “We’ve got to make good citizens.” ‘Roles that they need to take on as grownups’ Under Evans’ bill, school districts could allow students to participate in an existing civics education program, such as the YMCA Youth in Government, to meet the requirement. While Oregon’s educa- tional system has shifted, these programs have con- tinued to operate. YMCA Youth in Government has operated in Oregon since the 1940s where students partic- ipate in a mock legislative process where they research and debate issues before casting votes. Marisa Fink, the pro- gram’s state director, said that YMCA Youth in Gov- ernment is active in about a dozen high schools in the Salem and Portland areas. She said it costs students $200 to attend the three-day event held in February in Salem and that raising funds to attend can be a barrier. “We are really starting to focus on how to expand statewide in rural areas,” said Fink. The program will be looking to foundations for funding to get more students in the program. But she said some schools are just not that interested in civic education. Esparza said civics edu- cation should teach skills meant to help students work collaboratively. In addition to professional development for teachers, the Classroom Law Project also offers pro- grams such as high school mock trials or simulated congressional hearings. It also offers another program where students identify a community problem and research a way to solve it. “It requires them to try on the roles that they need to take on as grownups,” she said. At the end of the pro- gram, she said students are amazed that an adult actu- ally listened to them. She pointed to the Ore- gon Department of Educa- tion’s most recent annual report card, which shows social sciences (includ- ing civics) accounts for just 16% of course offerings in schools. But she said that there are other ways to inte- WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 grate civics into the cur- riculum. She mentioned a fi fth grade teacher whose students put Goldilocks on trial. Although the group’s programs reach 1,300 teach- ers and 103,000 students each year, Esparza said her group is looking into fund- ing to reach schools that serve communities of color or rural areas. Secretary of state’s response In May, Clarno appointed Mary Beth Herkert, the state’s longtime archivist, as her offi ce’s full-time direc- tor of civic education. Herkert said previously the job had been a part-time responsibility assigned to a member of the secretary’s staff. She’s carried on the work of Richardson who brought the Kid Governor program to Oregon in 2018. In the program, fi fth grad- ers identify a plan to solve a community issue and runs statewide for a one-year term. Herkert said that over 60 schools participated this year. She said she’s planning on starting more programs. She traveled to New York to visit a school that had implemented a program where students read about historical events and then make and defend decisions about what they would have done in that situation. Herkert is also planning to develop a program for adults that could involve classes or trivia night. “If you asked the average voter how the initiative or referendum process works, they probably don’t know but we vote on them every election,” she said. Raaga Mandala, who attends Beaverton’s Jacob Wismer Elementary School, will be sworn in as Oregon’s next kid governor in Jan- uary after she campaigned on a platform of address- ing homelessness. She said that the program was the fi rst time she was taught about government. She also learned another lesson. “I learned there are a lot of problems in our com- munity that kids or anyone could help make a dent in,” she said. The Oregon Capital Bureau is a collaboration between EO Media Group, Pamplin Media Group and Salem Reporter. Thanks for your support! North Coast Chapter of ABATE of Oregon, Inc. We wish to thank the supporters of our 2019 motorcycle rides and fundraising events. Your generous support puts more food on tables for families in need through Clatsop County food banks. 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