The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, July 04, 2019, Page 15, Image 15

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    THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2019 // 17
SEASIDE — Celebrating 15 years in 2019, the next Sea-
side First Saturday Art Walk will be held 5 to 7 p.m., Sat-
urday, July 6. The free event takes place between Holladay
Drive and Broadway Street in the Historic Gilbert District of
downtown Seaside.
The Whet Spot,
12 N. Holladay Drive
Showcasing the art of Billy Lutz, one
of Seaside’s most famous artists, who
has painted in themes for 30 years. Lutz
developed a philosophy of collectivism
premised on the requirements of
individual motive and other paradoxes.
Lutz, a self-employed artist and sign
painter, has provided for his family of
fi ve all his adult life. His work is avail-
able at Portland Art Museum’s Online
Seaside Yarn and Fiber,
10A N. Holladay Drive
Featuring the art of yarn as a
much-needed creative outlet to the
coastal community. “Knitting is an
excellent way to relax,” says owner/
manager, Allie Kloster. “It’s also a
perfectly portable option for crafting
on the go.”
Art-in-the-Loft at Beach
Books, 616 Broadway St.
Hosting the “Westside ArtShare
Group,” an all women artist group
from Western Washington county. This
multi-talented group will exhibit mixed
media artwork, unique variations and
interpretations of the theme “Summer
Vacation.” Participating artists are Lori
Hicke, Riis Griff en, Elizabeth Higgins,
Carole Zenny, Megan Turner Baxter,
Debbie Grover, Theresa Magsig Kotvis,
Laura Thode and Suzanne Ebert.
Fairweather House and
Gallery, 612 Broadway St.
Opening reception for “Making Waves,”
Fairweather Gallery’s month-long July
exhibition, exploring the deep, multi-
faceted relationship with the ocean. Art
in the exhibition includes new original
works by North Coast artists and reveals
the extraordinary impact of the sea and
waves. Featured artists are Blue Bond,
Nick Brakel, Paul Brent, Victoria Brooks,
Leah Kohlenberg, Karen Lewis, Emily
Miller, Lee Munsell, Richard Newman,
Ron Nicolaides, Jan Rimerman, Lisa
Sofi a Robinson, Peg Wells, Russell J.
Young and Dale Veith. The gallery is
introducing artists Sharon Furze and
Phil Juttelstad. Attending artists will
off er lectures about their work starting
at 5:30 p.m. There will also be a “Making
Waves” habitat talk by naturalist Neal
Pacifi c Heirloom Art and
Collectables, 608 Broad-
way St.
Featuring antique collectable seascape
paintings. “A collectable is any object
regarded as being of value or interest
to a collector. There are numerous types
of collectables, the word, as a noun,
refers to an item valued for its rarity by
collectors.” — Kasey Kenny, co-owner.
Peddler’s Row,
604 Broadway
Featuring vintage oils, designer goods
and work created by artisans gathered
from across the country. Peddler’s Row
is a new-old business curated by Avery
Loschen and Will Perkins, property
owners of the Gilbert Block Building.
Loschen and Perkins are extraordinary
collectors. “Showcasing objects d’art,
selected as goods to sell because they
are beautiful, artistic or interesting.”
SunRose Gallery,
606 Broadway St.
Ushering in summer with an Open
House. Converse with artists Patty
Thurlby, Robin Montero, Jan Barber and
Ronni Harris. Learn their artistic process,
inspirations and be inspired yourself.
Live music will be provided by guitarist
David Crabtree with accompaniment on
saxophone and fl ute by SunRose owner
Ray Coff ey.
”Seaside Ospreys” oil at Blue
Bond Gallery.
Screamer” watercolor at
Gilbert Gallery.
Bill Lutz’s “When There’s a Rat Get The Cat” acrylic on canvas
at The Whet Spot.
Shine Fair Trade,
609 Broadway St.
Featuring handmade items from all over
the world that support more than 100
non-profi ts and men and women’s arti-
san cooperatives. Showcasing work by
artist Renee L. Delight, who lives a cre-
ative life as an artist, gardener, musician,
nature lover, environmentalist, builder
tinkerer and destroyer. 10 percent of
all net proceeds are donated to local
wildlife protection organizations.
Gilbert District Gallery, 613
Featuring watercolor artist Dave
Bartholet, a Seaside artist, who is in the
“show business,” doing juried art shows
throughout the West. In addition,
Bartholet operates the Gallery, an artist
co-op, off ering watercolors, bronzes,
limited edition prints, Native American
jewelry, oil paintings greeting cards and
metal sculpture.
Blue Bond Art Studio and
Gallery, 417 S. Holladay
Featuring oil paintings and acrylics by
Blue Bond, an accomplished Seaside
professional artist whose specialty is
portraits and wildlife. With more than
50 years of experience, the artist teach-
es one-to-one classes in oil or acrylic to
glazing techniques to create intriguing
layered paintings inspired by the Pacifi c
Northwest environment and includes
crows and owls. Starry Night is an art
motel that off ers artist residencies.
The art at the motel is curated by Chris
Find additional original art during
the day at Seaside Coff ee House, 3 N.
Holladay Drive; Seaside Antique Mall,
726 Broadway St. and at Dough Dough
Bakery, 8 N Holladay Drive.
novices and experienced painters alike.
Angi D Wildt Gallery,
737 Broadway St., #2
Featuring artist Ty McNeeley. “In my
photos, I try to capture places that are
outside of what we, as Americans,
normally see. I enjoy fi nding beauty in
unconventional locations,” McNeeley
said. McNeeley received his bachelor’s
of science degree in photography from
Northern Arizona University in between
army deployments to Afghanistan and
the Middle East.
Westport Winery,
810 Broadway St.
Featuring Josh Fry, a self-taught artist
and Seaside native who creates his
paintings using spray paint cans along
with complex sets of stencils. Fry is a
fi rm believer that anyone can make
awesome art with a little practice, and
discusses that on his popular YouTube
series. Fry regularly teaches classes and
does live painting shows for area youth
and other organizations and encourages
his community to contact him for art
Starry Night Art Hotel and
Inn, 811 First Ave.
On-going summer-long exhibition of
Caroline Green’s bird art. The artist uses
Planting Educational Seeds within Our Communities
Watch for upcoming live cooking,
yoga & art classes
Mr Nice Guy
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