The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, May 21, 2019, Page B1, Image 9

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From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers
10 years ago
this week — 2009
EASIDE — They came, and they
built it.
Actually, more than 110 volun-
teers came Saturday to Broadway Park
and built four playgrounds for kids ages
2 through 12.
They grappled with diagrams, sorted
out nuts, bolts and washers; pieced
together parts with names like “gizmo
panel” and “bubble panel”; searched for
missing equipment; and worked in teams
to construct wave slides, tunnels and
swing sets.
“I was up at 6:30 this morning.” said
Brian Mihalek, of Seaside. “I couldn’t
wait to get here.”
“This town has really been good to
my kids, and I want to give something
back,” added Mihalek, who has two
With perfect weather and lots of per-
severance, the playgrounds gradually
came together.
The Coast Guard has stepped
into the fray on Bradwood
Landing’s already complicated
problem of how to prevent juve-
nile fi sh from being sucked up
into liquefi ed natural gas deliv-
ery tankers along with the bal-
last water.
Bradwood Landing project
developer NorthernStar Nat-
ural Gas Inc. of Houston has
gone several rounds with federal
and state fi sh and wildlife agen-
cies over what methods might be
used to screen the ballast water
intake to protect fi sh.
Armed Forces Day was a day to
remember American veterans as more
than 100 people fi lled Clatsop Post 12 of
the American Legion in Astoria on Sat-
urday. There were Pearl Harbor survi-
vors, a former prisoner of war, a Gold
Star Father, local politician, and many
other citizens.
Armed Forces Day was started in
1949 to honor all of the country’s armed
services, replacing separate days cele-
brating each branch of service.
The fl ags from each military ser-
vice, plus the POW-MIA fl ag and the
U.S. Flag, were presented in a ceremony.
Each fl ag was carried by a representative
of that service and accompanied by the
service song.
2009 — Many workers showed up at the ‘Build a Playground’ Day.
2009 – Brown pelicans that were injured and weakened during the cold winter mosey
about inside one of the outdoor pens at the Wildlife Center of the North Coast.
Undaunted by blustery winds
and the threat of rain Monday
afternoon, dozens of well-wish-
ers attended the grand open-
ing of the Astoria Bicentennial
Celebration committee’s new
CHINOOK, Wash. — This week,
the Wildlife Center of the North Coast
released 14 California brown pelicans
that were stranded in this winter’s snow-
storms and taken in for treatment.
In December and January, the Olney
wildlife center received 35 ailing, ema-
ciated and frostbitten pelicans that didn’t
make it to California before the bitter
cold hit Oregon. The birds were part of
a major stranding event that affected an
estimated 300-400 pelicans in the region.
50 years ago
— 1969
The Coast Guardsman of the Year
award was presented to C.M. “Crash”
Causley, the only remaining enlisted
helicopter pilot in the Coast Guard, Sat-
urday night at the Astoria Coast Guard
League annual dinner.
Chief Causley, who will wrap up a
28-year career when he retires in August,
has seen duty with 13 units, logging
more than 7,350 hours, and is presently
assigned to the Astoria Air Station.
Plans for construction of a $3
million condominium at Seaside
have been announced by Rich-
ard Boyer and Cox Inc., a Port-
land real estate fi rm.
The condominium, to be
called Seaside House, will be
constructed on approximately
fi ve acres of land at the west end
of the Seaside Golf Course.
Relief may be in sight for farmers in
the Jewell area who have in the past suf-
fered crop damage from herds of for-
aging elk. Sen. Mark Hatfi eld’s Wash-
ington, D.C., offi ce announced that the
Department of Interior had just okayed
a grant to purchase land in the area to be
devoted to grazing grounds for the elk.
Whether or not the Port of
1969 — Chris Thompson, 15, went fi shing
with his father, Allen Thompson, near
Tongue Point and caught this 69 1/2 inch,
90-pound sturgeon with a deformed tail.
cue of a high-climbing house cat from a
tree near the corner of Floral and Colum-
bia avenues Saturday afternoon without
incident. Before a large and apprecia-
tive audience the fi refi ghters demon-
strated the bag approach to the problem
— one fi reman climbing aloft and sack-
ing the cat and letting it down by a rope
to his co-worker on the ground. The cat
had been in the tree about 24 hours and
had disturbed nearby residents Friday
night with its cry for help.
1969 — Seaview fi re.
Astoria should continue to grow
was the main question at the
port budget meeting Tuesday
night. On the one hand, Frank
Hoagland, chairman, felt that
since the port is in good fi nan-
cial condition, it should not at
this time approve a budget that
would require going beyond the
6 percent limitation.
On the other hand, Ted
Hodges, port manager, and sev-
eral of the commissioners felt it
was important to avoid slipping
back into the situation the port
found itself in about a decade
ago, at which point it was gen-
erally agreed the port was dete-
riorated, and a bleak business
SAFI, Morocco — Thor Heyerdahl,
and his 3,000 B.C. model papyrus boat
set out across the Atlantic Friday. The
Norwegian explorer has never tested his
15-ton reed basket and admits he doesn’t
know how to steer it.
A fi re, which apparently had
been smoldering for some time,
erupted this morning at Sid’s
Super Market, Seaview, Wash.,
shortly after 8 when Joseph Gis-
ler, general contractor working
on an addition to the building,
opened the back door, according
to George Gradt, Long Beach
fi re chief.
TODAY’S CHUCKLE — Old age is
like everything else: to make a success
of it you’ve got to start young.
75 years ago
— 1944
An opossum, very rare in this part of
the country, was killed Wednesday on
the road to the Crown-Willamette camp.
It was found in the road by George
Crandall, who is a native of Missouri
where there are lots of the pouch-bear-
ing animals and declares he “knows one
when he sees it.” The animal had evi-
dently been run over by a car.
Crandall says it was in fi ne condition
with a good coat of fur. He has never
heard of any of these animals being in
this part of the country, as they are usu-
ally found in the south. However, it is
reported that many years ago, a live
opossum was brought in from the Sugar
Safe crackers forced an entry
to the City Lumber and Supply
company offi ce at Twenty-sec-
ond and Commercial streets
some time Monday night or
early this morning, jimmied the
strong box and left with cash
and securities believed to value
over $2,000.
Uniontown fi remen effected the res-
Most of the city proceeds
from the present paper sal-
vage drive will be turned over
to Young Astoria Inc. for estab-
lishment of the teenage cen-
ter, it was announced today by
Mrs. A.J. Antonich, city chair-
man. Collection in the drive is
now completed in communities
outside of Astoria, according to
Mrs. C.L. Rogers of Hammond,
county chairman.
Formal approval by the Secretary of
the Navy of the project to rebuild the
highway between Astoria and the new
naval hospital on Young’s river was
received this morning by the state high-
way commission, according to a tele-
phone message from Chief Engineer
Baldock to Commissioner Merle R.
SEATTLE — The Boeing
Aircraft company today dis-
closed it has produced 5,000
B-17 Flying Fortresses at the
Seattle plant since Pearl Harbor
with announcement that a ship
dubbed “Five Grand” rolled
All of Clatsop County’s large lum-
ber mills including Westport and Wauna
Lumber companies, the Prouty Lumber
and Box company in Warrenton and the
O’Brien-Gram Spruce mill in Astoria
were shut down today as the employ-
ees joined other northwest millmen in
protesting a recent WLB wage decision.