A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THuRSDAY, MARcH 7, 2019 Wanting affordable skin care Dear Annie: I’m in my ural way to look and feel 20s, and I just recently had your best. a facial for the first time. There are ways to keep I’ll admit I was skeptical up with your beauty rou- about its potential benefits, tine on a budget, especially but my skin has never felt by doing facials at home. The how-to web- smoother! I’d love DEAR site wikiHow has to go back for reg- ANNIE ular monthly treat- a helpful step-by- ments, but facials step guide called are quite expensive, “How to Make an and I can’t afford to All Natural Facial get them more than at Home,” and the twice a year or so. internet at large is My concern is full of such tutori- that my skin will ANNIE LANE als; just do a search Creators never be as good as for “DIY natural Syndicate Inc. it would be if I were facials.” able to get facials as You can try often as I imagine celeb- Groupon and similar sites, rities do. Is there anything which may offer spa deals. I can do at home that will In addition, you could ask help me achieve profession- your spa whether there are al-level skin care results packages with discounted without breaking the bank? rates there. And ask to be I feel as if I just learned put on your spa’s mail- what I’ve been missing out ing list for special promo- tions. Lastly, you can look on. — Beauty on a Budget Dear Beauty: Congrat- for beauty schools where ulations on your first facial. up-and-coming aesthe- Taking care of your skin ticians are trying to ful- when you are in your 20s is fill their hours before they a great gift to give to your receive a license to practice. Remember, though, that future self that will pay ben- efits for the rest of your life. beautiful glowing skin starts Facials are also a great nat- from the inside out. Try to limit your alcohol, sugar and caffeine intake. In addi- tion, lots of exercise, sun- screen and sleep do won- ders for your skin. Good luck, and keep glowing. Dear Annie: Recently, you published a letter from a young girl who blushes easily and asked how to overcome this problem. As you mentioned, gain- ing self-confidence may be the best remedy. When I was her age and in the business world, I was very reserved. My father, a suc- cessful businessman, rec- ommended that I join Toast- masters as he had done. This wonderful club helped me overcome my fear of speaking in public. Later, when my new job required me to speak to groups of company employ- ees, I was not so bashful and actually enjoyed it. — Not So Bashful Dear Not So Bashful: Though I already printed the same recommenda- tion from another reader, I couldn’t pass up printing yours, as it brought a smile to my face. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Counterintuitive tactics will work wonders for you now. For instance, you may have to stop talking in order to get your message across. (And you can blame the Mercury retrograde for that one!) SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Luxuries are more of a risk, of course, than practical items. They may be worth a lot, but if you ever have to sell them, your pool of possible buyers will be much smaller than you’ll have for affordable, practical goods. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It will be hard to sepa- rate the thing itself and the way it’s done, and maybe you shouldn’t even try. The person with warmth and a pleasant attitude makes experience so sweet. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The options may seem evenly matched in the “pros and cons” depart- ment. But don’t you get the feeling that one will make for a much better story? GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Just think of what you could learn from the champions of your field. Though they may not be readily available, the best they have to give is out there somewhere, probably in book form. You’ll be rewarded for taking initiative. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re not frail, but there is frailty in you, just like there is frailty in all. Softer, weaker moments will be mixed in with the ones in which you show up powerfully. Vulnerability connects us. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You have dear friends that make simple things, like going to the super- market, or watching a game, all the more fun. Your higher-maintenance friendships are valuable, too, in a different way. Both have a place in your weekend. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It will be essential to work with others and pay attention to their moves. The best way is if you can check each other’s input for mistakes. Not only will you collectively have a better product, you’ll be stronger as a team. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve seen it time and again. Someone with a moderate amount of ability who works hard and smart will always win over a superior talent who doesn’t apply herself. Share the lesson. Encourage and/or warn those who need it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The temptation will be to skip the brainstorm and go straight to solving the problem. If you brainstorm first though, you’ll have a more well-rounded, interesting and creative solution. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Vary your mode of ac- tion. Be a moving target, but not just moving quickly forward, zig and zag unpredictably. You’ll excite the crowd, and lose your competition all at once. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 8). Love will be your wealth and your delight. You’ll be supported when you need it, when you ask for it, and in ways that do more than take you one step further. Also, your mind is especially keen going into this year. You’ve a Sherlock Holmes-like capacity for solving mysteries and life will give you fun ones to solve. Libra and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 20, 10, 5, 30 and 16. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The bad part about being a celebrity is that the station arouses all sorts of exaggerated expectations that can never be met. So don’t strive for that sort of status. Play in low-key. Come up from the bottom. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE