B1 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2019 CONTACT US Jonathan Williams editor@coastweekend.com FOLLOW US facebook.com/ DailyAstorian You know you’re from Astoria when… Writer explores town’s quirks, charms and past times By HEATHER DOUGLAS F ull disclosure. This list was inspired by a “Car Talk” radio segment about Bos- ton. I was born in Astoria in 1977. While I have traveled the world, I’ve spent most of my life in this town. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but rather things that stick out in my memory. I hope locals have a laugh. For newcomers, I hope you are brave enough to ask a local to explain. You know you grew up in Astoria if … A speck of snow means no school. You remember a time when walking down the aisles of Payless was entertainment. You say “pop” and not “soda.” You remember paying a toll to cross the Astoria-Megler Bridge. You learned to count back change at The Chicken Coop. You remember when the fair- grounds was downtown. You’ve had a pre-dawn donut and coffee at Danish Maid Bakery before clamming. You watched “E.T.” at the drive-in movie theater in Gearhart. You remember the Port of Asto- ria water tower, Hauke’s Sentry and IGA. You went to Gray School and remember Bob’s Grocery store. You got photography advice from Chuck at The Compleat Photographer. You remember the tiny tree on Youngs Bay Bridge which was decorated for Christmas. You remember when the Asto- ria Column and Liberty Theatre were in disrepair. You’ve eaten at Fultano’s after a sporting event. You remember listening to KAST and hearing about the “tem- perature in the bogs.” You’ve bought sweatpants, duck boots, Xtra Tufs or Romeos at Link’s Outdoors. You’ve seen the Peter Iredale shrink over the years in family photos. You took swimming lessons from Carla Oja at Tapiola Pool. You got an accidental mul- let, rat tail or a bowl cut at the old Astoria Beauty College. See Astoria, Page B2 Photos by Sara Meyer TOP: Heather Douglas riding her horse in the fair at the Clatsop County Fairgrounds in 1993. MIDDLE: Cannery workers in Astoria. BOTTOM: Buoy 10.