The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, April 18, 2019, Page A6, Image 25

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Shark is circling husband
Dear Annie: My husband has a girlfriend had read that they
a friend, “Ralph,” who is half his could make $7,000 a month if
age and was recently married. they worked for a sugar daddy.
Ralph’s wife, “Katherine,” is She has been married 10 months
always texting my husband, and and is already complaining about
not me, to make plans to
Ralph. I see no love
go out to eat. I have asked
between them when they
my husband several
are together. My hus-
band feels that his rela-
times to text Ralph back
tionship with her is more
instead of his wife, but
like a father/daughter
he has not. When we go
relationship and does not
out to eat, Ralph’s wife
see anything wrong with
always wants to sample
it. My husband tells me
my husband’s food and
taste his drink; she never ANNIE LANE nothing would ever hap-
pen between them and
samples mine. She never
Syndicate Inc.
it’s all in my head. I think
asks if she can taste test.
she is looking for a sugar
She just does it. She also
daddy. What are your thoughts?
likes to sit beside my husband.
The other night, she stood at — Am I Right to Be Suspicious?
the bar talking to both of us with
Dear Suspicious: Trust your
her arm on the back of my hus- instincts on this one. She sounds
band’s chair and not mine. One like a shark circling your mar-
time, I got back to the table just riage. Picking food off your hus-
in time to hear her say that she band’s plate, texting him instead
wouldn’t be getting any love of you and placing her arm on the
from Ralph tonight. My hus- back of your husband’s chair are
band replied that he wouldn’t all signs that she is going in for
be getting any from me either. the kill. The question is how to
That’s because my husband falls put an end to this shark and not
asleep as soon as he gets home. allow your marriage to be swal-
Her reply was that my hus- lowed up by her.
band should leave with her and I
Don’t continue to be put in a
should leave with Ralph.
situation where you are accus-
She once told me that she and ing and complaining about her
while your husband rushes to
her defense. Instead, trust your
instincts and insist that the friend-
ship ends. The alternative is that
she continues to drive a wedge
through your marriage, and that
is not OK. You and your husband
should be a unified front protect-
ing your marriage from circling
Dear Annie: I’ll never forget
my mother’s comments about
a co-worker who was over 50.
There was talk for years about
this person’s flawless complex-
ion but nobody bothered to ask
about her “secret.”
At my mother’s retirement
luncheon, my mother finally
asked. The co-worker replied
that it was Vaseline! Her fam-
ily was poor and she had tried
anything cheap. Later, when she
had the money for more expen-
sive skin care products, she tried
them all but found that still Vase-
line worked best. — Glowing
Dear Glowing: Thank you
for this great tip. I have also
heard that Aquaphor has the
same effect as Vaseline and is
around the same price. Here’s to
beauty on a budget and keeping
things simple.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Creativity will
not come into the picture like a mysterious
generative force. It will instead be a response
to the environment, a solution to the problem
or a reaction to the limitations in play.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If you don’t feel
like deciding on a direction then just don’t.
This is a moment for playing around, which is
very different from standing still. Experimenta-
tion will show you the way.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’ve repeated
an action so many times that there’s a groove
forming. Or maybe it’s a rut. There’s a fine line
between the two. How is it feeling to you?
Reminder: There are hundreds of ways to do a
thing. Find yours.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You can’t
lose what you don’t have. Maybe there’s
comfort in this. Does it embolden you? You
don’t have to worry about trying not to mess
up some imaginary future.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Everything you
see is perspective, which is different from
truth, although some angles are much more
honest than others. The less you need out of a
situation, the more clearly you can see it.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re a part of
nature, and it will feel better to think and act in
accordance with that instead of fighting what
seems to be coming up organically for you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Though you really
find it maudlin to think in terms of “what if it’s
the last time?” The fact is that this is just the
approach that will ensure you squeeze every
last bit of potential out of the situation.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If you feel harmed
but weren’t, then were you harmed? If you
don’t feel harmed but were, then were you
harmed? Your answer to these questions help
you take ownership of your own experience.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It is in your best
interest to either consider the situation
endurable and then take it on as such without
complaint, or say “not for me” and then move
along. Both choices are fine. It’s vacillating in
the middle that’s hard. Avoid!
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Over time,
you can make yourself into whatever you
want to be, but you cannot make yourself into
everything all at once. Actions that are guided
by reverence and justice will naturally flow to
the right future.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The problem
with memory lane is that no one can live
there. Whatever happened before, it already
had its chance and now its time is over. This is
the hour that matters.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Things end even-
tually, but not now. Paradoxically, by thinking
about the loss of the thing we are enjoying,
we can increase our appreciation of it and
bring enjoyment to the next level.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (April 19). You’ll
prioritize self-care higher, which makes you
abler to deliver on the big demands coming
up. Someone loving nurtures and supports
you, too. Work takes off. You get so busy in
2020 that you’ll need to add team members
and acquire tools. Giving an anonymous gift
will set off a ripple of excellent karma. Cancer
and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are:
9, 4, 40, 22 and 11.