The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 14, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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Are thank-you cards old-fashioned?
Dear Annie: Is it con- ing a wedding and giving
sidered old-fashioned to a gift.
send an actual thank-you
Maybe the happy cou-
ple will see this and it
by mail these days?
We attended the wed- will register. I’m not sure.
ding of a relative last sum- Thank you for letting me
mer — the second
get this off my
wedding for both
chest. — Tired of
the bride and the
Rude People
groom. They had a
big church wedding
of Rude People:
and a fancy recep-
No, it is not con-
tion. Many friends
sidered old-fash-
ioned to write a
and relatives were
there to share in
their happy day, ANNIE LANE to your guests for
some traveling from
Syndicate Inc.
wedding and giv-
out of state.
It’s now eight
ing a gift. In fact,
months later, and there it is rude not to do so.
has been zero acknowl-
Handwritten notes are
edgment of our wedding the most thoughtful way
gift to them. I know that to show appreciation. An
it didn’t get lost or mis- emailed thank-you suf-
placed, because I’ve asked fices. If the people who
other people who attended gave gifts are just hearing
and found that no one has crickets, that’s just plain
been thanked.
If we had been thanked
Dear Annie: I read your
via email or text, it would response to “Husband of a
have been tacky, but at Hoarder.” I have quite a
least we would have been lot of experience with this,
thanked. Yes, people are seeing as my mother was
busy these days, but it’s a hoarder and I have some
extremely rude to not tendencies in that direction
thank people for attend- myself. If “Husband of a
Hoarder’s” wife shrieks
and yells, she is refusing
to recognize that she has a
problem, and though your
idea of encouraging small
victories is fine, she must
want to recognize a prob-
lem and want to correct it.
My mother never did.
You suggested Marie
Kondo’s book. Though
that’s good for some peo-
ple, it’s very absolut-
ist in its approach. I have
found that commitment to
a 15-session support group
using the book “Buried in
Treasures: Help for Com-
pulsive Acquiring, Sav-
ing, and Hoarding” — by
David F. Tolin, Randy O.
Frost and Gail Steketee —
is better.
Saving and hoarding are
two aspects of the prob-
lem, but the wife in the let-
ter seems to have the seri-
ous issue of compulsive
acquiring. — Daughter of
a Hoarder
Dear Daughter of a
Hoarder: I’m very sorry
for the loss of your mother.
Thank you for sharing
some great tips to over-
come hoarding.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). This scene you’re a part of
today is pretty challenging. Try this. Imagine you are
the filmmaker who created this whole situation to set
up your main character to shine in a later scene. That
perspective can lessen your stress.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). No matter what head-
space you’re in today, you have the ability to slip into
a zone where everything is beautiful. Probably this
involves that hobby or activity that’s become your
happy place.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Opportunities to stretch
yourself usually happen organically, but when they
don’t, why wait? Make deliberate efforts to challenge
yourself. This will be the difference between adequacy
and greatness.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The changing of an old
guard is coming. Your respect and deference to power
is genuine and you’ll be well-considered when the
time comes to move up. That said, there are certain
injustices with which you’ll never go along.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re enthralled by certain
kinds of entertainment. It’s like some performances
can spiral to deep layers of your consciousness, giving
you deeply needed soul-nourishment.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Saying “no” isn’t as hard for
you as it is for some others. That’s why you don’t like to
put people in a position of having to agree or disagree
with you. Instead, you’ll present ideas (no pressure, no
“ask”) and just see what happens.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Volunteer. You’ll love who
you meet through this. It won’t be all easy or fun — in
fact, this promises to be a completely mixed bag —
but one special contact will make it all more than
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Recovery, renewal and
regeneration — three different stages. To expect them
to happen all at once is to sign up to a world of frustra-
tion. Instead, relax and recognize the stage you’re in for
it’s vital place in the chain.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You hate to reject
anyone, but saying “no” leaves an opening for a better
fit to step in. So don’t agonize over your choices, or
your tone will bring others down. Look at the positive
that you do by moving quickly on.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No one’s job is always
easy. Even pampered kings, wealthy socialites and
celebrities have problems. So waste not a second wish-
ing for a different set of problems. There’s greatness
waiting inside of the set you’re on.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Probably no one is go-
ing to tap you as the leader, so tap yourself. With your
talent, drive and a few well-chosen words you can stir
up the people and strengthen their spirit.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Consider your next move
for three days. Maybe “consider” is too strong a word
for what you should do really. No active thinking, dis-
cussing or writing will be necessary. Give it a rest. You’ll
know better on Monday.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 15). You’re loved
deeply and understood better than you think, so
don’t hesitate to reach out. There will be celebrations,
laughter, community, and education through the
next six months. Invest in yourself. You’re worth it, but
that probably isn’t your main concern. Will you make
your money back? A resounding yes. Cancer and Virgo
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 22, 38, 24 and 9.