B2 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2019 Astoria FFA attends convention in Redmond Charlie Hall Astoria Future Farmers of America attended the 91st Oregon FFA State Convention, held March 22 to 25 in Redmond, where they were awarded a recharter, receiving a 10+10 growth award. Ali Clark received fourth in state creed speaking, presenting the creed to 3,000 fellow FFA members and guests. Members attended many workshops and heard from motivational speakers, including Amberly Snyder. Pictured, Astoria FFA with the new charter. Front row, from left, Baylee McSwain, Samantha Davenport, Ali Clark, Erin Tetlow, Marlee Walter, Shelby Rasmussen and Tess Hamby, adviser. Back row, Jack Phillips, Aaron Rickenbach, Marcus Rasmussen and Jameson Linder. Science conference set for April 27 in Long Beach The Daily Astorian LONG BEACH, Wash. — The Pacifi c County Marine Resources Com- mittee hosts its annual Science Conference from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 27 at the Long Beach Cran- berry Museum, 2907 Pio- neer Road in Long Beach. The event, which cov- ers what is happening in the marine world in s outh- west Washington and the Columbia River, includes a continental breakfast, casual lunch and a local seafood dinner. Topics include hatcheries, salmon, Willapa Bay and orcas. There is no cost for the conference or meals. To register, con- tact Courtney Hagain at c h a g a i n @ w i l l a p a b a y. org. For questions, call 360-875-6735. SELF-HELP GROUPS Al-Anon (Astoria) — 7 p.m. Tuesday, Peace Lutheran Church, 565 12th St.;12 p.m. Wednesday, First United Methodist Church, 1076 Franklin Ave. For infor- mation, call 503-325-1087. Al-Anon (Clatskanie) — 7 p.m. Monday, Faith Lutheran Church, 1010 N.E. Fifth St., Clatskanie. Call 503-728-3351. Al-Anon (Nehalem) — 7 p.m. Monday, Riverbend Room, North County Recre- ation District, 36155 Ninth St. Call 503-368-8255. Al-Anon (Seaside) — 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broad- way, call 503-810-5196. Al-Anon (Tillamook) — 7:30 p.m. Wednes- day, St. Albans Episcopal Church, 2102 Sixth St., call 503-842-5094 for infor- mation; 9 a.m. Thursday, 6505 Headquarter St., Til- lamook; noon Friday, 5012 Third St., call 503-730-5863 Al-Anon Family Groups information — Oregon Area Al-Anon website, ore- gonal-anon.org Alateen (Tillamook) — 4 p.m. Monday, 5012 Third St. Call 503-730-5863. Alcoholics Anonymous — To fi nd a meeting in Clat- sop County, call 971-601- 9220, in Tillamook County, call 503-739-4856, or go to aa-oregon.org Eating Disorders Anon- ymous — 1:10 to 2:10 p.m. Wednesdays, River Zen Yoga, 399 31st St. A 12-Step program. Cal l510-417-5553. Narcotics Anonymous — The Northwest Oregon Area of Narcotics Anon- ymous (NWONA) holds meetings in Clatsop County. For details, call the Helpline at 503-717-3702, or go to na.org Overeaters Anony- mous — 1 p.m. Sunday, Suzanne Elise Assisted Liv- ing, 101 Forest Drive, Sea- side. Call 503-738-0307 for information. TOPS (Astoria) — 5 p.m. weigh-in, 5:30 p.m. meet- ing Tuesday, First Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St. Call 503-298-9058. 2018-19 | 29TH SEASON COLUMBIAFORUM Tuesday, April 16, 2019 • 6 P . M . Winning the war on Cancer: Immunotherapies, early detection and community action Dr. Sancy Leachman Chair, Department of Dermatology Oregon Health Sciences University Leachman is passionate about fighting the “War on Melanoma” and has led the effort in building one of the largest national melanoma patient registries in Oregon. In line with the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute’s focus on the early detection of cancer, Leachman and team have developed a mobile phone app, MoleMapper, which tracks moles and their change and growth over time. MoleMapper will help to gather data for melanoma research and, potentially, impact health outcomes in individuals at risk. Sancy Leachman, M.D., Ph.D., is a physician-scientist who chairs the Department of Dermatology at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and is the director of the Melanoma Research Program at the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute, an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center. She is a dermatologist using basic science research and state-of- the-art technology to combat skin cancer. When not working, Leachman spends time with her husband and two children in outdoor pursuits including hiking, skiing, backpacking and exploring the Pacific Northwest. Be in the know A colonoscopy may be your best option for cancer screening and prevention. Talk to your doctor and learn more about your options online at www.columbifmemorifl.org/colorectfl-cfncer. Columbia Forum Sponsors: • The Daily Astorian • OSU Seafood Laboratory • Cannery Pier Hotel & Spa • Craft 3 • KMUN-FM COLUMBIAFORUM 2018-19 3 Ffcts for Colorectfl Cfncer Awfreness Month RSVP by Friday, April 12, 2019 1. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Finding it now could save your life. 2. Everyone over the age of 50 should be screened. Ask your doctor if you should be screened sooner. 3. There are several colorectal cancer screening tests, includ- ing affordable, simple, at-home screening options. For reservations, to become a member or be added to contact list: RSVP to 503-325-4955 or forum@dailyastorian.com Call 503-338-4670 now to make an appointment. 2111 Exchange St., Astoria, Oregon • 503-325-4321 www.columbiamemorial.org • A Planetree-Designated Hospital Forum to be held at (new location): Chef Chris Holen’s NEKST EVENT 175 14th St., Ste 100, Astoria Next to Baked Alaska at the foot of 12th St. Use back-in parking To Attend: Members: Dinner & Lecture $25 each; Lecture only free. Non-Members: Dinner & Lecture $35 each; Lecture only $15 each Appetizers available at 6pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Lecture will begin after dinner.