A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, MARcH 11, 2019 Vitamin D quandary Dear Annie: Lately, Fortunately, there are I’ve been reading that peo- other options. There are a ple aren’t getting enough few things you can eat that vitamin D. But I also hear naturally contain vitamin D that people should wear — mostly seafood, such as sunscreen more regu- salmon and trout, but also larly. Doesn’t wear- portobello mush- DEAR ing sunscreen limit rooms that have ANNIE the amount of vita- been grown outside. min D absorbed by More likely than your skin? How can not, you’ll need to we get more vitamin rely on foods that D while still wear- have been fortified ing sunscreen every with vitamin D or day? I hear that sup- take a supplement plements are never ANNIE LANE to meet your daily Creators as good as naturally nutritional needs. Syndicate Inc. occurring vitamins You are correct that (in food, from the naturally occurring sun, etc.). I don’t want vita- sources of vitamins and min- min D deficiency! — Dis- erals are preferable to sup- plements, but something is concerted About Vitamin D Dear Disconcerted: better than nothing. In the Vitamin D is indeed import- U.S., milks (including most ant. It’s one component of nondairy milks) are forti- good bone health, as it helps fied with vitamin D, as are our bodies absorb calcium. many orange juices and cere- Humans evolved to be able als. You may also want to to get all the vitamin D we take a vitamin D supplement need from the sun. But these with your largest meal of the days, we aren’t out in the sun day — but don’t overdo it. long enough for that to be According to Harvard Wom- sufficient — and if we were, en’s Health Watch, some we’d be exposing ourselves recent studies have suggested to damaging, cancer-causing that taking too much vitamin D can be harmful. UV rays. Keep wearing sunscreen. Harvard Health notes that “very few people put on enough sunscreen to block all UVB light.” The bene- fits you stand to gain from blocking out the sun’s UV rays are worth risking get- ting less vitamin D. Dear Annie: This is in response to “To Go or Not to Go,” who is refusing to attend her son’s wedding because she doesn’t approve of his bride. First she has no contact with the bride-to-be for months, and then she buys her a diamond bracelet to make amends when her emotional blackmail doesn’t work. And now she refuses to go to the wedding because it’s not on a convenient date for her and her husband. The date is none of their busi- ness. — Been on the Other Side Dear Been on the Other Side: And thank you for writing. You make an excel- lent point — that even if this young man is making a mistake, it’s his mistake to make, and family should not interfere unless there is abuse. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). A foreign place intrigues you. What’s so appealing? Which element of your personality is hooked into this fantasy? The answer to these questions will help you make yourself happy in the here and now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Powerful internal forces can be resistant to progress. Put another way, in the zoo of your mind you are both the elephant and the animal trainer. Use treats. All moves, however slow, should be taken as progress. all subsequent references will be compared. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Because you sense that people will act illogically and unpredictably, you’ll stand back and watch what’s going on for a while. This information-gathering moment will be your ticket to success — or at least your way of avoiding trouble. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Do not doubt that practice will make you better. The slow, deliberate, consistent kind will, in fact, take you beyond where you ever thought you’d be. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Remember when you felt in sync with the world and excited by the challenge before you? That had something to do with the people around you offering the same kind of camaraderie and encouragement you’ll receive today. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Apply that massive creativity that’s running through your veins today to your own scene. If you can somehow align your more serious goals to what you’re doing for fun, two areas of your life will improve at once. CANCER (June 22-July 22). How you got caught up in a particular belief system is a long and perhaps currently irrelevant story. You’re caught in its net. To get free, take out your mental scissors and snip away at everything that’s not freedom. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It’s not that you’re overly afraid what people think of you; it’s that you really want to do what’s most respectful and appropriate to the situation. There’s something beyond just you that depends on it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Though the gentle way is, over time, the most powerful, some projects and relation- ships are so brief that unless you exert yourself in powerful bursts you’re not going to get the chance to make a change or even an impression. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Habits get established without regard to health or effectiveness in solving a problem. Instead, they are created because the logistics have aligned in such a way to make them the easiest sequence to follow. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Lead with your warmth. Your warmth will relax the socially rigid. You’ll connect with people who aren’t easy. Your emotional sunshine will melt away the fear people have about letting down their guard. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 12). Some of your closest loved ones come from a worldview very differ- ent from your own, a dynamic that creates good for- tune, amusement, adventure, education and pleasure. In the spirit of tolerance, together you’ll do something important for the world. A financial boon comes in the next 10 weeks. Virgo and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 50, 5, 18 and 41. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Think carefully about how you’re positioning your ideas. The first thing you pres- ent to people will put a thought in their mind by which FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE