THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 // 9 When Furnish and Frost start work on June 3, they will share a workspace at the Recology facility in Warrenton. While they are responsible for gathering their own materials, they may end up using materials the other artist scavenged. “It’s a trash exchange,” Furnish said. New life for old objects The program aims to help people look at discarded materials in a different way and imagine a life for it beyond what it was used for. “It highlights our addiction to consum- erism,” Furnish said. Furnish’s enthusiasm for the residency was readily apparent. “I’m really counting on what I do for a living, so I’m kind of doing one commis- sion after another, so this is kind of like a break or a dream,” he said. Furnish works in oil and watercolor painting, but prefers to work bigger and in 3D. “I like new opportunities,” Furnish said, “so I’m always looking for some- thing new. It keeps opening doors. Every time you have a new experience your work changes.” While the artists might have an idea in mind for his or her scavenged materials, the fi nished product may be completely different from the initial vision. “I put myself in a position to be able to accept or create any type of creative proj- ect across the board,” Furnish said. Frost agrees. “The material speaks to you,” she said. “You can kind of have a plan but the mate- rial you fi nd will sort of dictate what it becomes.” Frost draws from the ocean and natural world in her art. “It’s very freeing to have an opportu- nity to push the material and push your- self into whatever direction you feel like,” she said. Photos by Colin Murphey/The Astorian LEFT: Jeremy Furnish goes dumpster diving at the transfer station looking for materials. ABOVE: From left: Mandy Furnish, Jeremy Furnish and Drea Rose Frost look through a dumpster for materials to use in their art projects at the Recology Astoria Transfer Station. ‘THE MATERIAL SPEAKS TO YOU. YOU CAN KIND OF HAVE A PLAN BUT THE MATERIAL YOU FIND WILL SORT OF DICTATE WHAT IT BECOMES.’ Weighing materials Materials gathered by Furnish and Frost will be weighed so viewers can know how many pounds of trash each piece of art is made from. Rhonda Green, who is the director of the program, told the artists much of what they fi nd at the Transfer Station will be objects that look perfectly fi ne or could have been donated to Goodwill. “We ask that 85 percent of the mate- rial the artists use comes out of the transfer station,” Green said. Both Furnish and Frost will also receive a $1,000 monthly stipend during the residency. Green said viewers are welcome to watch the artists work, if they give her notice they will be there. Furnish and Frost’s work will be exhib- ited on Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Anita Building, 1312 Commercial St., in Astoria. For more information on the program and to watch Frost and Furnish work, con- tact Green at 503-861-0578, Ext. 3512, or CW — Drea Rose Frost, Cannon Beach artist who was selected for the four-month Coastal Oregon Artist Residency out of 11 applicants, the highest number of people who applied.