The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 13, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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Bugged by income disparity
Dear Annie: My husband even worked both full-time and
and I have been married for 48 part-time jobs at the same time
years. We have endured really to be able to take a vacation
expensive medical issues over once a year.
the past several years, and our
She has traveled around the
funds are stretched to the limit. world, has her home paid off
We are both retired
and stays in a warm cli-
but still work about 20
mate during the cold
hours a week. We used
months of the year.
my retirement money
She is almost 80 years
to pay the many med-
old, has been blessed
ical bills and have
with good health all her
sold our new home to
life, is single and has
get into a less expen-
no children. She states
sive home. I know that
that she has put money
many have endured ANNIE LANE in a trust for her brother
the same, and we are
but can’t believe he is
Syndicate Inc.
blessed to both be alive
still alive after all his
and well.
My question is about a fam-
Annie, she knows the finan-
ily member who is very rich and cial state we are in. We have
brags about her wealth to us all had to borrow money from our
the time. She is a sister who has daughter to not go bankrupt. We
made over and above what my are blessed to have her, too. Her
husband and I have ever made. aunt has never made an attempt
I am happy for her. However, to be caring as an aunt should
even though she is well aware be. She is the remaining rela-
of our financial status, she will tive in my husband’s family.
I have made crafts for her,
allow us to pay for her dinners
when she’s in town and never sent items to her and always
invited her to our home, and she
helps or offers us a dime.
My husband and I have accepts but is not very friendly
always been responsible with to me. She only likes my hus-
our finances and responsibil- band because he is her brother.
ities and have never asked for
I don’t think she has ever
anything from her. We have liked me. I didn’t come from
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
money, and I went to public
school; she was a cheerleader
at a private school. Guess I’m
not in her class of people.
Could you help me to under-
stand why and tell me what I
could do about her attitude? —
Lost Without a clue but Still
Dear Lost: Don’t specu-
late about what she thinks of
your station in life. You can’t
know, and it doesn’t matter
anyway. Anyone who would
judge another person’s class
has none.
As for the lopsided nature
of your relationship, don’t
hurt yourself bending over
backward for someone who
wouldn’t lift a finger for you.
You’re not obligated to make
your sister-in-law crafts. You’re
not obligated to pay for her
meals. You’re not even obli-
gated to be her friend. This isn’t
about retaliation or spite. Quite
the opposite. It’s about making
peace with who she is, respect-
ing your differences and giving
yourself enough space to love
her. Once you’ve stopped try-
ing so hard, much of the resent-
ment you feel toward her will
melt away, even if her behavior
hasn’t changed at all.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s always some
degree of work that goes into presenting oneself
in society. You can make that work easier for
yourself in the days to come by taking the time to
envision what you need and planning ahead.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Stay passive and
people will believe what they want to believe or
what’s convenient for them to believe. The other
way is to actively present your belief in a very
attractive light, and then stand back and see if
there are any takers.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The light at the
end of the tunnel — it’s the same as the light
everywhere, but it has different significance to
the tunnel people. The people in the tunnel are
possibly the only ones who fully appreciate what
it means.
is going to be good.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). “Te absolvo” is the
universal message to you, if you want to take it.
There are reasons some won’t. They like rumi-
nating. They need to feel bad, or maybe it’s just a
habit. But if you’re ready to let go and move on,
you really can.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Even though it’s
wonderful to be liked, appreciated and referred,
it’s not as empowering as going out and seeking
your own opportunities based on where you’d like
to go and who you’d like to know.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your renewed
sense of purpose will be like a hovering halo —
not one that indicates your angelic status so much
as one that distinguishes you as possibly being
able to, in one way or another, fly.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll return to a
tenant of your upbringing that you’d long since
abandoned as impractical, inconvenient and
untrue. Why now? You’ll suddenly see a different
sort of sense in it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Reminder: You’re
much more than your role, your body, or anything
you own. You’re more than any story you star in or
result you produce. Honor that timeless, eternal
part of you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Fixing the small thing
might just teach you that bigger things are the
problem. The framework itself may be flawed. It
could be the institution that’s broken. Even so,
don’t get discouraged. Tend to what you can.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). To you, attracting
unwanted attention is much worse than passing
for invisible. Anyway, low-key is your ticket today.
There’s something you want to observe and you
won’t be able to if you’re too conspicuous.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Things that enhance
your perspective include annual appointments
and seeing someone you haven’t seen in a long
while. Stretches of time inform us in ways that
day-to-day familiarity cannot.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 14). The skills
you pick up will result in big fun — and lucrative
opportunity. But ultimately, it’s not about what
you’re capable of doing. It’s about what you gath-
er along the way, which is to say discipline, friends,
experience, aesthetic taste and an appetite for
excitement. You’ll ink a deal in June and make a
discovery in September. Aries and Taurus adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 40, 15, 20 and 36.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s like you’re in a
movie and all the other characters, the action and
the plot twists are there to help you grow your
way into your victory sequence. Just trust that this