B2 THE ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 Astoria Class of 1989 to COMMUNITY NOTES hold picnic and reunion is required. Tickets cost $5 each, and can be purchased at bit.ly/30thpicnic89 The day ends with din- ner and dancing starting at 6:30 p.m. at The Ruins at The Astor, 1425 Commer- cial St. The cost is $50 per person. Order tickets by 6:30 p.m. Aug. 10 at bit. ly/30thReunion89 For information, go to the “Astoria High School Class of 1989 30-Year Reunion” Facebook page. The Astorian The Astoria High School Class of 1989 is holding its 30-year reunion Aug. 16 and Aug. 17. The week- end starts with a mixer at 6 p.m. Aug. 16 at the Asto- ria Brewing Co. , 144 11th St. On Aug. 17, the day starts with a picnic from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Coffen- bury Lake, Picnic Shelter A. A day-use fee of $5 per car HONOR ROLL ielle Williams. Warrenton: Abby Mathews, Bethany Workman. Palmer College of Chiropractic San Jose, California Astoria: Charlene Harber. The following students have qualifi ed for the honor roll by earning a 3.5 grade point average or higher at school. Eastern Oregon University La Grande Cannon Beach: Dan- VOLUNTEER NOTES 4-H — Looking for 4-H leaders. For information, call Sandra Carlson at the Ore- gon State University Exten- sion at 503-325-8573. American Red Cross — Needs registration volun- teers (donor ambassadors) in Clatsop County to pro- vide customer service and enhance the blood donor experience. For informa- tion, call Angela Basurtto at 503-528-5430. Angels for Sara Senior Dog Sanctuary — Needs volunteers to help care for elderly dogs who are unable to stay with their owners. Anyone interested in fund- raising, yard maintenance, spending quality time with the dogs or fostering a senior dog, short or long term, con- tact Jacque Pressly at angels- forsara@gmail.com or call 503-325-2772. Astoria Column — 1 Coxcomb Drive. Volunteers needed to welcome visitors, provide information and answer questions about the Astoria Column and the city of Astoria. For information, call the Friends of the Asto- ria Column Visitor Center at 503-325-2963. Astoria Riverfront Trol- ley Association — 111 W. Marine Drive. Needs con- ductors/motormen to oper- ate trolley and narrate points of interest. One or more three-hour shifts per month. For information, call the 503-325-6311. Astoria Senior Center — 1111 Exchange St. To vol- unteer, call Larry Miller at 503-325-3231. Astoria Veteran Van Drivers — Volunteer driv- ers needed for the Disabled American Veterans van for one or more trips per month. A CDL license is not required. The van leaves Astoria at 7 a.m. weekdays for the Port- land Veterans Administra- tion Hospital and returns in the afternoon. To volun- teer, contact Helen Gou- vert, Astoria DAV van coor- dinator, at 480-272-4894 or seagullz1812@gmail.com. Drivers receive free breakfast and lunch vouchers for the hospital canteen on every trip. Astoria Warming Center — 1076 Franklin Ave. Winter overnight emergency shelter for homeless persons needs volunteers for three-hour shifts from evening through the night to help with wel- coming guests, serving din- ner, cleaning the kitchen, monitoring the sleeping area overnight, and closing the shelter in the morning. Volunteers also needed for weekly litter patrols in the neighborhood. To volunteer, email astoriawarmingcen- ter@gmail.com Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce — 111 W. Marine Drive. Volun- teers needed at the chamber and for events. For informa- tion, call 503-325-6311. FRIDAY AAUW Walking Group — 9:30 a.m. Seaside Branch of American Association of University Women weekly low-impact group walk, fol- lowed by coff ee and fellow- ship. For information, call 503-738-7751. Chair Exercises for Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen- ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For informa- tion, or to have a meal deliv- ered, call 503-325-9693. Ostomy Support Group — noon to 1 p.m., third fl oor meeting room, Columbia Memorial Hospital Health and Wellness Pavilion, 2265 Exchange St. Preregistra- tion not required. For infor- mation, call Lisa Harris at 503-338-4523. Advanced Line Danc- ing — 1 to 2 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Seaside Duplicate Bridge — 1 to 4:30 p.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Come with a partner or call ahead for one at 503-738-7817. Lessons also available. Community Skate Night — 5 to 9 p.m., Astoria Armory, 1650 Exchange St. Admission $3. Limited roller skate rentals available for $3; roller blades available. For information, call 503-791-6064 or go to asto- riaarmory.com Bingo — 7 p.m., Wickiup Senior Center, 92650 Svensen Market Road. For informa- tion call Mark Tischer at 503-458-6482. SATURDAY Angora Hiking Club — 9 a.m., parking lot between Second and Third streets. Kilchis Point/Rockaway Cedar hike. Membership is not required to participate. For information, call June Baum- ler at 503-368-4323 or go to angorahikingclub.org Seaside Duplicate Bridge — 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mary Blake Playhouse, 1215 Broad- way, Seaside. Come with a partner or call ahead for one at 503-791-9745. Sit & Stitch — 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Homespun Quilts & Yarn, 108 10th St. Bring knit- ting, crochet or other nee- dlework projects to this com- munity stitching time. All skill levels welcome. Detachment 1228 Marine Corps League — noon, El Compadre, 119 Main Ave., Warrenton. For information, contact Lou Neubecker at 503-717-0153. Columbia Northwestern Model Railroading Club — 1 p.m., in Hammond. Group runs trains on HO-scale layout. For information, call Don Car- ter at 503-325-0757. Spinning Circle — 1 to 3 p.m., Astoria Fiber Arts Stu- dio, 1296 Duane St. Bring a spinning wheel. For informa- tion, call 503-325-5598 or go to astoriafi berarts.org Whale Spirit Drum Circle — 7 to 8 p.m.. Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Ave- nue A, Seaside. Open drum circle. Everyone is welcome to gather and drum together; no drumming experience necessary, extra drums avail- able. A $10 donation is sug- gested. Drug and alcohol-free event. For information, go to WhaleSpirit.com SUNDAY Seniors Breakfast — 9 a.m. to noon, Astoria Moose Lodge, 420 17th St. Cooked to order from menu, includes coff ee. Cost is $5 for seniors 62 and older, $7.50 for those younger than 62. Breakfasts are open to the public. Pro- ceeds after expenses help sup- port local and other charities. Line Dancing — 5:30 to 8 p.m., Seaside American Legion, 1315 Broadway. For information, call 503-738- 5111. No cost; suggested $5 tip to the instructor. MONDAY Chair Exercises for Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Grace and Encourage- ment for Moms — 10 to 11:30 a.m., Crossroads Com- munity Church, 40618 Old Highway 30, Svensen. GEMS group is a time for moms to relax and enjoy each oth- ers’ company. Free child- care is provided. For informa- tion, call Christina Leonard at 503-298-3936. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Community Center, 1225 Avenue A, Sea- side. Suggested donation $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. Cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Local credit unions host Shred Day The Astorian WARRENTON — Two local credit unions, TLC and Wauna Credit Union, are hosting a document Shred Day event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the Warrenton Calvary Assembly of God Church, 1365 S. Main Ave. Citizens can bring up to three 10-ream paper boxes and have them shredded securely and profession- ally for free. The event also supports the Clatsop Community Action Pro- gram and Warrenton Food Pantry by accepting mone- tary or nonperishable food donations. GRADUATES The following stu- dents have graduated from college: Eastern Oregon University La Grande Warrenton: Abby Eco Mathews, bachelor’s degree, cum laude, busi- ness administration. Fort Hays State University Hays, Kansas Nehalem: Shauna Nor- rbom, master’s degree, special education. RELIGION BRIEFS Common Ground Interspiritual Fellowship A Purifi cation Service at Common Ground Inter- spiritual Fellowship is held on the fi rst Sunday of each month from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Wesley Room of the Astoria First United Methodist Church, 1076 Franklin Ave. Use the 11th Street entrance. This service is not defi ned by any particu- lar belief system, and is especially intended for the “spiritual but not reli- gious,” as well as those who draw from more than one faith tradition. For information, go to cgifel- lowship.org St. Catherine Episcopal NEHALEM — St. Catherine Episcopal Church, 36335 U.S. High- way 101 in Nehalem, holds a Labyrinth walk from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, and the fi rst Sunday of every month. All are welcome. For informa- tion, go to saintcatherineo- regoncoast.org Community HU sing SEASIDE — A Sound Of Soul Event, Singing HU (Hue), an ancient name for God, takes place at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Sea- side Public Library, 1131 Broadway, sponsored by ECKANKAR, The Path Of Spiritual Freedom. For information, contact Seann Valen at eckcoast@gmail. com Cannon Beach Community CANNON BEACH — Cannon Beach Community Church, 132 E. Washing- ton St., holds an Evensong service at 6 p.m. the fi rst and third Sunday of the month. All are welcome. Evensong features Wes Warhmund (guitar, fl ute and clarinet) and medita- tive songs, Psalms, read- ings, candlelight and time for quiet refl ection. For information, call the church at 503-436-1222. Roar Vacation Bible School WARRENTON — The Christian Church of War- renton, 1376 S.E. Anchor Ave., is holding “Roar Vacation Bible School: Life is wild, God is good,” for children age 3 (and toi- let trained) to those enter- ing sixth grade, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 12 to 16. Kids participate in Bible-learning activities, sing songs, play team- work-building games, have treats, experience Wild Bible Adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies and test out gizmos they’ll take home and play with. Each day concludes with a Safari Celebra- tion that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members and friends are encouraged to join in daily at 8:15 p.m. For more informa- tion, or to register, call 503-861-1714. CL ASSIF IE D M ARK ETPL A CE P lace classified ad s o n lin e at w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m o r call 503-325-3211 181 Lost & Found Lost black 4H sweatshirt with Green Grasshopper on front. Lost it on Wednesday, on Alameda, in Astoria. If found please call Dee @ 503-298-9396 A small town newspaper with a global outlook 181 Lost & Found 501 Open Houses Small black Terrier mix found at Hwy-26 rest stop on 7/25. Please contact 503-347-1254 for more info. Lincoln town-car Cartier, For sale! All power/rides a cloud. $3,950 Oceanpark WA 360-244-2826 360-665-0590 210 Trucks www.dailyastorian.com 166 Good Things to Eat U-Pic k 100% Natural Blueberrie s Open Daily ‘til 6 pm $2.00 lb. Cranguyma Farms 113th & Sandridge N. Long Beach, WA 1999 Chevrolet 1500 Tahoe For Sale, Runs and drives great. New Tags, No rust Located in Knappa Open House Beautiful 4 Acre Country Home Located in Olney 91012 Hwy 202 August 4th, 1pm-4pm 504 Homes for Sale Warrenton fixer main st RM zoning $110,000/offer 503-791-7990 www.DailyAstorian.com Chinook Home & Shop For Sale by Owner 2-bedroom/2-bath Manufactured Home with 30x40 shop. Walking Distance to Port—Store—Restaurants Zoned Multi-purpose. $229,000. 503-298-3389 176K Miles $2,700 OBO 360-643-9720 216 Vans Cargo Van For Sale Silver 2016 Ford Transit, Connect XLT Excellent Condition 52,000 miles $16,500 503-812-3489 651 Help Wanted ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST Astoria School District www.astoria.k12.or.us 1993 Ford Aerostar For sale, 154K Miles, V6/ Auto, Air conditioning, Runs beautifully Located in Knappa $1,300 OBO 360-643-9720 204 Automobiles One of the Pacific Northwest’s great small newspapers 216 Vans Found Money on St Corner of 342 14th st Please Contact 503-325-4806 House 1900 sq ft custom built home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large fenced back yard, hard- wood floors $375.000 for apt call 360-431-4834 or 503- 556-9784 See at: 1101 Lakev- iew Dr, Ilwaco, WA, 360-431- 4834 cjquilter70@gmail.com The City of Cannon Beach is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Utility Worker in the Wastewater division. Visit ci.cannon-beach.or.us/jobs for details. Cashier/Clerk Looking for full-time and part-time employees. Accepting application for honest, friendly, self-motivated. Starting pay $12.50 per hour or DOE. Benefits for full-time employment after 6 Months. Pre Employment Drug screening required. Applications available at Bud’s RV in Gearhart 4412 Hwy. 101 North Gearhart, OR 97138 BUSY ASTORIA HOTEL NOW HIRING FOR FRONT DESK HOUSEKEEPING LAUNDRY YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS Health Insurance 401K Competitive Wage Bonus Program No Phone Calls Please Apply in Person 204 West Marine Drive Astoria or email to sales@astoriahie.com 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Point Adams Packing Company is hiring Full-Time Maintenance during whiting season. Apply at 482 Fleet Street in Hammond Monday-Friday 8am-1pm Point Adams Packing Company is hiring part-time office help during whiting season. Apply at 482 Fleet Street in Hammond Monday-Friday 8am-1pm CLATSOP COUNTY Social Services Coordinator $26.49-$35.84 (32 hrs/week) Seeking one professional administrator to support board policies, mental health programs including contracts, data analysis, reporting. Requires bachelor’s or equivalent training and experience in public administration or behavioral/social sciences. Visit www.co.clatsop.or.us/hr, Job Openings, to apply Online. AA/EOE CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today! We are growing! Sales/Maintenance/ Housekeeping openings: $16-$20/hr Start +Benefits Advancement Opportunity Classified Ads work hard for you! Letters to the Editor Open Forum • PO Box 210 Astoria, OR 97103