Valedictorian Claire Tetlow Erin Tetlow Sophia Thompson Elizabeth Till Jennifer Travers Abraham Valadez Sanchez Nara Van De Grift Austin Varner Justin Villa Nancy Virgen Paiton Waer and the Friends of the Astoria Library L Congrats C Cong g r a ts s 2019 2019 20 9 Graduates! G Gr adu ua tes! gr con a tu pl lat m ion s on your acco Visit us at ast oriamini Tony T ony o Bogh • Owner 10 • Astoria High School Class of 2019 C O NGRATUL A T I O N S Class Clas ss of ish me nt! On b a he Astoria Pub t f li c lf o ary ibr eh Stephen Strong A ST STORIA ORI A M IN INI NI M A ART R T E A AST ST 2264 M Marine ar ine Dr Drive iv e 503.325.5000 503.325 5.5000 W A ARRENTON RR E NT ON M INI M A ART R T CCB#188326 CCB#18 88326 58 East Ha Harbor r bor Dr Drive iv e