A3 THE ASTORIAN • SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2019 Democrats who voted for pension reform face angry unions Some see vote as ‘a betrayal’ By AUBREY WIEBER, CLAIRE WITHYCOMBE and MARK MILLER Oregon Capital Bureau SALEM — Last week, 31 Democrats voted to cut into benefi ts promised to pub- lic employees in what was likely their toughest vote of the 2019 legislative ses- sion, if not their careers. It prompted 17 to fi le public explanations for why they voted. In a political environ- ment where public employee unions give generously to many Democrats’ cam- paigns, cutting into pensions is a line rarely crossed. Public employee unions have long been considered as the puppet masters of the Capitol, where Democrats reign supreme. They fund Democrats’ campaigns, and are increas- ingly getting their own mem- bers elected. Unions have schools where they groom potential candidates, and oftentimes politicians have to fi ll out a policy scorecard before securing union money for their race. Rarely do they see Dem- ocrats veer from a union pol- icy agenda like they did last week. Because of that power, lawmakers and lobbyists were reluctant to speak pub- licly. The Oregon Capital Bureau allowed them to talk on background. “It’s the holy grail,” one veteran lobbyist said of vot- ing to cut benefi ts. “It’s like a Republican voting to increase taxes.” Senate Bill 1049 was introduced in May by state Senate President Peter Courtney, D-Salem, and House Speaker Tina Kotek, D-Portland, after a balloon- ing unfunded liability on the state’s pension plan mounted pressure. The pressure on leader- ship to pass pension reform increased in May when the Senate passed the Student Success Act, a large educa- tion package including $1 billion a year in new busi- ness taxes. Democrats only passed it with the deciding vote of Sen. Betsy Johnson, D-Scap- poose, who said if pension reform didn’t follow, she would lead an effort to refer the education tax package to the ballot, where she would work to sink it. The education package is one of the crown jewels for Democrats, including Gov. Kate Brown. With its pas- sage, it was clear to Demo- crats pension reform was a must. Too big to ignore Several lawmakers told the Capital Bureau the pen- sion defi cit was just too big to ignore. In his vote expla- nation, Rep. Marty Wilde, D-Eugene, said not cutting into benefi ts would lead to public employees being laid off in the coming years. It’s a tough choice, but a necessary one, he wrote. Voting explanations are voluntary statements law- makers submit to the Legis- lature for the public record, and are sometimes used on controversial votes, though 17 explanations stands out. “The bill includes sys- tem wide cost savings that will protect critical services and ensure long-term stabil- ity in our retirement system,” wrote Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon, D-Woodburn, in her vote explanation. “I believe it will help head off corporate efforts to make even deeper cuts to employee benefi ts.” Republicans have been clamoring for reform to the Public Employees Retire- ment System, but said Court- ney and Kotek’s plan didn’t go far enough. Plus, they have no interest in making anything easier for Demo- crats, who have dominated the session with their super- majority in both chambers. SB 1049 nearly died until Kotek got two Democrats to change their votes at the last minute. After Kotek called a recess , Rep. Andrea Sali- nas, D-Lake Oswego, joined longtime Portland Rep. Mitch Greenlick in changing her vote at Kotek’s request. In 2018, public employee unions spent $4.8 million on candidates seeking legisla- tive seats, according to the Institute on Money in Poli- tics. Trade unions chipped in another $2.4 million. Immediately, and as expected, the unions voiced their fury about the pension vote. Rumors started circulat- ing that unions could fund candidates to challenge some politically weaker Demo- crats who supported the bill. Stronger politicians might see their ambitions of state- wide offi ce evaporate. “We’re taking it really, really serious,” said Joe Baessler, the political direc- tor for Oregon’s chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Munici- pal Employees. “It was a big blow.” The unions made clear to lawmakers how they should vote — some more “strident” than others, one lawmaker said. But Baessler said the rumors that they threatened to fund challengers to force lawmakers into voting with the unions was untrue. “We didn’t try and use political threats to stop them,” he said. “Maybe we should have, but we didn’t.” Baessler said he knew how several would vote, but there were fi ve or six Dem- ocrats who kept their inten- tions private. Baessler said some union- WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA backed representatives who assured unions they wouldn’t support benefi t cuts went back on their word. Not all did. Five Democrats in the Senate and seven in the House voted against the bill — a vote in favor of the unions. Most got fairly mod- est labor dollars — around $20,000 or less — but a couple got signifi cant labor money for their campaigns last year. Rep. Paul Evans, D-Monmouth, got $253,455 and Rep. Rachel Prusak, D-West Linn, got nearly $500,000. Both were in tight races, and Prusak unseated incumbent Republican law- maker Julie Parrish. In her vote explanation, Prusak said she liked some parts of the bill, but as a ‘IT’S ALWAYS DIFFICULT WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN SOMETHING SO MUCH, AND I AM STILL TO THIS DAY A HUGE SUPPORTER OF LABOR.’ Rep. Tiffi ny Mitchell, D-Astoria whole it went against her values as a working-class person. Freshman Rep. Tiffi ny Mitchell, D-Astoria , got several hundred thousand dollars from labor, includ- ing $138,000 from Ser- vice Employees Interna- tional Union , 35,000 from AFSCME, nearly $34,000 from the Oregon Education Association and $13,000 from nurses. “It’s always diffi cult when you believe in some- thing so much, and I am still to this day a huge supporter of labor,” said Mitchell, who quit her job as a state worker to serve in the House . “I understand this moment for them and their members, but at the end of the day, I like to think that when you look at the facts, and you realize, ‘I promised to protect these RECREATIONAL PERMIT PUBLIC NOTICE To acquire a permit: Go online to GreenWoodresources.com and click on Recreational Access, or Scan the QR code using your smartphone at one of our access gate signs. Call 503.755.6655 for recorded information for Oregon timberlands and 509.780.0865 for recorded information for Washington timberlands. 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Baessler reiterated that it isn’t up to him or Stacy Chamberlain, the union’s executive director, on whether to challenge a law- maker the union previously backed. “It’s not my far-left pro- gressives that are really mad,” Baessler said. “It’s my rank-and-fi le, moderate folks who are the most mad.” Baessler said his union would decide in September what course to take. “If there’s a quality can- didate that we trust, then we might endorse them,” he said, saying they could potentially prop someone up from the union training grounds like Emerge Oregon or the Oregon Labor Candi- date School. Rep. Carla Piluso, D-Gresham, was a found- ing member of the police union in Gresham and later became Gresham’s police chief. She voted for the pen- sion reforms, which she said was “a diffi cult decision” with her union background and support base. “There’s no doubt in my mind when it comes for re-election that there will be some negative stuff,” she said. As to who will attack her over her vote, Piluso mused: “I wonder. I don’t know if that’s going to be from unions or just how others will try to take over the seat, whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican.” Brown hasn’t signed the bill yet, but is expected to by Tuesday, the last day she can. RV ‘A betrayal’ Karl Koenig, president of the Oregon State Fire- fi ghters Council, said the bill amounts to a “betrayal” after Brown said she wouldn’t cut pension benefi ts on the cam- paign trail. Firefi ghters gave Brown $116,150 in 2018, according to the Institute on Money in Politics. “I’m not interested in cut- ting fi refi ghter retirements or salaries right now,” Brown told The Oregonian in Octo- ber 2018, weeks before she won the election. “She’s been on TV, she said it to me directly,” Koe- nig said. “She’s been a long go-to for the fi refi ghters as far as political advocacy forever, her entire career up until this point,” Koenig said of Brown. The fi refi ghters’ council, Koenig said, is focused on fi ve priorities: wages, hours, working conditions, retire- ment security and safety. “We support those who support us,” Koenig said. “So regardless of a let- ter after their name, if you sign on to be a supporter of the fi refi ghters in those fi ve areas, then we usually can work out some sort of advo- cacy, endorsement and that sort of thing.” “I would disagree with the underlying characteriza- tion,” Brown said in response Thursday. “I’ve been really clear on the campaign trail and all along that I think it’s critically important that we ensure the fi nancial stabil- ity of the system, and part of that was ensuring that public employees have more skin in the game.” AND BOAT LOANS We’ll Fetch You a Great Rate for your next camping trip % APR * No payment for 60 days! 4.49 Karen • Loves to camp with her dog, Sparky • Financed a travel trailer to save big • Fibre Family member since 2009 All recreational activities on Lewis & Clark Timberlands require a no fee recreational permit. Providence is calling for a nurse manager to lead surgical services Care management manager One potential target is Rep. Rob Nosse. Although he supported the benefi ts rollback, the Portland Dem- ocrat is considered one of the most liberal lawmakers in the state . Baessler said some union members, though not neces- sarily AFSCME members, are serious about revok- ing support for Nosse, but AFSCME so far hasn’t taken a stance. Several lawmakers said they don’t believe unions would act against Democrats. “They will bark,” one said. “They will not bite.” Another argued that the unions just paid to get them elected. That would mean unions would have to spend more to back a challenger in a primary and then promote in the general election some- one new to the offi ce. LEWIS & CLARK TIMBERLANDS Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 x people’s retirement,’ if you realize the only effective way you can do that is by taking a vote that might look bad right now, but actually pre- serves that retirement bene- fi t for those members, that to me was the end moment and the greater good.” Baessler said public unions are under pressure to listen to their members most closely as a result of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling making it easier for public employees to opt out of cer- tain union dues. And the message from public employees is clear, he said. They are “livid.” Unions could challenge the benefi t rollback in court, but they also expect to assess their political support of some legislators. Learn about these and others jobs at www.Providenceiscalling.jobs. www.tlcfcu.org 503.842.7523 • 866.901.3521 85 W. Marine Dr. Astoria 2315 N. Roosevelt Dr. Seaside A DIVISION OF CREDIT UNION *Annual Percentage Rate effective 3/1/19 to 5/31/19. 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