The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 06, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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On tipping and driving drunk
Dear Annie: I saw the
Dear Annie: I am writ-
advice about tipping a hair- ing this letter in behalf of
dresser and the shampoo the 10,874 people killed by
person. Thank you! What if drunken drivers last year.
your hairdresser also owns Your answer to “Trying to
the salon? Does one tip the Do the Right Thing” reflects
a common attitude
same amount, 20 per-
toward alcoholism
cent? — Salon-goer in
that confuses moral
North carolina
obligation and Alco-
Dear Salon-goer:
holics Anonymous
After the column
about what to tip hair-
dressers, several peo-
now accept that
ple posed this ques-
alcoholism is a dis-
tion, and it’s a good ANNIE LANE ease, but that fact
does not keep alco-
one. Previously, the
Syndicate Inc.
holics from kill-
wisdom held that you
ing others when
shouldn’t tip salon
owners, because salon own- they drive. Though it is true
ers would often charge pre- that a spouse cannot usually
mium amounts for their ser- threaten an alcoholic into cer-
vices. However, that’s been tain behaviors, it is not true
changing. More and more, that a spouse has no respon-
salon owners are charging the sibility. If a woman found out
same rates as other stylists at that her husband had a gun in
their salons. With that change, his car and he was going to
it’s become more standard to use it, would you advise her
tip salon owners. When in to turn her back and go to a
doubt, tip if the person did meeting? No, because you
a good job. Not only is it a would acknowledge that one
kind thing to do; salons will has an obligation to the rest of
remember that you’re a gen- society to interfere in behav-
erous customer and may be ior that endangers people’s
likelier to make accommoda- lives.
tions for you when possible.
Every time a drunk person
walks out to the parking lot
and drives away, all the peo-
ple around the person chose
to sacrifice someone else’s
family for their own comfort
or because of a false sense
that they couldn’t have done
anything. Each person has a
responsibility to help protect
innocent lives! Just because
you have no control over the
drinking does not mean you
are helpless.
— Elizabeth
Dear Elizabeth: Thank
you so much for this important
letter. In my response to “Try-
ing to Do the Right Thing,”
I focused on the impact of
her husband’s drinking on
her marriage, not on the fact
that her husband is drinking
and driving and endangering
lives. Though I don’t think
we should seek to lay blame
at the feet of family mem-
bers and friends (that belongs
squarely with the person who
chooses to drink and drive),
being powerless to control
another’s drinking does not
mean being powerless to pick
up the phone and call 911 if
you know that a person is get-
ting behind the wheel of a car
while intoxicated.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Strategy will be required.
Tending to all the little things that come up could
distract you from what you really need to do. Step
back and choose the tactics that line up to support
your larger goal.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). People who talk a
lot don’t necessarily communicate a lot. But you
know the difference between talking and saying
something, and will find people with a similar style.
Together you’ll get things done.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). No one said human dy-
namics were logical. It is possible to admire someone
you don’t agree with, love someone you don’t like
and be attracted to someone who’s totally not your
type. It’s complicated!
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Common courtesies are
often not as “common” as you might think. You’ll find
people to be either unaware of their infringement of
the social rules, or going by a completely different set.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It may feel as though you and
a certain gatekeeper are adversaries. You’re not. You’re
two people addressing individual needs that may or
may not coincide. You have to discuss it to find out.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Even if there’s more
pressure than usual, and a few other things going
against you like, say, the weather or a lack of funds, it
will still be a good day. In fact, these are just the sorts
of obstacles that allow you to shine.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’d rather be the bright
spot in someone’s day than the reason for their stress.
Unfortunately, not everyone feels this way. Some
people enjoy causing others stress. Avoid them!
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It doesn’t matter if the
group is large or small, diverse or unified, you know
who you are and it is right to be exactly that person
and no one else. You’ll aim for the best version, of
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Like water in a
glass, everything in your life is moving toward a natu-
ral equilibrium. So you don’t have to worry about the
extremes, or even consciously moderating yourself.
Relax. All will settle in.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). In case you need
another reason to be kind, nurturing and supportive
of yourself, consider that when you’re not good to
yourself, everyone around you gets a lesser version of
you, if they get you at all.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Even though plenty of
people in the world work harder and struggle more
than you have to right now, the only struggle you can
feel is your own. Take it seriously, but take your ability
to rise above it even more seriously.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’re so accustomed
to doing that not doing may be much harder for you.
However, inaction is a key part of your success cycle.
Growth will happen in a state of rest. Pause and let
success catch up with you.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 7). You will ac-
complish amazing feats in the following manner: An
enthusiastic start followed by boredom and an urge
to stop, followed by a conscious decision to muscle
through. Tenacious, you’ll find the next level —
accomplishment, fortitude, character development,
power, mastery and rich reward. Kudos! Aquarius and
Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 39, 2,
35 and 17.