Adopt-a-beach with SOLVE SOLVE volunteers cleaning the beach at Cape Blanco SOLVE, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, has launched a new Oregon Adopt-A-Beach program on the coast to support ongoing beach cleanups through- out the year. SOLVE currently seeks vol- unteers to adopt their favorite stretch of beach and serve as its caretaker. SOLVE support includes free cleanup supplies, a leader handbook, ongoing proj- ect guidance, and disposal assistance. All participants will receive a certifi - cate of adoption and recognition on the SOLVE website. The statewide nonprofi t organization brings people together to improve the environment and build a leg- acy of stewardship. For more information, email jon@sol-, call 971-346-2703 or visit . Become a master gardener ASTORIA — Register now for the OSU Clatsop County Extension Ser- vice Master Gardener Training Pro- gram. Applications are available at the Clatsop County Extension office, 2001 Marine Drive, Room 210. They are due Friday, Nov. 22. Classes are held at the Astoria cam- pus of Clatsop Community College on Wednesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. and Sat- urdays from 9 a.m. to noon beginning January 8 and ending March 21. Stu- dents will receive over 60 hours of MADDOX D ance S tudio Home of North Coast Dance Center little ballet theatre 503-861-1971 389 South Main Avenue Warrenton, OR 22 // COASTWEEKEND.COM intensive gardening education in the classroom and an additional 55 hours of volunteer service as hands-on train- ing. The cost is $250 and includes the course text: “Sustainable Gardening: The Oregon–Washington Master Gar- dener Handbook.” Learn about botany, soil manage- ment, pruning techniques, integrated pest management and more. For more information or to request an application, call 503-325-8573 or Hammond Kennels THE ONLY DRIVE THRU COFFEE SHOP ON THE SOUTH SLOPE OF ASTORIA Judy Woodmansee displays her quilted tree and Judy Wood has crafted quilted items as well. We provide a comfortable and caring environment for your pets! Holiday treasures for all Boarding • Grooming Training • Pet Supplies 503-861-1601 • 1050 Pacific Drive Hammond, OR 632 W. Marine Drive, Astoria at Smith Point SEASIDE – Find sweet treats, home- made gifts and holiday crafts at the annual Holiday Treasure Boutique, pre- sented by P.E.O., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, at the Seaside Elks Club, 324 Ave. A. A bakery of homemade delights will be featured, as will a variety of items sought out for Thanksgiving, Christmas and beach decor. A yard and garden section will display cedar birdhouses and more. Find gifts for children, pets and the whole family including American Girl Doll clothes and speciality quilts. The masterpiece is a 6 by 2 foot Christmas tree quilt. Handmade cards will also be available. The boutique typically sells out.