10 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ThurSDAy, MAy 23, 2019 // 11 ON YOUR PHONE COA S T W E E K E N D C A L E N DA r Friday, May 24 Saturday, May 25 Sunday, May 26 Explore Your Life Story in Writing “Giant Grrrage & Barking Good Bake Sale” 8:30 a.m. Art Accelerated, 1906 Third St., Tillamook. www.artac- celerated.org or 503- 809-9172. $35. Join rob “Butch” Freedman for a memoir work- shop. No experience necessary. √ Thursday, May 23 “Giant Grrrage & Barking Good Bake Sale” Animal Spirit Card Reading 10 a.m. Sou’Wester Lodge, 728 J Place, Seaview, Wash. souwesterlodge.com or 360-642-2542. Free. This deck is hand drawn by Kim Krans in her detailed and emotionally evocative style. 9 a.m. South Pacific County humane So- ciety, 330 Second St. N.E. beachpets.com. Coming Home: American Legion Centennial Book Sale 10 a.m. Columbia Pacific heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. colum- biapacificheritagemuseum.org or 360-642- 3446. Sharing the stories of those who served and returned to the peninsula. 9 a.m. Tillamook County Library, 1716 Third St., Tillamook. tillabook.org or 503- 842-4792. Buyers can choose from hun- dreds of gently-used, bargain-priced books (hardback and paper- back) in every genre. √ Open Clay Studio 10 a.m. hoffman Center for the Arts, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. 503-368-3846. Cultural Conversations 4 p.m. Astoria high School, 1001 W. Marine Drive, Astoria. ahs.astoria.k12.or.us or 503-325-3911. Cultural Conversations is a chance to connect community members through their stories. AhS students host storytellers from a variety of cultures, including representation from different cultures, faiths, careers, abilities, and LGBTQ+ orientations. Free. “Old Ringers” 7 p.m. Liberty Theatre, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria. 503-325-9522. $10. A timely take on how five down-on-their-luck seniors try to cope with a shrinking economy and their shrinking pocket- books by opening up a home phone sex service. 9 a.m. South Pacific County humane Soci- ety. beachpets.com. Book Sale 9 a.m. Tillamook County Library, 1716 Third St., Tillamook. tillabook.org or 503- 842-4792. Sou’Wester Garden Club Green Thumb Plant Sale 9 a.m. Seaside Civic and Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. 503-738- 8585. Enjoy a wide va- riety of plants, garden art, a silent auction, home baked goods and preserves, as well as a raffle and silent auction benefiting the Sou’Wester Garden Club’s scholarship. Photo by Luke Whittaker The South Pacific County Humane Society in Long Beach “Giant Grrrage & Barking Good Bake Sale” 9 a.m. South Pa- cific County humane Society, 330 Second St. N.E. beachpets.com. Support your local humane society and stop by and find some great deals at the garage sale and take home yummy bake sale items! √ √ Coming Home: American Legion Centennial 10 a.m. Columbia Pacific heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacificher- itagemuseum.org or 360-642-3446. Tech Tutoring 4:30 p.m. Ilwaco Tim- erland regional Library, 151 First Ave. N., Ilwaco, Wash. trl.org/locations/ Coast Weekend editor suggested events ilwaco or 360-642- 3906. Bring your technology questions for a one-on-one help session with a volun- teer Teen Tech Tutor. EVOO Dinner Show Experience 6 p.m. EVOO Cannon Beach Cooking School, 188 S. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. evoo. biz or 503-436-8555. Wise Women Gatherings With Melissa 6:30 p.m. Astoria Arts and Movement Center, 342 10th St, Astoria. www.astoriaartsand- movement.com or 503-791-5657. $20 suggested donation √ “Willy Wonka” 7 p.m. Astoria high School, 1001 W. Marine Drive, Astoria. ahs. astoria.k12.or.us or 503-325-3911. $10 for adults and $5 for chil- dren 12 and younger and students with an ID. A deliciously song- √ and dance-filled treat for the public — and no golden ticket is required to partake. “Old Ringers” 7 p.m. Liberty Theatre, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria. 503-325-9522. $10. Dancers Unite 7 p.m. Pier Pressure Productions, 1015 Commercial St., Asto- ria. $10 Showcasing the many talented dancers and choreog- raphers located in our community. “Bunbury” 7:30 p.m. Coaster The- atre Playhouse, 108 N. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. 503-436-1242. When two unseen characters from classic literature — Bunbury (“The Importance of Being Earnest”) and rosaline (“romeo and Juliet”) — join forces and sweep through time and literature to change their fate and potentially the future of the world. Rare and Old Book Sale 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 N. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. hundreds of rare, old and classic books, $1 to $600, most under $10, including first edi- tions, author-signed books and collectable editions. Priced below equivalent books sell- ing online or in used bookstores. Check out the Coast Weekend calendar, and other great content at CoastWeekend.com Astoria Sunday Market Colorful arts and crafts booths line the waterfront each week during the Saturday Market at the Port of Ilwaco. What’s in Your Go Bag? Emergency Preparedness 10 a.m. Nehalem Bay united Methodist Church, 36050 10th St., Nehalem. Learn why you need a Go- Bag, see examples of fully stocked bags, and learn what you need to prepare one. Learn where to purchase Go-Bags, supplies and more. √ Dream Poetry Workshop 10 a.m. Astoria Studio Collective, 372 10th St., Astoria. thewriters- guild.org or 503-709- 5740. $35. A workshop where we will be applying dreams, their symbols, and poetic imagery to our artistic writing. Saturday Market at the Port 10 a.m. Port of Ilwaco, 165 howerton Ave., Ilwaco, Wash. portofil- waco.com or 360-642- 3143. Paper Flower Crafting 10:30 a.m. Ilwaco Timerland regional Library, 151 First Ave. N., Ilwaco, Wash. trl. org/locations/ilwaco or 360-642-3906. Biomass and Our Low-Carbon Future 11 a.m. Tilla- mook Forest Center, 45500 Wilson river hwy., Tilla- mook. tillamookforest- center.org or 503-815- 6800. Biomass resource specialist Marcus Kauffman will share stories of the people, policies, and potential of using biomass from Oregon’s forests in a carbon-constrained world. Please send email to luke.c.wahl@ oregon.gov with the names of all people attending. √ Troll Radio Revue 11 a.m. Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria. tinytoberfest. com or 503-325-7468. Featuring the Beerman Creek String Band, the Troll, Stinky Toadwort, the Troll radio Theater Troupe, plus special guests. √ Crafting and Nourishing 11 a.m. Sou’Wester Lodge, 728 J Place, Seaview, Wash. souwesterlodge.com or 360-642-2542. $40 plus $20 material fee (Please pay material fee directly to the instructor.) U.S. Coast Guard Boathouse Opening Noon Garibaldi Cultur- al heritage Initiative, 1209 Bay Lane, Garib- aldi. savegaribaldipier. org. 10 a.m. Astoria Sunday Market, 12th St, Astoria. astoriasun- daymarket.com or 503-325-1010. Wednesday, May 29 Rare and Old Book Sale 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 N. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. hun- dreds of rare, old and classic books. U.S. Coast Guard Boathouse Opening Noon Garibaldi Cultural heritage Initiative, 1209 Bay Lane, Garibaldi. savegaribaldipier.org. “Bunbury” 7:30 p.m. Coaster The- atre Playhouse, 108 N. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. 503-436-1242. $20 — $25 7 p.m. Pier Pressure Productions, 1015 Commercial St., Asto- ria. $10. “Bunbury” 7:30 p.m. Coaster Theatre Playhouse, 108 N. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. 503-436-1242. $20 — $25 7 p.m. Liberty Theatre, 1203 Commercial St., Astoria. 503-325-9522. Thursday, May 30 Animal Spirit Card Reading 10 a.m. Sou’Wester Lodge, 728 J Place, Seaview, Wash. souwesterlodge.com or 360-642-2542. Free. √ No Homework Book Club History & Hops: Gillnetting: A Way of Life – All but Gone Bob Kroll Photography √ Dancers Unite “Old Ringers” 7 p.m. Liberty Theatre, 1203 Commercial St.., Astoria. 503-325-9522. $10. Craft Tea 7 p.m. Astoria high School, 1001 W. Marine Drive, Astoria. ahs. astoria.k12.or.us or 503-325-3911. 1 p.m. homespun Quilts and yarn, 108 10th St., Astoria. homespunquilt.com or 503-325-3300. “Old Ringers” 1 p.m. Art Accelerated, 1906 Third St., Tilla- mook. artaccelerated. org or 503-809-9172. “Willy Wonka” 10 a.m. Columbia Pacific heritage Museum, 115 Lake St. S.E., Ilwaco, Wash. columbiapacificher- itagemuseum.org or 360-642-3446. √ Sit & Stitch 5 p.m. Ilwaco Timerland regional Library, 151 First Ave. N., Ilwaco, Wash. trl.org/locations/ilwa- co or 360-642-3906. Share a conversation about your latest literary find on the last Thursday of the month. Tillamook Downtown District Art Walk 3:30 p.m. La Tea Da Tearoom, 904 Main Ave, Tillamook. lateadatilla- mook.com or 503- 842-5447. $5. Join us for Tea & Scones while enjoying crafting time together. Bring-your- Own-Project. Coming Home: American Legion Centennial Monday, May 27 Rare and Old Book Sale 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 N. hemlock St., Cannon Beach. hun- dreds of rare, old and classic books. 6 p.m. Seaside Brewing Co., 851 Broadway, Seaside. seasideoregonmuseum.com or 503- 738-7065. Free. retired judge, robert Moberg, discusses gillnetting history. A native Astorian, Moberg began gillnetting at age 10, ultimately putting himself through college and law school by fishing. √ Tuesday, May 28 Garden Startup Day 9 a.m. Alder Creek Farms, 35955 under- hill Lane, Nehalem. nehalemtrust.org, or call 503-368-3203. Writing Lounge — “Spring Worldplay” 10:30 a.m. hoffman Center for the Arts, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzani- ta. 503-368-3846. $5 drop in fee. Emotion in the Body: A Personal Exploration with Katja Biesanz to learn how to translate emotions into writing. √ Coast Weekend welcomes comments and contributions from readers. Send all calendar items to calendar@daily astorian.com by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. Submitted photo Bob Moberg, right, and his brother, Alan, are pictured on their boat having just come through a Bristol Bay storm to deliver fish to a Bumblebee cannery.