A6 THE ASTORIAN • SATuRdAy, JuNE 1, 2019 Sturgeon a hit on the Columbia River By COLIN MURPHEY The Astorian Cameron Black with Gone Catchin’ Guide Service cleans a freshly caught sturgeon near the East Mooring Basin in Astoria. hey may look like something from the Jurassic period, but they must be fun to catch because fisher- men have been out in droves on the Columbia River lately trying to haul in sturgeon. Several char- ter fishing vessels recently pulled in to the East Mooring Basin in Astoria with their catch, send- ing clients home with bags full of sturgeon filets after careful inspections by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. T Photos by Colin Murphey/The Astorian A charter vessel arrives at the dock at the East Mooring Basin after fishing for sturgeon. Natalie Scheibel, Columbia River management project assistant with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, inspects a sturgeon onboard a fishing boat. Natalie Scheibel, far right, project assistant with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, talks with fishermen John Gaut and Bob Collier about their catch of the day. Cameron Black filets a sturgeon for a client at the cleaning station near the East Mooring Basin.