A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2019 Federal plan to delist wolves draws mixed reactions Some describe the move as political By GEORGE PLAVEN Capital Press A proposal to lift endan- gered species protections for gray wolves across the Lower 48 states is infl aming old tensions between North- west ranchers and wildlife advocates. Acting Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced last week that the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service will soon come up with a plan for delisting wolves, returning manage- ment to states and tribes. “Recovery of the gray wolf under the Endan- gered Species Act is one our nation’s great conservation successes, with the wolf joining other cherished spe- cies, such as the bald eagle, that have been brought back from the brink with the help of the ESA,” said Fish and Wildlife spokesman Gavin Shire. Jerome Rosa, execu- tive director of the Ore- gon Cattlemen’s Associa- tion, said the announcement confi rms that wolf recov- ery is on track, and gives ranchers in w estern Oregon more ability to address con- fl icts between wolves and livestock. “Hopefully this will add more tools for our ranch- ers in the rest of the state to control this species that is really growing at a success- ful rate,” Rosa said. The Oregon Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife removed wolves from the state Endangered Species List in 2015, allowing for wildlife managers in East- ern Oregon to kill wolves that repeatedly attack live- stock under certain circum- stances, as defi ned in the state Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. Wolves remain feder- ally protected, however, west of highways 395, 78 and 95, limiting ranchers to non lethal forms of deter- rence such as range riders and fl adry — lines of rope mounted along fence lines with colored fl ags that fl ap in the wind, intended to scare wolves from pastures. Veril Nelson, a south- west Oregon rancher, serves as co-chairman on the cat- tlemen’s association wolf committee. He said local producers need the abil- ity to kill problem wolves that repeatedly prey on cows, citing the Rogue pack near Crater Lake that has notched multiple confi rmed attacks on livestock over the past year in Jackson and Klamath counties. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service OR-7 trots past a trail camera carrying what a wildlife biologist said is an elk leg in the southern Oregon Cascades. “With that wolf pack, killing has become habit- ual,” Nelson said. “They’re going to keep doing that.” Department of Fish and Wildlife spokeswoman Michelle Dennehy said that, if wolves are delisted, the Oregon wolf plan would apply statewide. Western Oregon would begin in Phase I of management rules, which requires four confi rmed attacks on livestock within a six-month period before the agency will even con- sider killing wolves from an offending pack. Eastern Oregon is in Phase III of the plan, which requires just two confi rmed attacks over any given time period. And Dennehy is quick to add that, just because those qualifi ca- tions are met, does not mean lethal take is automatic. “There are other consid- erations,” Dennehy said. “Non lethal (deterrents) must be in effect, but not work- ing, for any lethal control authorization.” At last count, Oregon had a minimum of 124 wolves at the end of 2017. The 2018 annual wolf report and pop- ulation estimate will not be available until April, Den- nehy said. east corner of the state. Scott Nielsen, president of the Stevens County Cattlemen’s Association, said cattlemen are pleased to see a potential delisting at the federal level, but issues still remain with Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal to delist wolves, describing it as premature. “Given that gray wolves in the Lower 48 states occupy such a small per- centage of their historical ‘HOPEFULLY THIS WILL ADD MORE TOOLS FOR OUR RANCHERS IN THE REST OF THE STATE TO CONTROL THIS SPECIES THAT IS REALLY GROWING AT A SUCCESSFUL RATE.’ Jerome Rosa, executive director of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association The Department of Fish and Wildlife is also in the process of updating its wolf plan, which is now four years past due. A draft plan will be released sometime this month, Dennehy said, though the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission has not yet scheduled a public hearing and fi nal vote on the changes. In Washington, the state has 22 wolf packs, mostly concentrated in the north- how the Washington Depart- ment of Fish and Wildlife handles wolf attacks and investigations. “This has been really hard on the ranchers,” he said. “I am highly critical of WDFW. I’ve watched what they’ve done and how they’ve done it, and I feel betrayed by them.” Meanwhile, environ- mental groups slammed the habitat, it is almost laugh- able for the Fish and Wild- life Service to determine that they are successfully recovered,” said John Mell- gren, an attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center. “On its face, this appears to be politically moti- vated,” Mellgren said. “We look forward to reviewing the draft delisting rule, and look forward to taking the Fish and Wildlife Service to court should its proposal not be based on what the sci- ence tells us.” Collette Adkins, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, said delisting would essentially be a death sentence for gray wolves across the country. “The Trump administra- tion is dead set on appeasing special interests that want to kill wolves,” Adkins said. “We’re working hard to stop them.” WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 IT’S We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude for all the kind words, flowers and donations in the remembrance of Gertrude Kinnunen. 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