A4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, MARcH 15, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager PRO-CON Is Sanders the Democrats’ best bet to beat President Trump? AP Photo/Matthew Putney U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks at a rally at the Iowa state fairgrounds in Des Moines. PRO: Sanders’ high energy level and loyal followers make him the Dems’ front-runner CON: Sanders would spell disaster for America — and Democrats, too DALLAS — Vermont Sen. Bernie never run a private sector business. Sanders: He was the best of Democratic And Sanders is a principled politician presidential candidates, he was the worst — although many people disagree with of Democratic presidential candidates. his socialist principles. Trump’s principles Let’s start with the worst. Sanders isn’t have shifted frequently over the years, even a member of the Democratic Party. though he seems committed to a mostly He is officially an independent. conservative agenda today. It would be unusual if the Democratic With money pouring in, experience, presidential nominee weren’t actually a widespread name recognition and a polit- ical party increasingly eager to embrace Democrat. But these are unusual times. Another issue is Sanders’ age. He’ll be socialism, Sanders may be the Demo- crats’ best chance to beat Trump. But that 79 years old when the 2020 presidential doesn’t mean it’s a good chance. election takes place, making him the old- est president if he wins, five years older It’s very difficult to beat an elected than Donald Trump. incumbent president. Ronald Reagan On the other hand, even at their age no defeated Jimmy Carter in 1980 and Bill one can accuse Sanders or Trump Clinton defeated George H.W. of being “low energy.” He cer- Bush in 1992. Otherwise, you tainly would bring much more have to go back to 1932, when energy to his campaign than Hil- Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated lary Clinton displayed in her slug- President Herbert Hoover. gish race for the White House in All three losing incumbents 2016. presided over weak economies. A third challenge for Sanders: Merrill The Trump economy is very No one knows whether the coun- Matthews strong — for now. try is ready for a self-proclaimed Another issue: Democrats typ- ically campaign on the left to win “democratic socialist” sitting in the the nomination and then move to the mid- Oval Office. dle, at least in their public speeches, to It’s clear Democrats are open to the idea — Gallup says 57 percent of Dem- attract independent voters. ocrats view socialism favorably — but Sanders is unlikely to make that shift. what about middle America? Will that alienate the 63 percent of all vot- ers who view socialism unfavorably? Yet Sanders has several factors work- ing in his favor that make him the Demo- It’s a long time until the next presiden- tial election and a lot can — and no doubt crats’ odds-on favorite, at least for now. Anyone who can raise $6 million from will — happen between now and then. 223,000 individuals within 24 hours after Sanders currently is polling strong announcing he’s a presidential candidate is among Democrats, who think the country a political force to be reckoned with. will be ready to change directions in 2020. Sanders has name recognition and And that is surely what Sanders would do. a large pool of potential volunteers, But even as Democratic presidential many of whom are energized, motivated candidates gear up to win the nomina- tion, many average Americans observing and feel the Clinton political machine what’s increasingly becoming a political robbed Sanders of the 2016 Democratic spectacle may see some truth in the rest of nomination. Finally, if you think the political pendu- Charles Dickens’ opening statement in “A lum will swing hard in the opposite direc- Tale of Two Cities”: tion of Trump — and most Democrats do “It was the best of times, it was the — Sanders is about as far in the opposite worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, direction as you can go. it was the age of foolishness, it was the For example, Trump had never held epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incre- dulity, it was the season of Light, it was political office before running for presi- dent; Sanders has spent his entire adult life the season of Darkness, it was the spring in public office — or trying to get there. of hope, it was the winter of despair...” Trump is a capitalist and successful busi- Merrill Matthews is a resident scholar nessman. Sanders is a socialist who has with the Institute for Policy Innovation. CHICAGO — Although the field of those crazy statements many years ago. 2020 Democratic presidential candidates No doubt Sanders, along with the rest seems to grow daily, one name stands out of the world, witnessed the horrific col- lapse of communism in the late 20th at this early juncture: Sen. Bernie Sand- ers (I-Vt.). century. Bernie’s back on the campaign trail Moreover, some might think Sanders and drumming up the liberal base for a has learned from the chaos taking place in run atop the 2020 Democratic Party ticket. Venezuela and the human rights tragedies And who knows, with Joe Biden still in North Korea, two modern examples of undecided, Bernie sure seems like a solid socialist and communist horrors. front-runner. However, despite the cavalcade of evi- dence, Sanders continues to refuse to Despite the fact that Sanders is the acknowledge the absolute failure of his leading declared candidate in most polls — he also raised more than $10 million in socialist/communist ideology. Sanders would rather double down and the first week after his announcement — inflict this horror show upon Americans, if Bernie would be a disastrous Democratic he were to somehow get elected to presidential nominee and possibly the highest office in the land. the best thing for President Donald Just take a quick peek at the Trump’s re-election bid. items on Bernie’s policy platform: Sanders is a self-avowed “dem- ocratic socialist.” He honey- Medicare for all: “We must mooned in the Soviet Union and expand ‘Medicare for All’ by cre- ating a single-payer health-care has a long track record of praising Chris system for every American.” socialist and communist regimes Talgo College tuition: “All public — not exactly something that most colleges and universities should be American voters would agree with. tuition free.” Bernie’s socialist policies and Energy efficiency: “The United States ideology are well out of line with what must transform its energy system away most Americans want. Just consider some from fossil fuels such as oil and coal, and of the radical things Sanders has said towards energy-efficient, sustainable, about socialism: “It’s funny,” Sanders once said. “Some- clean, and renewable energy solutions times American journalists talk about how such as wind, solar, and geothermal.” bad a country is because people are lining Expanding the social safety net and up for food. That’s a good thing. In other increasing access to opportunity: “Use countries, people don’t line up for food, revenue from progressive taxation to rich people get the food and poor people expand and create programs to help alle- viate poverty and help Americans move starve to death.” forward and contribute to a more robust, “In 1959 ... everybody was totally con- vinced that Castro was the worst guy in equitable economy,” Sanders says. And these socialist policy proposals are the world and all of the Cuban people only the tip of the iceberg. were going to rise up in rebellion against Thankfully, most American voters Fidel Castro,” Sanders said. still don’t want socialism. A recent NBC “They forgot that he educated their News/Wall Street Journal survey shows kids, gave their kids health care, totally only 18 percent of Americans have a posi- transformed the society.” And those are just a small sample of the “Sanders Social- tive view of socialism. ism Greatest Hits Collection.” In 2020, Bernie very well could be the Given these statements, it is quite last Democrat standing at the end of the amazing that Sanders currently holds a party’s presidential nomination contest. seat in the U.S. Senate, let alone that he If he is, Americans will very likely reject almost won the 2016 contest to become his far-left policies, as they have for more the Democratic Party’s presidential than two centuries, spelling doom for candidate. Democrats. Some might feel tempted to give Bernie chris Talgo is an editor at The Heart- the benefit of the doubt. After all, he made land Institute, a conservative think tank.