8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ‘ENIGMATIC! A DANCE EXTRAVAGANZA’ Nathan Boozer photos ABOVE: A number from ‘Enigmatic! A Dance Extravaganza.’ LEFT: Nathan Boozer, director and choreographer of Eugene-based Work Dance Company. Eugene’s Work Dance Company recruits local dancers for off-the-wall show By NICOLE BALES FOR COAST WEEKEND IF YOU GO A Enigmatic! A Dance Extravaganza show with ballet, hip hop, jazz, belly dancing, drag, video pro- jection, LED lighting and a lot of dancers debuts at the Liberty The- atre on Friday, March 9. And “Enigmatic! A Dance Extrav- aganza,” staged by the Work Dance Company of Eugene, has something else: local dancers such as Daylight (aka Astoria’s Marco Davis); Jes- samyn Grace West, owner of the Asto- ria Arts & Movement Center; Trixie Kerfuffl e & The Kerfuffl es, The Odd- fellows Dance Collective; and West’s When: 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 9 Where: The Liberty Theatre, 1203 Commercial St. Tickets: libertyastoria.showare.com/ eventperformances.asp?evt=100 Triple Moon Belly Dance, composed of women in her quarterly choreogra- phy class. “There are people in my choreog- raphy class that have never performed at the Liberty before, so to have that opportunity in Astoria’s most remark- able venue is really exciting” said West, an Astoria city councilor. “We’re honored to be asked to be a part of this.” It’s the fi rst time Work Dance Com- pany has premiered a show outside of Eugene. “Astoria gets it before anyone gets it,” Work Dance founder Nathan Boozer said. “Anyone who loves any sort of style of dance will get something out of the show,” Boozer said. His goal is always to “infuse” his shows. The dancers interact with the audience and toss things out at them. There are prizes.