A5 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, MARcH 15, 2019 Photos by Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian The aurora borealis forms over Lake Inari above the Arctic Circle in Finland. Scenes from Finland By COLIN MURPHEY The Daily Astorian T he connection between Astoria and Finland is well-documented. Large numbers of Finnish immigrants began settling here in the late 1800s. I traveled to Finland in early March and captured scenes from Helsinki and above the Arctic Circle — where the reindeer is still revered by indige- nous people, snowmobiles get around better than cars and night skies are filled with the Northern Lights. A reindeer walks around an enclosure near Inari. Reindeer husbandry is an important part of life among the Sami people. A tractor plows a track on frozen Lake Inari for the annual reindeer racing event. Visitors to Helsinki take a photo during a ride aboard a Ferris wheel. Tracks from snowmobiles on Lake Inari, which serves as a highway for much of the year. People skate across an ice rink in downtown Helsinki near the main train station.