C8 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2019 2019 Scandinavian Midsummer Festival SENIOR Court 2019 Senior Court Chaperone Rebeckah Orton Reckah lives in Astoria and operates North Star Doula Service. She has participated in the festival since she was in second grade. Rebeckah remembers dancing “Little Man in a Fix” with the Nordic Dancers when she was too skinny for her costume. Her shoes fl ew off and her partner had to hold her skirt to help keep it on! She’s glad to form relationships with court members and help keep the wonderful tradition of the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival alive. 2019 Senior Miss Norway Jordan Walter Jordan attends Knappa High School and is sponsored by the Sons of Norway Lodge. Her Scandinavian heritage comes from both grand- mothers but it’s her grandmother Sharon who has been her biggest Scandinavian infl uence in teaching her Scandinavian baking. She hopes to learn more about her her- itage and make new friends through serving on the court. Jordan is president of student council at KHS and will graduate Valedictorian. She plans to attend Clatsop Community College. 2019 Senior Miss Denmark Isabel Talley Isabel is a student at Astoria High School. She attended her fi rst fes- tival last summer and especially enjoyed the demonstrations on Viking weapons and tools by the Empire of Chivalry and Steel. Isabel’s Scandinavian heritage was recently discovered via DNA testing and her family is enjoying learning more about it. After high school, Isabel hopes to study business. 2019 Senior Miss Sweden Hannah Sundstrom Eaton Hannah is from Beaverton and rep- resents Astor Lodge #215 of VASA. She is attending Portland Commu- nity College’s early college program for her junior and senior years of high school. Her grandfather Sven Sundstrom emigrated from Sweden in 1959 and was Grand Marshal of the Optog Parade at the 2018 festival. Sven has six brothers and four sisters and many relatives still living in Sweden that Hannah and her family have visited. Hannah’s mother was Junior Miss Sweden in 1975 and Senior Miss Sweden in 1986. Hannah looks forward to the festival to become a better public speaker, learn more about her heritage and meet new people. 2019 Senior Miss Finland Sofia Morrill Sofi a is a senior at Warrenton High School and was Junior Miss Fin- land in 2009. She’s attended the festival regularly and enjoys the dancing and food. Sofi a’s mother is from Finland and her family has visited Finland numerous times to see relatives and im- merse themselves in the culture. Her mother has some Swedish heritage and her dad’s great-grand- mother came from Denmark. Sofi a hopes to go to art school in Finland as part of her post high school plans. 2018 Miss Scandinavia Kourtney Tischer Kourtney is a senior at Knappa High School and will attend Washing- ton State University in the fall to pursue a degree in dentistry. She wears a Finnish costume from her grandmother that her moth- er also wore as Miss Finland in 1994. Family members came from the Finnish Swedish border and some also lived in Norway and Denmark. Kourtney is appreciative that the Scandinavian Midsummer Fes- tival keeps Scandinavian culture and tradi- tions alive and is proud to represent the festival.