10 // COASTWEEKEND.COM THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2019 // 11 ON YOUR PHONE COA S T W E E K E N D C A L E N DA R Friday, June 7 Coming Home: American Legion Centennial 10 a.m. Columbia Pacifi c Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacifi cheritage- museum.org or 360-642- 3446. Adults: $5; Seniors (55+) $4; Youth (13-17): $2.50; 12 & Under are free. Explore the lives and past-times of the returning veterans and the organiza- tions that were formed to help them reintegrate with their community. Ales & Ideas Celebrates Astoria Pride 7 p.m. Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria. fortgeorgebrewery.com or 503-325-7468. “Pride & Prejudice: The Road to LBGTQ Rights” panel discussion. Free. √ Oceans, Flamenco En Vivo 7:30 p.m. Hoff man Center for the Arts, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. 503-368- 3846. $22 general admis- sion, $34 VIP reserved seating, $14 for students. Flamenco dancer Savan- nah Fuentes presents her new, water-themed show, featuring singer/percus- sionist Jose Moreno and guitarist Pedro Cortes. Local Comics Showcase 7:30 p.m. Labor Temple Bar, 934 Duane St., Astoria. labortempleastoria.com or 503-325-0801. Free. help them reintegrate with their community. Washington State Parks Free Day Goonies Day Celebration All day. parks. state.wa.us/486/ Cape-Disap- pointment. 10 a.m. Goonies Day Celebration, Clatsop County Historical Society, 714 Exchange St., Astoria. cumtux. org or 503-338-4849. Purchase your raffl e entry and 2019 Goonies Day Button before exploring the town and check out the Goonies Exhibit located in the actual jail cells of the old Clatsop County Jail. Thursday, June 6 Ilwaco Art Walk 4 p.m. Port of Ilwaco, 165 Hower- ton Ave, Ilwaco. portofi lwaco.com or 360-642-3143. Courtesy Astoria Pride Manzanita Farmers Market This year’s Astoria Pride Gayla at the Liberty Theatre starts at 8 p.m. 5 p.m. Manzanita Farmers Market, 175 5th St. South, Manzanita. manzanitafarmersmarket.com. LCQC’s Astoria Pride Gayla 2019 8 p.m. Liberty Theater, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria. lowercolum- biaqcenter.org. Emcee’s Dida DeAngelis and Daylight will lead you through the eve- ning’s program featuring a rainbow-strong assortment of singers, drag perfor- mances, the LCQC Qhoir, the Dragalution family, The Astoria Arts and Movement Center’s Belly Dance Troupe, Work Dance Company from Eugene and special guest drag stars from near and far. $30. Goonies Day: Beyond the Backlot and “The Goonies” √ Goonies’ Day Trashy Treasure Hunt 10 a.m. Haystack Rock Awareness Program, 163 E. Gower St., Cannon Beach. ci.cannon-beach.or.us/ HRAP or 503-436-8060. Collect trashy treasure and clean the beach in the process. Coming Home: American Legion Centennial 10 a.m. Columbia Pacifi c Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacifi cheritage- museum.org or 360-642-3446. Adults: $5; Seniors (55+) $4; Youth (13-17): $2.50; 12 & Under are free. Explore the lives and past-times of the returning veterans and the organizations that were formed to Saturday, June 8 6 p.m. Columbian Theatre Voodoo Room, 1114 Marine Drive, Astoria. columbianvoodoo.com/voodoo or 03-325-2233. Superfan Curtis and the Beyond the Backlot Crew present an exclusive screening of the extended, 30-minute version of their pilot episode and will host a Q&A directly following the episode. Champagne Reception With Queens 6 p.m. Liberty Theater, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria. lower- columbiaqcenter.org. Meet the entertainers performing in the Pride Gayla. $25. EVOO Dinner Show Experience 6 p.m. EVOO Cannon Beach Cooking School, 188 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. evoo.biz or 503-436-8555. Contra Dance 7 p.m. Astoria Arts and Movement Center, 342 10th St., Astoria. astoriaartsandmovement.com or 503-791-5657. Dance to live music from Gabrielle Macrae and friends. Caller Dave Ambrose will teach a beginner’s lesson at 7 p.m. $5-$10. Kids under 12 admitted free. Decadent 80s Dance Party 10 p.m. Labor Temple Bar, 934 Duane St., Astoria. labortempleas- toria.com or 503-325-0801. Free. Sunday, June 9 Sign up for Summer Reading and get a free book to start the sum- mer off right. Space- themed music, games and activities. √ Mussels, Seaweed, & Barnacles: Intertidal Edibles Safe Boating Class 9 a.m. Ocean Park Tim- berland Library, 1308 256th Place, Ocean Park, Wash. parks.state. wa.us/486/Cape-Dis- appointment. Contact Elena Righettini at mrighettini@yahoo. com or 360-642-0039. $10. Goonies Day — One Eyed Willy’s Never Say Dive Pirate Ship Race 10 a.m. Flavel House Museum, 441 Eighth St., Astoria. cumtux.org/ default.asp?page- id=35&deptid=1 or 503-325-2203. First ship to reach the other side will walk away with a crisp new $50 bill. Other prizes include best-looking ship, worst looking ship, best ship name and ship that looks the most like a Baby Ruth. Free to par- ticipate or spectate. √ Seabird Monitoring Training 10 a.m. Cannon Beach City Hall, 163 E. Gower Ave., Cannon Beach. nehalemtrust.org/cape- falconmr. Learn about the three cormorant species that nest on the north coast. Those in- terested will then meet up weekly throughout the summer to count nests, eggs and babies on cliff s and rocks in the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. Jan Bono Book Signing 10 a.m. Olde Towne Trading Post, 108 First Ave. N., Ilwaco, Wash. facebook.com/Olde- The 55th annual Sandcastle Contest in Cannon Beach starts at 9:30 a.m. with judging beginning at 2:30 p.m. 55th Annual Sandcastle Contest & Festivities 9:30 a.m. On the beach at Second St., Cannon Beach. Judging begins at 2:30 p.m. Cars off the beach by 3 p.m. Live music 7 p.m. Bonfi re 8-10 p.m. TowneTradingPost or 360-244-5303. Long Beach Author Jan Bono is celebrating the re- lease of her fourth cozy mystery in the Sylvia Avery Series, “Hook, Line, & Sinker.” Coming Home: American Legion Centennial 10 a.m. Columbia Pa- cifi c Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapaci- fi cheritagemuseum. org or 360-642-3446. Adults: $5; Seniors (55+) $4; Youth (13-17): $2.50; 12 & Under are free. Explore the lives and past-times of the returning veterans and the organizations that were formed to help them reintegrate with their community. Saturday Market at the Port 10 a.m. Port of Ilwaco, 165 Howerton Ave., Ilwaco, Wash. portofi l- waco.com or 360-642- 3143. √ Goonies Day Celebration 10 a.m. Clatsop County Histori- cal Society, 714 Exchange St., Astoria. cumtux.org or 503- 338-4849. Purchase your raffl e entry and 2019 Goonies Day But- ton before exploring the town and check out the Goonies Exhib- it located in the actual jail cells of the old Clatsop County Jail. √ World Oceans Day and Tidepool Discovery 10:30 a.m. Oceanside Beach State Recreation Site, Garibaldi. Oyster hatchery tour, tide pool exploration, research reserve hike and lunch at world-famous Jacobsen Salt Co. Reg- ister at shuckportland. org/beachtrip Summer Reading Kick-Off Party 10:30 a.m. Astoria Pub- lic Library, 450 10th St., Astoria. astorialibrary. org or 503-325-7323. Coast Weekend editor suggested events 11 a.m. Ecola State Park, 84318 Ecola Park Road, Cannon Beach. http://bit.ly/2W6GRgW or 503-436-2844. This class will explore the incredible ecosystem of the intertidal zone, guiding students through sustainable harvest of mussels, seaweed and edible barnacles. $130 tuition, $15 materials. Astoria Pride Celebration: Parade Along River Walk Noon. Astoria Riverwalk, Pier 11, 77 11th St., Astoria. lowercolumbiaqcenter. org. 10 a.m. day-of registration or pre-reg- ister at facebook.com/ astoriapride. Free. U.S. Coast Guard Boathouse Opening Noon. Garibaldi Cultural Heritage Ini- tiative, 1209 Bay Lane, Garibaldi. savegarib- aldipier.org. Suggested admission $5 for adults and free to active and retired Coast Guard and children 12 and under. 42nd Annual Beach to Chowder 5K & 10K Noon. Bolstad Beach Approach, West Bol- stad St., Long Beach, Wash. longbeachwa. gov or 360-642-4421. 5K is $75 and 10K is $85. “Drawing Butterfl ies: Real and Imagined” 1 p.m. Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broad- way, Seaside. seasideli- brary.org or 503-738- 6742. Local artist and illustrator Dorota Haber-Lehigh teaches how to draw butter- fl ies. Free. Registration is required. Sign up at the library or call 503- 738-6742. Goonies Day: Beyond the Backlot and “The Goonies” 2 p.m. Columbian Theatre Voodoo Room, 1114 Marine Drive, Astoria. columbian- voodoo.com/voodoo or 503-325-2233. Superfan Curtis and the Beyond the Backlot Crew present a 30-min- ute version of their pilot episode and host a Q&A. Annual New England Lobster Feed 4 p.m. Seaside American Legion, 315 Broadway, Seaside, OR. seasidepost99. org or 503-738-5111. Advance tickets only, $29 for Lobster Dinner, $20 for New York Strip Steak Dinner. Consignment Auction 5 p.m. Long Beach Grange, 5715 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash. 360-244-0290. √ “Dream Friends” Opening Reception 5 p.m. KALA, 1017 Ma- rine Drive, Astoria. For Pride weekend, KALA presents new works by queer artist/activist Paul Soriano. Soriano’s fi gurative paintings depict the personal, good friends, old lovers and his dream world. EVOO Dinner Show Experience 6 p.m. EVOO Cannon Beach Cooking School, 188 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. evoo. biz or 503-436-8555 “Forget-Me-Not” Taxidermy Opening Reception 6 p.m. Sou’West- er Lodge, 728 J Place, Seaview, Wash. souwesterlodge. com or 360-642-2542. Artist Lindsay Bones uses taxidermy with road kill, bringing back animals in a new light so they are remem- bered forever and not forgotten as victims of the road. √ “An American Story: Race Amity and the Other Tradition” fi lm screening 6:30 p.m. Astoria Public Library, 450 10th St., Astoria. bahai.org or 503-325-8355. Free. √ Albatross: Film & Discussion on Ocean Plastic 6:30 p.m. North County Recreation District — Schoolhouse Room, 36155 Ninth St., Ne- halem. nehalemtrust. org/capefalconmr. Free. Goonies Trivia 7 p.m. Labor Temple Bar, 934 Duane St., Asto- ria. labortempleastoria. com or 503-325-0801. $2 entry fee with cash and Goonies swag winnings! √ Pride Festivities at the Workers Tavern 8 p.m. Workers Tavern, 281 W. Marine Drive, Astoria. 503-338-7291. Festivities include games, prizes, plus a liquor luge sculpture and pride slushee. Lookout for special coupons at the parade handed out by Big Trav himself! √ Washington State Parks Free Day Goonies Day Celebration All day. parks.state. wa.us/486/Cape-Dis- appointment 8 a.m. On the beach at Second St., Can- non Beach. This is a kid-friendly course. Check-in and fi nal reg- istration are at 8 a.m. The Fun Run/Walk begins at 9 a.m. 10 a.m. Clatsop Coun- ty Historical Society, 714 Exchange St., Astoria. cumtux.org or 503-338-4849. Pur- chase your raffl e entry and 2019 Goonies Day Button before ex- ploring the town and check out the Goonies Exhibit located in the actual jail cells of the old Clatsop County Jail. Fore! 10th Annual Furrballs Golf Tournament Mussels, Seaweed, & Barnacles: Intertidal Edibles 9:30 a.m. Peninsula Golf Course, 9604 Pa- cifi c Way, Long Beach, Wash. beachpets. com. $40 per person. Prizes range from free golf to Mariner’s tickets and more. The tournament is a 9-hole two-person alternate shot format, with prizes for the winning men’s, wom- en’s and coed teams as well as fi eld events. Feeling lucky? Win the hole-in-one for $10,000! 11 a.m. Ecola State Park, 84318 Ecola Park Road, Cannon Beach. http://bit.ly/2W6GRgW or 503-436-2844. This class will explore the incredible ecosystem of the intertidal zone, guiding students through sustainable harvest of mussels, seaweed, and edible barnacles. $130 tui- tion, $15 materials. Singing Sands 5K Fun Run/walk Goonies Day at Ecola State Park 10 a.m. Ecola State Park, 84318 Ecola Park Road, Cannon Beach. http://bit. ly/2W6GRgW or 503- 436-2844. No charge for tour, $5 Vehicle day-use fee required at park. Walk with Patrick Lines as he tells stories firsthand from his experience with “The Goonies” filming at Ecola State Park. √ U.S. Coast Guard Boathouse Opening Noon. Garibaldi Cultural Heritage Initiative, 1209 Bay Lane, Garibaldi. savegaribaldipier.org. Suggested admission $5 for adults and free to active and retired Coast Guard and chil- dren 12 and under. Daylight Storytime 3 p.m. Beach Books, 616 Broadway, Sea- side. beachbooks37. indielite.org or 503- 738-3500. Celebrate Pride with story time with Daylight at Beach Books. Coast Weekend welcomes comments and contributions from readers. Send all calendar items to calendar@daily astorian.com by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. Check out the Coast Weekend calendar, and other great content at CoastWeekend.com Tuesday, June 11 Garden Startup Day 9 a.m. Alder Creek Farms, 35955 Underhill Lane, Nehalem. ne- halemtrust.org or 503-368-3203. Learn about organic gardening. Members work together on the land rather than individual plots. This is a great way to meet new people and provide healthy organically grown food for your family. Ernie Niemi will present “Big Timber & You: The Economics Made Easy” at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 11, in Nehalem. Coming Home: American Legion Centennial “Big Timber & You: The Economics Made Easy” 10 a.m. Columbia Pacifi c Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacifi cheritagemuse- um.org or 360-642-3446. Adults: $5; Seniors (55+) $4; Youth (13- 17): $2.50; 12 & Under are free. Explore the lives and past-times of the returning veterans and the organizations that were formed to help them reintegrate with their community. √ 6 p.m. North County Recreation District, 361555 Ninth St., Nehalem. ncrd.org or 855-444-6273. Ernie Niemi will discuss how Big Timber currently extracts wealth from households and communities as well as causes additional harm to Oregonians by contributing to climate change and further diminishing the economic outlook for communities and workers. Free. √ Writing Lounge — “Spring Worldplay” 10:30 a.m. Hoff man Center for the Arts, 594 Laneda Ave., Man- zanita. 503-368-3846. Options for publishing with Vera Wildauer. Marko Scott Smith explores local opportunities for submitting work as well as some options for self-publishing. $5 drop in fee per session. Cannon Beach Farmers Market 1 p.m. City of Cannon Beach, 163 E. Gower, Cannon Beach. ci.can- non-beach.or.us or 503-436-1581. Astoria Reads: “Less” by Andrew Sean Greer 6 p.m. Astoria Public Library, 450 10th St., Astoria. astorialibrary. org or 503-325-7323. Talk books & ideas with fellow readers at the library’s monthly discussion group! Free. Wednesday, June 12 Coming Home: American Legion Centennial 10 a.m. Columbia Pacifi c Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacifi cher- √ itagemuseum.org or 360-642-3446. Adults: $5; Seniors (55+) $4; Youth (13-17): $2.50; 12 & Under are free. Explore the lives and past-times of the re- turning veterans and the organizations that were formed to help them reintegrate with their community. Trivia Night at the Library Read to a Therapy Dog 3 p.m. Astoria Public Library, 450 10th St., Astoria. astorialibrary. org or 503-325-7323. Free. 6 p.m. Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, Seaside. seasidelibrary.org or 503-738-6742. One- to fi ve-person teams. All ages welcome. Free. & Nekst, #1 12th St., Astoria. bakedak.com or 503-325-7414. Fea- tures an award-win- ning Chef from Queensland, Australia. Pay what you can. Seaside. 503-738- 8585.$75. Thursday, June 13 Coming Home: American Legion Centennial 10 a.m. Columbia Pacifi c Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacifi cher- itagemuseum.org or 360-642-3446. Adults: $5; Seniors (55+) $4; Youth (13-17): $2.50; 12 & Under are free. Explore the lives and past-times of the returning veterans and the organizations that were formed to help them reintegrate with their community. Open Clay Studio 10 a.m. Hoff man Cen- ter for the Arts, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzani- ta. 503-368-3846. Clatsop Animal Assistance 20th Anniversary Dinner Chef Outta Water Pop-Up Lunch Event 5:30 p.m. Seaside Civic and Convention Center, 415 First Ave., 11 a.m. Baked Alaska √ Ode to the Tides 6 p.m. Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broad- way, Seaside. seasideli- brary.org or 503-738- 6742. Award-winning biology instructor and naturalist, Neal Maine, will speak on estuaries and how they gather nutrients from land and sea. Free.