The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, June 06, 2019, Page B2, Image 29

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Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Association
Senior court members of the 2019 Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival are, from left, Miss Finland, Sofia Morrill; Miss Norway, Jordan Walter; Miss Scandinavia, Kourtney Tischer; Miss
Denmark, Isabel Talley; and Miss Sweden, Hannah Sundstrom Eaton.
Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival announces 2019 Court
The Astorian
The Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer
Festival Association has announced the
members of the 2019 Court, who were for-
mally introduced March 12. They have been
busy representing the festival at numerous
events, and have been to all of the local
lodges, and many civic groups, presenting
their speeches.
The Senior Court members are: Kourt-
ney Tischer, 2018 Miss Scandinavia, a
senior at Knappa High School, who rep-
resented the country of Finland last year;
Senior Miss Denmark, Isabel Talley, a
junior at Astoria High School; Senior Miss
Finland, Sofia Morrill, a senior at War-
renton High School; Senior Miss Norway,
Jordan Walter, a senior at Knappa High
School; and Senior Miss Sweden, Hannah
Sundstrom Eaton, a sophomore at Moun-
tainside High School.
Al-Anon (Astoria) — 7 p.m. Tues-
day, Peace Lutheran Church, 565 12th
St.;12 p.m. Wednesday, First United Meth-
odist Church, 1076 Franklin Ave. For infor-
mation, call 503-325-1087.
Al-Anon (Clatskanie) — 7 p.m. Mon-
day, Faith Lutheran Church, 1010 N.E.
Fifth St., Clatskanie. For information, call
Al-Anon (Nehalem) — 7 p.m. Mon-
day, Riverbend Room, North County Rec-
reation District, 36155 Ninth St. For infor-
mation, call 503-368-8255.
Al-Anon (Seaside) — 6:30 p.m. Tues-
day, Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broad-
way, call 503-810-5196 for information.
Al-Anon (Tillamook) — 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, St. Albans Episcopal Church,
2102 Sixth St., call 503-842-5094 for infor-
mation; 9 a.m. Thursday, 6505 Headquar-
ter St., Tillamook; noon Friday, 5012 Third
St., call 503-730-5863 for information.
Al-Anon Family Groups information
— Oregon Area Al-Anon website, orego-
Alateen (Tillamook) — 4 p.m. Mon-
day, 5012 Third St. For information, call
Alcoholics Anonymous — To find a
meeting in Clatsop County, call 971-601-
9220, in Tillamook County, call 503-739-
4856, or go to
Men’s Sexual Purity Recovery Group
— Tuesday nights. Part of the Pure Life
Alliance ( in Port-
land. For information, call the confiden-
tial voice mail at 503-750-0817 and leave
a message.
Narcotics Anonymous — The North-
west Oregon Area of Narcotics Anony-
mous (NWONA) holds meetings in Clatsop
County. For full schedule details, as well as
upcoming special events, call the Helpline
at 503-717-3702, or go to
Overeaters Anonymous — 1 p.m.
Sunday, Suzanne Elise Assisted Living
Community library, 101 Forest Drive, Sea-
side. Call 503-738-0307 for information.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
(Astoria) — 5 p.m. weigh-in, 5:30 p.m.
meeting Tuesday, First Lutheran Church,
725 33rd St. For information, call Trisha
Hayrynen at 503-298-9058.
TOPS (Seaside) — 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.
meeting Tuesday, North Coast Family Fel-
lowship Church, 2245 N. Wahanna Road.
All are welcome. For information, call
TOPS (Warrenton) — 9 to 9:45 a.m.
weigh-in, 10 a.m. meeting Wednes-
day, First Baptist Church, 30 N.E. First St.
For information, call Marilyn Barnard
503-861-2918 or Glennys Sherman at
Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Association
Junior court members of the 2019 Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival are, from left,
Crown Bearer, Kirk Rohne; Junior Miss Sweden, Katelynn McCauley; Junior Miss Norway, Phaira
Lane; Junior Miss Finland, Chloe Jean Stelzig; and Junior Miss Denmark, Harmony Harrod.
Mom seeks help for addiction
Dear Annie: I’m a mother to five beauti- that you haven’t heard before. I’m going
ful children. I do not have custody of any of to give you advice you probably have. But
them. I’m an addict, and I refuse to raise my even if you’ve heard this a hundred times,
kids the way my parents raised me. I
it’s worth hearing a hundred more: I
want them to have and see a better life
strongly urge you to attend Narcot-
ics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anony-
than I did. Growing up wasn’t great
mous or another program such as Lif-
for me. We were homeless. Sleeping
eRing. I believe such a support group
in backyards in tents wasn’t cool. My
will offer the sense of community and
siblings and I had to transfer schools
family that your spirit craves.
all the time.
Dear Annie: I’m responding to
I didn’t graduate from high school,
the writer who sent advice regarding
although I did sure get a degree from
the School of Hard Knocks. I had my ANNIE LANE adopting an older cat. Their advice
was spot on except for their final
first kid at 18 and gave him and my
Syndicate Inc.
advice to provide the name of an ani-
parental rights up to my brother. As
mal shelter to which the cat should be
an adult, I started smoking meth and
marijuana and drinking. I was in jail by age sent to upon an owner’s untimely death. As a
22. In my early 20s, I had my second kid and longtime shelter volunteer, the cruelest thing
gave him up for adoption because I knew I that can happen to an animal whose guardian
wasn’t done with the cycle of drug use and has passed is to be sent to an animal shelter.
jail. As for my third kid, I have joint legal Older animals have little chance of adoption,
custody of him because I don’t have stability. and they will most likely end up euthanized.
And my last two kids live with their father, Is that what any loving pet owner wants for
my ex-husband. I’ve relapsed, and I hate who their beloved pet?
In most states, there are privately run long-
I am today. I want better for me so I can be
better for my kids. Do you have any advice term care facilities for aging animals where
for me that I don’t already know? Changing they can live out their lives peacefully. Every
for the better, and getting clean and sober, has pet owner should visit those facilities to con-
been so hard for me. Though I have done it firm that they are properly licensed and oper-
in the past and loved it. I had a great church ated responsibility. Make it clear in your fam-
family and lost them because of my addic- ily trust what is to happen to your pets upon
tion. Help me be better. I want to be better. your death, and provide funds for their life-
long care. Far too many animals end up in
— Bad Mom
Dear Mom: Few people have easy roads shelters. Don’t add to that population. — Ani-
in life, but yours has been especially diffi- mal Lover in New Mexico
cult. Growing up without housing likely left
Dear Animal Lover: I was unaware of
you with anxiety issues, and substance abuse these until I got your letter and looked into
became a coping mechanism. Try to show it more, but there are indeed “pet retirement
yourself some compassion. No one ever homes” or “sanctuaries.” I echo your state-
hated herself into self-improvement. Becom- ment that owners should be sure to visit the
ing the person you want to be starts with for- facilities personally and ensure they’re prop-
erly licensed and offer animals adequate,
giving yourself for the person you’ve been.
You asked me to give you some advice humane care. Thanks for writing.
Warrenton conducts smoke testing
The Astorian
Warrenton is performing smoke testing of
the sewer lines, tentatively scheduled for June
13 and 14, and throughout the community
during the week.
Smoke testing identifies system leaks and
locations where unwanted storm water is
entering the sewer lines. These problem areas
are quickly identified by the smoke escap-
ing through the holes in the system, and being
observed above ground by workers.
During testing, residents may notice smoke
escaping from their eaves and yard drains. Also,
smoke may enter the house through faulty or
improper traps and drains. To minimize the
smoke entering the house, pour water into all
drains, including floor drains, prior to the test-
ing. The smoke is nontoxic, nonstaining, non-
flammable and is harmless to people, animals
and plants.
Also during testing, smoke should exit the
vent stack of houses and possibly escape through
manholes. Any other observed smoke may sug-
gest there is a problem with the sewer system.
The presence of the smoke in a house can
be an indicator that there are dangerous and
toxic gases entering the house. If this is the case,
report it immediately to the personnel conduct-
ing the test, or call the city of Warrenton Public
Works Department at 503-861-0912. A plumb-
ing professional should also be contacted.
The Junior Court members are: Crown
Bearer, Kirk Rohne; Junior Miss Den-
mark, Harmony Harrod; Junior Miss Fin-
land, Chloe Jean Stelzig; Junior Miss Nor-
way, Phaira Lane; and Junior Miss Sweden,
Katelynn McCauley.
The Senior Court Chaperone is
Rebeckah Orton; the Junior Court Chaper-
one is Amanda Rohne.
In early May, the court members
were in the Loyalty Day Parade in
Long Beach, Washington, and won sec-
ond place in their category. They still
have many events ahead of them prior to
the Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer
Festival, which takes place June 21 to 23
at the Clatsop County Fairgrounds. One
of the princesses will be crowned Miss
Scandinavia 2019 on the first night of the
For information, go to astoriascanfest.
Pacific Unitarian Universalist
A Pacific Unitarian Universalist Fel-
lowship service is being held at 10 a.m.
Sunday at the Performing Arts Center,
588 16th St.
This is PRIDE Sunday. Christina Mae
Ketcham, Tessa James Scheller, and the
Rev. Kit Ketcham are speaking on the
topic “Crises in the Q Community.” The
Lower Columbia Q Center’s Q Choir
will sing. All are welcome.
The last potluck until fall starts at
11 a.m., after the service, with the con-
gregation sharing a barbecue with their
Q friends. Barbecue is provided; all are
asked to bring side dishes to round out
the meal.
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Episcopal Church, 1545 Frank-
lin Ave., celebrates the Day of Pentecost
on Sunday at a single 10 a.m. service.
Those attending are reminded to wear
The eighth annual Jean Barney
Art Show opens with a reception at
11:30 a.m. Sunday, with awards being
presented at noon. Named after local art
teacher Jean Barney, this show features
local artists. The exhibit is available for
viewing from 9 a.m. to noon on weekday
and Sunday mornings, and runs through
July 9.
Grace Church offers an ecumenical
Taizé Prayer and Song Service at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, with local musicians and the
Taizé choir. All are welcome.
For information, call the church at
503-325-4691, or go to
Community Vacation Bible School
Five area churches have combined to
create the Astoria Community Vacation
Bible School, which takes place from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 24 to 27, and is
open to ages 3 to sixth grade. The cost
is $15 for one student or $25 per family.
This year’s theme is “Shipwrecked:
Rescued by Jesus.” The week is filled
with learning new songs, skits, arts,
crafts, games and Bible stories, with a
special celebration at the beach at 5 p.m.
June 28.
For information, and to register, go
the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria
website,, or call or check
all of the participating church websites
for a link to the registration form. The
deadline to register online is June 14;
registration in person is June 24.
The churches sponsoring this annual
event are: First Baptist Church of Asto-
ria, First Presbyterian Church of Astoria,
Peace Lutheran Church, First Lutheran
Church and First United Methodist