B4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019 COMMUNITY NOTES Continued from Page B1 noon, second fl oor of the Astoria Elks Lodge, 453 11th St. Guests always welcome. For information, go to Astori- aRotary.org Knochlers Pinochle Group — 1 p.m., Bob Chisholm Com- munity Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Cost is $1 per reg- ular session per person. Play- ers with highest and second highest scores split the prize. Game is designed for players 55 and older, but all ages are welcome. Mahjong for Experi- enced Players — 1 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Astoria Alzheimer’s & Other Dementia Family Sup- port Group — 2 to 3:30 p.m., fi rst-fl oor conference room, Clatsop Care Center, 646 16th St. Open to all family members of people with dementias. For information, call Rosetta Hur- ley at 503-325-0313, ext. 222, or email support@clatsopcare. org Line Dancing for Seniors — 3 to 4:30 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Not for beginners. For infor- mation, call 503-325-3231. Astoria Toastmasters — 6:30 p.m., Hotel Elliot con- ference room, 357 12th St. Visitors welcome. For infor- mation, go to toastmasters. org or call Christa Svensson at 206-790-2869. TUESDAY Stewardship Quilt- ing Group — 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., First Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St. All are welcome. Donations of mate- rial always appreciated. For information, call Janet Kemp at 503-325-4268. Do Nothing Club — 10 a.m. to noon, 24002 U St., Ocean Park, Wash. Men’s group. For information, call Jack McBride at 360-665-2721. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen- ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For informa- tion, or to have a meal deliv- ered, call 503-325-9693. Astoria Lions Club — noon, Astoria Elks Lodge, 453 11th St. Prospective mem- bers welcome. For informa- tion, contact Charlene Larsen at 503-325-0590. Astoria Kiwanis Club — noon, El Tapatio, 229 W. Marine Drive. For informa- tion, call Frank Spence at 503- 325-2365 or Susan Brooks at 503-791-3026. Astoria-Warrenton Dupli- cate Bridge Club — 12:30 to 4 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Anyone may play if they have a part- ner; to request a bridge part- ner, call 503-325-0029. Bras2Moms Fitting — 1 to 3 p.m., Columbia Memo- rial Hospital Family Birth- ing Center, 2111 Exchange St. Free nursing bras and/or tanks to mothers. A $5 dona- tion is requested, not required. For best fi t, come for a fi t- ting two weeks after giving birth. Sizes subject to avail- ability. For information, call 503-338-7581. Warrenton Caregiver Support Group — 1:30 to 3 p.m., 2002 S.E. Chokeberry Ave., Warrenton. Support, information and resources for caregivers. For informa- tion, call Grace Bruseth at 503-738-6412. Art Circle — 1:45 to 3:45 p.m., CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collaborative, Activ- ities Classroom 128, 1905 Exchange St. Creativity well- ness/art circle group for those living with cancer or chronic ill- ness with assistance from cre- dentialed art therapists. Led by Meagan Sokol and Sheryl Redburn. Free registration encouraged. Drop-ins always welcome. For questions, or to register, call 503-338-4520. Lower Columbia Hos- pice Bereavement Sup- port Group — 4:30 to 6 p.m., Columbia Memorial Hospi- tal Community Center, Chi- nook Conference Room, 2021 Marine Drive. Open to age 18 or older. For information, call 503-338-6230. North Coast La Leche League — 5:30 to 7 p.m., Blue Scorcher Bakery, 1493 Duane St. Pregnant women, mothers, babies and toddlers welcome. For breastfeeding support, call or text Megan Oien at 503- 440-4942, or Kestrel Gates at 503-453-3777, or Katie Winters at 503-717-3748, or send mes- sage from “La Leche League of Astoria” Facebook page. North Coast Chap- ter, ABATE of Oregon — 5:30 p.m., Astoria Moose Lodge, 420 17th Street. All are welcome. For information, call 503-791-7253. Peninsula Arts Associ- ation — 6 p.m., PAA Offi ce, Long Beach Depot Building, Third Street N. and Pacifi c Highway, Long Beach, Wash. All are welcome. For informa- tion, call 360-665-6041 or go to beachartist.org Authentic Spiritual Con- versations — 7 to 8:30 p.m., Activity Center, fi rst fl oor, CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collaborative, 1905 Exchange St. Open dialogue about spir- itual issues. All faiths, includ- ing “spiritual but not religious” welcome. For information, email info@cgifellowship.org or call 916-307-9790. WEDNESDAY Warrenton Sunrise Rotary Club — 7 a.m., Dooger’s Sea- food & Grill, Youngs Bay Plaza, 103 S. U.S. Highway 101, War- renton. For information, call 503-325-4030. Chair Exercises for Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Help Ending Abusive Relationship Tendencies (HEART) — 10 to 11:30 a.m., The Harbor, 1361 Duane St. Open group, covers eff ects of domestic violence on chil- dren, parents and other family members; for females, those who identify as female, any- one in an abusive relationship, or who knows someone who is. For information, call Juli Hol at 503-325-3426, ext. 103. Astoria Chapter Daugh- ters of the American Revo- lution — 11 a.m., Astoria Golf and Country Club, 33445 Sun- set Beach Road, Warrenton. Liisa Penner speaks on Finn- ish immigration. Women inter- ested in membership and members are asked to RSVP to Sue Glen at 503-861-0574 by Monday for reservations or information. Wickiup Senior Lunches — 11:30 a.m., Wickiup Grange Hall, 92683 Svensen Mar- ket Road. Free for those older than 60 ($3 suggested dona- tion), $6.75 for those younger than age 60. For information, call Suzanne Bjaranson at 503-861-4202. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen- ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For informa- tion, or to have a meal deliv- ered, call 503-325-9693. Blood Pressure Checks — noon to 2 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. North Coast Multiple Sclerosis Care and Share Help Group — noon, Clat- sop Retirement Village, 947 Olney Ave. For information, call 503-325-7898. Cannon Beach Garden Club — noon, Tolovana Hall, 3779 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. Visitors are welcome. To reserve a seat, call Pam Chater at 503-436-2331 and leave a message or email pam- chater@msn.com Angora Hiking Club — 1 p.m., parking lot between Second and Third streets. Sea- side Prom hike. Membership is not required to participate. For information, call Phuong Van Horn at 503-325-2115 or 503- 791-5748 or go to angorahik- ingclub.org Sit & Stitch — 1 to 3 p.m., Homespun Quilts & Yarn, 108 10th St. Bring knitting, crochet or other needlework along to this community stitching time. All skill levels welcome. Mahjong for Experi- enced Players — 1:15 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Beginner Line Dancing for Seniors — 1:30 to 3 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Stroke Support Group — 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Provi- dence Seaside Hospital Edu- cation Center, Room B, 725 S Wahanna Road, Seaside. Stroke survivors, their caregiv- ers and family members wel- come. For information, call 503-717-7781. Write Astoria — 5 to 7 p.m., Astoria Library Flag Room, 450 10th St. Free, open forum; writers read from works in progress, off er each other constructive feedback. WomenHeart of North Oregon Coast — 6:30 p.m., Coho Room, Duncan Law Building, 2021 Marine Drive. Peer support group for women living with, or at risk of heart disease, sponsored by Columbia Memorial Hos- pital. For information, contact Michele Abrahams at 503-338- 8435 or WH-NorthOregon- Coast@womenheart.org Seaside Elks Lodge No. 1748 — 7:30 p.m., 324 Ave- nue A, Seaside. For informa- tion, call 503-738-6651 or email seasideelks@yahoo.com Maple Chapter No. 95, Order of the Eastern Star — 7:30 p.m., Masonic Lodge Hall, 201 N. Holladay Drive, Seaside. For information, call 503-717-0808. THURSDAY Chair Exercises for Seniors — 9 to 9:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. For information, call 503-325-3231. Wickiup Senior Lunches — 11:30 a.m., Wickiup Grange Hall, 92683 Svensen Market Road. Free for those older than 60 ($3 suggested donation), $6.75 for those younger than age 60. For information, call 503-861-4202. Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Cen- ter, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Suggested donation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For informa- tion, or to have a meal deliv- ered, call 503-325-9693. Warrenton Senior Lunch Program — noon, Warren- ton Community Center, 170 S.W. Third St. Suggested dona- tion of $6 for seniors and $7 for those younger than 60. For information, or to volunteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or Thursday. Seaside Rotary Club — noon, Angelina’s Pizzeria, 1815 S Roosevelt Drive, Seaside. Lunch costs $15. All are wel- come. For information, go to seasiderotary.club Astoria-Warrenton Dupli- cate Bridge Club — 12:30 to 4 p.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St. Anyone may play if they have a part- ner; to request a bridge part- ner, call 503-325-0029. Art Circle — 1:45 to 3:45 p.m., CMH-OHSU Knight Cancer Collaborative, Activ- ities Classroom 128, 1905 Exchange St. Creativity well- ness/art circle group for those living with cancer or chronic ill- ness with assistance from cre- dentialed art therapists. Led by Meagan Sokol and Sheryl Redburn. Free registration encouraged. Drop-ins always welcome. For questions, or to register, call 503-338-4520. Breast Cancer Support Group — 4:30-6 p.m., CMH- OHSU Knight Cancer Col- laborative, Classroom 128, 1905 Exchange St. Support for women who are being treated for, or are survivors of, breast cancer. No registration required. For information, call Mari Montesano at 503-338- 4589 or email mmontesano@ columbiamemorial.org Understanding Your Grief — 4:30 to 6 p.m., Columbia Memorial Hospital Colum- bia Center, 2021 Marine Drive. Free support group providing an opportunity to learn about the grief process, identify new coping strategies, and discuss a variety of topics related to the healing process. For ques- tions, contact Jeanette John- son at 503-338-6230. CONSTRUCTION STARTING EXPECT DELAYS & LANE CLOSURES Be in the know A colonoscopy may be your best option for cancer screening and prevention. Talk to your doctor and learn more about your options online at www.columbifmemorifl.org/colorectfl-cfncer. 3 Ffcts for Colorectfl Cfncer Awfreness Month 1. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Finding it now could save your life. 2. Everyone over the age of 50 should be screened. Ask your doctor if you should be screened sooner. 3. There are several colorectal cancer screening tests, includ- ing affordable, simple, at-home screening options. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FOR 2+ YEARS PLAN AHEAD & KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! Sign up to receive construction updates direct! Call 503-338-4670 now to make an appointment. 2111 Exchange St., Astoria, Oregon • 503-325-4321 www.columbiamemorial.org • A Planetree-Designated Hospital ODOT Project #18602 oregon.gov/ODOT