A4 THE ASTORIAN • TuESdAy, JuNE 4, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager REMEMBERING D-DAY A pure miracle Editor’s note: When correspondent Ernie Pyle was killed by a Japanese machine gun bullet in 1945, his columns were being delivered to more than 14 mil- lion homes. He wrote about war from a soldier’s perspective. This is his first dis- patch after the d-day landings of June 6, 1944. N ORMANDY BEACHHEAD, June 12, 1944 — Due to a last-minute alteration in the arrangements, I didn’t arrive on the beach- head until the morning after D-day, after our first wave of assault troops had hit the shore. By the time we got here the beaches had been taken and the fighting had moved a couple of miles inland. All that remained on the beach was some sniping and artil- lery fire, and the occasional startling blast of a mine geysering brown sand into the air. That plus a gigantic and pitiful litter of wreckage along miles of shoreline. Submerged tanks and overturned boats and burned trucks and shell-shattered jeeps and sad little personal belong- ERNIE ings were strewn all over PYLE these bitter sands. That plus the bodies of sol- diers lying in rows covered with blan- kets, the toes of their shoes sticking up in a line as though on drill. And other bodies, uncollected, still sprawling grotesquely in the sand or half hidden by the high grass beyond the beach. That plus an intense, grim determina- tion of work-weary men to get this chaotic beach organized and get all the vital sup- plies and the reinforcements moving more rapidly over it from the stacked-up ships standing in droves out to sea. • • • Now that it is over it seems to me a pure miracle that we ever took the beach at all. For some of our units it was easy, but in this special sector where I am now our troops faced such odds that our getting ashore was like my whipping Joe Louis down to a pulp. In this column I want to tell you what the opening of the second front in this one sector entailed, so that you can know and appreciate and forever be humbly grate- ful to those both dead and alive who did it for you. Ashore, facing us, were more enemy troops than we had in our assault waves. The advantages were all theirs, the disad- vantages all ours. The Germans were dug into positions that they had been work- ing on for months, although these were not yet all complete. A one-hundred-foot bluff a couple of hundred yards back from the beach had great concrete gun emplace- ments built right into the hilltop. These opened to the sides instead of to the front, thus making it very hard for naval fire from the sea to reach them. They could shoot parallel with the beach and cover every foot of it for miles with artillery fire. Then they had hidden machine-gun nests on the forward slopes, with crossfire taking in every inch of the beach. These nests were connected by networks of trenches, so that the German gunners could move about without exposing themselves. Throughout the length of the beach, running zigzag a couple of hundred yards back from the shoreline, was an immense V-shaped ditch fifteen feet deep. Nothing could cross it, not even men on foot, until fills had been made. And in other places at the far end of the beach, where the ground is flatter, they had great concrete walls. Army Signal Corps Army medical personnel administer a transfusion to a wounded comrade who survived when his landing craft went down off the coast of Normandy. MORE ONLINE To learn more about the Ernie Pyle World War II Museum, go to erniepyle.org beyond the sand. And the enemy had four men on shore for every three men we had approaching the shore. And yet we got on. • • • MORE INSIDE 75 years on, D-Day haunts, drives its veterans Page B4 These were blasted by our naval gunfire or by explosives set by hand after we got ashore. Our only exits from the beach were several swales or valleys, each about one hundred yards wide. The Germans made the most of these funnel-like traps, sow- ing them with buried mines. They con- tained, also, barbed-wire entanglements with mines attached, hidden ditches, and machine guns firing from the slopes. This is what was on the shore. But our men had to go through a maze nearly as deadly as this before they even got ashore. Underwater obstacles were ter- rific. The Germans had whole fields of evil devices under the water to catch our boats. Even now, several days after the landing, we have cleared only channels through them and cannot yet approach the whole length of the beach with our ships. Even now some ship or boat hits one of these mines every day and is knocked out of commission. The Germans had masses of those great six-pronged spiders, made of railroad iron and standing shoulder-high, just beneath the surface of the water for our landing craft to run into. They also had huge logs buried in the sand, pointing upward and outward, their tops just below the water. Attached to these logs were mines. In addition to these obstacles they had floating mines offshore, land mines buried in the sand of the beach, and more mines in checkerboard rows in the tall grass Beach landings are planned to a sched- ule that is set far ahead of time. They all have to be timed, in order for everything to mesh and for the following waves of troops to be standing off the beach and ready to land at the right moment. As the landings are planned, some ele- ments of the assault force are to break through quickly, push on inland, and attack the most obvious enemy strong points. It is usually the plan for units to be inland, attacking gun positions from behind, within a matter of minutes after the first men hit the beach. I have always been amazed at the speed called for in these plans. You’ll have sched- ules calling for engineers to land at H-hour plus two minutes, and service troops at H-hour plus thirty minutes, and even for press censors to land at H-hour plus sev- enty-five minutes. But in the attack on this special portion of the beach where I am — the worst we had, incidentally — the schedule didn’t hold. Our men simply could not get past the beach. They were pinned down right on the water’s edge by an inhuman wall of fire from the bluff. Our first waves were on that beach for hours, instead of a few minutes, before they could begin working inland. You can still see the foxholes they dug at the very edge of the water, in the sand and the small, jumbled rocks that form parts of the beach. Medical corpsmen attended the wounded as best they could. Men were killed as they stepped out of landing craft. An officer whom I knew got a bul- let through the head just as the door of his landing craft was let down. Some men were drowned. The first crack in the beach defenses was finally accomplished by terrific and wonderful naval gunfire, which knocked out the big emplacements. They tell epic stories of destroyers that ran right up into shallow water and had it out point- blank with the big guns in those concrete emplacements ashore. When the heavy fire stopped, our men were organized by their officers and pushed on inland, circling machine-gun nests and taking them from the rear. As one officer said, the only way to take a beach is to face it and keep going. It is costly at first, but it’s the only way. If the men are pinned down on the beach, dug in and out of action, they might as well not be there at all. They hold up the waves behind them, and nothing is being gained. Our men were pinned down for a while, but finally they stood up and went through, and so we took that beach and accom- plished our landing. We did it with every advantage on the enemy’s side and every disadvantage on ours. In the light of a cou- ple of days of retrospection, we sit and talk and call it a miracle that our men ever got on at all or were able to stay on. Before long it will be permitted to name the units that did it. Then you will know to whom this glory should go. They suf- fered casualties. And yet if you take the entire beachhead assault, including other units that had a much easier time, our total casualties in driving this wedge into the continent of Europe were remarkably low — only a fraction, in fact, of what our commanders had been prepared to accept. And these units that were so battered and went through such hell are still, right at this moment, pushing on inland with- out rest, their spirits high, their egotism in victory almost reaching the smart-alecky stage. Their tails are up. “We’ve done it again,” they say. They figure that the rest of the army isn’t needed at all. Which proves that, while their judgment in this regard is bad, they certainly have the spirit that wins battles and eventually wars. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Political bitterness hen growing up in the 1930s and 1940s, I remember the anger caused by President Franklin Roosevelt and his pol- icies. Today, a lot of folks react angrily to President Donald Trump and his policies. But one big difference today is the extensive political bitterness in America. President Roosevelt, and all presidents who followed him, belonged to a ruling class with well-established political standards and rules of political engagement. Establishment politicians faithfully adhered to those rules. Trump never ran for public office, and is an outsider businessman with his own political rules. And that perplexed the established rul- ing class. For months on end, journalists, pundits, pollsters and establishment politicians railed against Trump — some even called him a clown — and assured voters of a “guaran- W teed winner” in Democrat Hillary Clinton. After all that hoopla, a lot of folks are now bitter. Trump’s successful use of social media like Twitter especially angers journalists not used to being outmaneuvered, with Trump framing the news narrative almost every day. In fact, I can’t remember in my lifetime another president who’s made himself so accessible to public questioning and scrutiny. And just like Roosevelt’s policies mostly ended up being good for the country, so also will Trump’s policies for economic growth and America’s place in the world. As history was kind to President Roos- evelt, so also will history be kind to Presi- dent Trump. The continual harassment of President Trump by Democrats today is unprecedented, but will become just another footnote in the history books. DON HASKELL Astoria Tsunami: Save lives, or fire trucks? was invited to attend and all-day con- ference on coastal management, where presenters shared information on Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Clatsop County planning. My understanding is that now FEMA is more about people — what to do to save lives first. We need to focus on Gearhart taxpayers, rather than building a resilient fire station. Fire equipment should not take precedence over people. One of the advisors to coastal cities asked me (I was the only one there from Gearhart): “How is Gearhart going to take care of their tourists and residents when the tsunami comes?” I did not have an answer. A verti- cal evacuation structure could be built, but where? We need to plan now to take I care of our residents, and others, before we attempt to save easily replaceable fire equipment. Gearhart has approximately 1,700 homes, with a largely senior citizen base of full-time residents. We have a fire department that has only responded to two fire calls, and over 400 emergency medi- cal calls, in the same period of time. The responses to opioid overdoses, seizures, heart attacks, etc., far exceed our fire emergency needs. Residents need to know at what level emergency medical technician (EMT) training our volunteer fire fighters are at to respond to these emergencies, and increase the skills that each has to aid the residents and tourists they should be serving first, before being loaned out of state to fight fires. HAROLD T. GABLE Gearhart