A4 THE ASTORIAN • TuESdAy, July 30, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager OUR VIEW Good news on affordable housing Plethora of projects signals the right direction P robably no core issue on the North Coast has been guar- anteed to spark discussion on this page more than affordable housing. Over the years, we have vigor- ously campaigned for community leaders to treat the matter as a cri- sis. We cannot say that has hap- pened, but as we read some recent headlines on our news pages we are encouraged. Projects moving the front burner and breaking ground are all signif- icant steps toward solving our con- stant problem. Job creation in the tourism and service industries gen- erally means low-paying positions. So where are those workers going to live? The showcase cause for celebra- tion is the old State Hotel building on Marine Drive. It will take con- siderable work and time for the pur- chasers, all congregants at First Presbyterian Church, to bring the building up to code once the sale is a done deal. It once was home for 50 studio apartments. Bringing some or all of those back into livable units could help fulfill a dynamic that urban planners often tout — that tenants living full-time in apartments above commercial properties aid consid- erably in creating a vital downtown core. On the east side of town, devel- oper Walt Postlewait from Craft3 seeks to build the Northpost Apart- ments on property between 31st and 32nd streets, near Safeway and the Astoria Riverwalk. Patrick Webb These newly built low-income Driftwood Point apartments just north of the center of downtown Long Beach, Washington, attracted a flood of applicants even while building work was under way. That will add 66 units to the mix, some to be used as short-term rent- als and others for affordable rental apartments. Another 12-unit apartment com- plex on Alameda Avenue in Asto- ria, previously used as a sober-liv- ing facility by Klean Treatment Centers, is planned now its Astoria owners have sold the building. While rents at these may be out of the range of people working low-income jobs, it is pleasing to see more options added to the com- munity’s mix. In Washington’s Pacific County, there are significant reasons for cel- ebration. A 27-unit low-income apartment complex called Drift- wood Point, on vacant land on 10th Street, just north of central Long Beach, attracted a host of applicants while the finishing touches were still being put on the buildings. That project came about, in part, because the Joint Pacific County Housing Authority, the state of Washington, the city of Long Beach, and other advocates acknowledged the need — and looked at potential problems as challenges to overcome rather than reasons not to press ahead. More recently, a couple has pur- chased the apartments at Sixth and Washington (which have had an admittedly checkered past), and begun investing in their refurbish- ment. Once completed, six more homes will be available for peo- ple to live on the Peninsula, close to downtown Long Beach. Several factors contribute to a climate in which private developers are willing to risk investing capital into housing projects. These include LETTERS local governments having clearly spelled out zoning and building regulations while addressing envi- ronmental and other concerns. Often, these projects succeed, in part, because an agency presents a welcoming and helpful approach. That must be signaled as policy by mayors and commissioners, and not merely rely on the personality of the planner or other staff members who receive the applications. All this signals more variety in housing options in our coastal com- munities. Astoria and the Long Beach Peninsula are attractive and desirable places to work. But with- out an affordable place to call home, that dream is out of reach. Taken together, these projects show more positive, concrete action than we can recall in a long, long time. LETTERS WELCOME Hateful tweets Letters should be exclusive to The Astorian. H Letters should be fewer than 250 words and must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. You will be contacted to confirm authorship. ow long do we have to put up with President Donald Trump’s hate- ful tweets? His latest attack on Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city of Balti- more was disgusting, immature and not presidential. I was happy to read the reply from the Baltimore Sun newspaper. As my sister in Alaska said, “they nailed him to the wall.” I agree with everything the newspa- per said about Trump. If you get a chance, read it. I feel we are living under a dictator now and I don’t like it. I also worry what will happen if he does not get elected. Will he start another Civil War? DIANE FINUCANE Warrenton Shame on politicians I want to congratulate The Astorian’s editorial board for printing the opin- ion piece, written by Dick Hughes, about state Sen. Brian Boquist’s statements and actions at the end of the last Oregon legis- lative session “Boquist decision leaves all unsatisfied” (July 23). I felt this was an extremely balanced and well-written commentary that gave me a lot of information that I would never have been aware of, except for reading it in the paper. Approximately 80 percent of the opin- ion page was taken by this article, and allowed for the writer to state the facts as he understood them, and allowed him to cover this subject better than any pol- itician of either party using their normal spin cycle to paint the picture they want to paint. I personally detest rhetoric from any side, and I resent false responses from the people who wanted to pretend that they felt personally threatened. I know that there is a lot of crazy gun violence in this day and age. But what I see is both political parties being as inflammatory as they can be in order to try and sway the public to their view. All letters are subject to editing for space, grammar, and, on occasion, factual accuracy. Only two letters per writer are allowed each month. Letters written in response to other letter writers should address the issue at hand and, rather than mentioning the writer by name, should refer to the headline and date the letter was published. Discourse should be civil and people should be referred to in a respectful manner. Letters in poor taste will not be printed. Shame on the politicians; thank you, Dick Hughes and The Astorian editorial board. SCOTT WIDDICOMBE Warrenton Public at risk I worked for many years at leading facil- ities as a level one trauma nurse. Pro- viders at leading medical institutions are using a device and procedure that has no Federal Drug Administration testing for safety or effectiveness. The procedure, called electroshock, involves up to 450 volts and greater to the brain. In the past, it was only approved for use in severe depression and as a last resort, but not any longer. It is used for many conditions, and on our children, veterans and during pregnancy. This is a global issue. Under the guise of help, it is actually inflicting traumatic brain injuries (TBI) at a minimum, now proven in a court of law. Suits are being pursued around product lia- bility, medical malpractice and against the FDA. There are billions involved in the U.S. annually. Trusted providers are crim- inally failing in their duty to warn, protect and not harm. Patients have been discounted in their complaints by their providers, second- ary to fear of litigation. They have been harmed under the guise of help for great profits. It is time to expose this, despite the monies, positions and reputations involved. I ask that electroconvulsive ther- apy (ECT) patients now be seen as TBI patients in their outcomes, so that they may access needed rehabilitative services that all other TBI patients have at their disposal. The public is at great risk, and the issue will no longer be swept under the carpet. For information, go to bit.ly/ ECTinjury DEBORAH SCHWARTZKOPFF McMinnville Butchering trees G earhart has a fairly new tree-trimming ordinance, passed a few months ago, to allow residents affected by trees on city dunelands to trim the trees affecting their views, among other reasons. Unfortunately, the city is interpreting the ordinance much too zealously, lead- ing to maimed and disfigured trees on city- owned parklands. But Gearhart has no parks master plan in place that would cur- tail this kind of damage. In fact, the city does not even have a parks planning pro- Send via email to editor@dailyastorian. com, online at dailyastorian.com/sub- mit_letters, in person at 949 Exchange St. in Astoria or 1555 North Roosevelt in Seaside, or mail to Letters to the Editor, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103. cess in the works. The butchering of city trees by homeowners with an agenda of their own is the result. Oregon Coast Alliance (ORCA) has twice called on Gearhart officials to inter- pret the ordinance more narrowly, and begin a parks planning process, but the city has not responded. It is certainly past time for Gearhart to begin a parks discussion, before the city’s treasured public landscapes are irrevoca- bly scarred. Gearhart’s residents need the public process required for a parks mas- ter plan, to voice their opinions and craft a framework to protect the public’s land. ORCA wonders why city officials have refused not only to begin a discussion about city parks, but also refused ORCA the courtesy of a response to our con- cerns. Surely, in a matter touching on the management of public property that ben- efits Gearhart residents and visitors alike, a response is due, especially as ORCA offered to assist in any way available with launching a parks planning process. CAMERON La FOLLETTE Astoria