The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, June 13, 2019, Page 19, Image 18

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2019 // 19
A celebration of birds
This is the time of year
when birdsong is the sweet-
est way to wake up – if you
don’t mind beginning to stir
at 4:30 a.m.
For those who require
more sleep than that, but
who admire birds nonethe-
less, Seattle-based Moun-
taineers Books has just pub-
lished two new volumes
that focus on our feathered
Skipstone Press, a Moun-
taineers imprint, is responsi-
ble for “Birds of the West,”
an artist’s guide created by
Molly Hashimoto, along
lines similar to her inspiring
“Colors of the West” book
that came out in 2017.
Both of these books by
Hashimoto aim to share
principles and techniques
with beginning and interme-
diate artists, helping them
connect with nature through
making art.
But where “Colors of the
West” offered a broad explo-
ration of how to capture
nature’s palette of colors
when engaged in plein air
painting, “Birds of the West”
zeroes in on the opportuni-
ties for drawing (or painting
or etching) the many differ-
ent types of bird-life that can
be found across a variety of
Western landscapes.
Hashimoto sets a con-
versational tone in the early
pages, talking about her fi rst
experiences with birds, and
refl ecting on how others –
“Birds of the West”
By Molly Hashimoto
“Bringing Back the Birds”
Skipstone Press – 176 pp –
Braided River – 208 pp – $35
tists and artists
– came to be fascinated
not only with birds, but with
their adaptations to particu-
lar habitats.
She points out that
humans have been mak-
ing bird art since people
fi rst began marking up cave
walls – and that the artis-
tic impulse, from that time
to this, helps to clarify our
appreciation for and under-
standing of birds.
This handsomely
designed book includes
By Owen Deutsch
more than 120 color repro-
ductions of Hashimoto’s bird
art, from familiar backyard
birds, to birds of the tundra
and desert.
While she confesses that
ripe, juicy
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she experiences “frus-
tration that any one
medium cannot express
the beauty, or energy, or
essence of a species,” she
has learned, conversely,
that different media
choices seem to high-
light different features
and qualities of both a
species and its habitat.
For example –
Hashimoto renders an
Anna’s hummingbird pair in
a block print on one page; on
the opposing page, she cre-
ates the same scene in water-
color. The contrast is illumi-
nating, and the takeaway is
that artists can experiment
with an array of media to
achieve different effects.
Another Mountaineers
Books imprint, Braided
River, has come out with
a coffee table book titled
“Bringing Back the Birds.”
A project of the American
Bird Conservancy, this book
features terrifi c photogra-
phy by Owen Deutsch. Trav-
eling throughout North and
South America, he captures
the heart-shaped pose of an
American fl amingo pair,
the dynamism of a Black
Skimmer breeding colony,
the luminous turquoise eye
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of a Dou-
ble-crested Cormorant and
much more.
Written contributions by
Margaret Atwood, Jonathan
Franzen and a half-dozen
respected ornithologists
demonstrate how climate
change, development and
other human activity are
impacting vital bird habitat
and migration patterns.
This book’s combina-
tion of enchanting imagery
and passionate arguments
for conservation should spur
activism for avians.
The Bookmonger is Bar-
bara Lloyd McMichael,
who writes this weekly col-
umn focusing on the books,
authors and publishers of
the Pacifi c Northwest. Con-
tact her at bkmonger@
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