A3 THE ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 Road work scheduled in Seaside By R.J. MARX The Astorian A contractor working for the state Department of Transportation will remove and replace the traffi c sep- arator island on U.S. High- way 101 between 10th Avenue and 12th Ave- nue in Seaside beginning Wednesday. The project also includes the installation of temporary traffi c control. Concrete pours will take place at night, with sin- gle-lane closures from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m. Sunday night through the follow- ing Friday. During the day- time, when demolition takes place, the travel lanes will be shifted to accommodate traffi c from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through the follow- ing Thursday. Message signs will be posted to warn travelers of the construction and poten- tial delays. Access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will be available through or around the work zones. A new center turn lane from Avenue A to K is also under design, said Dale McDowell, Seaside’s public works director. A project from Dooley Bridge to U.S. Highway 26 at the Junction is under- way, to alleviate some of the uneven roadway surfaces. Work will be down during night hours. Other road projects in Seaside include pouring and repaving the Second Ave- nue sidewalk near the con- vention center and “putting the First Avenue sidewalk back together,” McDowell said. “We’re scheduling around different events so we’re not having too much commotion,” McDowell said. The Astorian Delays are expected along Highway 101 in Seaside. Cap and trade takes signifi cant step toward reality Bill clears a committee vote By AUBREY WIEBER Oregon Capital Bureau SALEM — Oregon’s carbon cap-and-trade pro- posal passed out of its leg- islative committee on a par- ty-line vote Friday, setting it up as the next landmark piece of legislation to pass in the 2019 session. It’s now one step closer to the desk of Gov. Kate Brown, who last week signed the Student Suc- cess Act into law. If cap and trade were to pass as well, it would give her two signifi - cant wins within months of her re election. The bill now goes to the Ways and Means Commit- tee, where it can continue to be tweaked, though the committee will look at the fi nancial aspects of the bill, not the policy. House Bill 2020 would set a 52 million metric ton cap on greenhouse gas emis- sions. Companies that pro- duce at least 25,000 met- ric tons of emissions per year would have to pay for every ton they emit by buy- ing allowances through an auction. The proceeds from those sales would go to Aubrey Wieber/Oregon Capital Bureau State Rep. Karin Power, D-Milwaukie, left, and Sen. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, leaders of the cap-and-trade proposal, speak at a rally outside the Capitol. highway projects, climate mitigation projects, rural and minority communities, and other programs. Oregon would join Cali- fornia as the only U.S. states to implement cap-and-trade systems. It’s a journey Ore- gon lawmakers have been on for about a decade. The bill’s passage out of the Joint C ommittee on Carbon Reduction was expected. While similar pro- posals failed in past years, Democratic leadership has been adamant that it’s time to move forward with an answer to climate change. The proposal has received strong criticism from Republicans and the business community, but with Democratic superma- jorities in both the House and Senate, it was always expected to have the votes to pass. It was also some- thing Brown campaigned on. However, there was a hic- cup when a deal over an edu- cation package was reached. In order to pass a $1 billion- per-year business tax to fund education reforms, Demo- crats agreed to kill a couple of bills and do a “reset” on cap-and-trade. For several days, it wasn’t clear what that meant. That’s because the specifi cs were never hammered out. Democrats agreed to give AND ENGLUND MARINE HAVE YOU COVERED! C e l e b r a t i n g 7 5 Ye a r s 1 9 4 4 - 2 0 1 9 Englund Marine & Industrial Supply 95 Hamburg Avenue, Astoria, OR 97103 503-325-4341 www.EnglundMarine.com state Sen. Cliff Bentz, R-On- tario, a staunch opponent of the bill, more involvement. That wasn’t much in evi- dence Friday. Sen. Michael Dembrow, D-Portland, and Rep. Karin Power, D-Mil- waukie, who co-chaired the committee, allowed Bentz and other Republicans to offer their amendments for a vote — but all were voted down along party lines. Dembrow and Power’s own amendments passed, again on a party-line vote. They were essentially tech- nical fi xes. Bentz’s amendments were largely to lighten the burden on his district, which covers much of sparsely populated Eastern Oregon. One proposed amendment would have excluded Mal- heur County from the pro- gram altogether. Dembrow said while he respects Bentz’s interest in protecting constituents, the bill already does that. “At the end of the day, we are going to look back at this program in 10 years and say, ‘This is a program that works for Eastern Oregon,’” Dembrow said. Bentz said despite the hard work the committee put in, the bill is nowhere close to ready. The tension on the six-Republican, eight-Dem- ocrat committee was often palpable. Republicans often used their committee time to talk about how the bill will hurt industry and rural Oregonians while failing to make a dent in the global climate change problem. Democrats talked about how Oregon needs to be a leader in this fi ght and argued that the state is already danger- ously behind schedule in taking action. Rep. John Lively, D-Springfi eld, said he has recently been refl ecting on the dire circumstances while watching student concerns at his grandchildren’s ele- mentary school. “Unfortunately, I feel we’ve waited too long,” he said. “But we have to do something,” In the 18 meetings held on the proposal since Feb- ruary, the two sides have failed to fi nd much common ground. However, a rare moment of bipartisan work came when the committee passed an accompanying bill from Rep. David Brock Smith, R-Port Orford. It would require public universities to study sequestration of carbon through forests and agriculture. Lively was the lone “no” vote, though other Democrats shared concerns with the bill. After two hours of vot- ing on amendments, many committee members took turns giving their thoughts and thanking each other for the hard work put in. It felt like the last day of school, as lawmakers took ideo- logical shots at each other while also thanking their colleagues across the aisle for putting in the time and effort. Then, with a bang of the gavel from Power, months of work had a conclusion. It was on to the next step. “I’m fi lled with a combi- nation of pride and exhaus- tion,” Dembrow said. We gratefully acknowledge all those who made our new facility ready for business! 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