A4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, MARcH 6, 2019 OPINION Founded in 1873 editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager GUEST COLUMN Cap-and-trade bill will cost local jobs A s the president of the United Steel Workers, Local Union 1097, I work alongside 600 hard- working union members at Georgia-Pa- cific’s Wauna paper mill. We are proud of what we do, how we do it and why we do it. We work in facilities that were green before being green was cool. Ore- gon-based mills rely largely on carbon neu- tral biomass and hydro- electric power, are ener- gy-efficient and operate with the best-available control technology. Sim- ply put, we are lean, BILL KERR mean, paper-making machines. However, Oregon’s proposed cap-and-trade legislation places hardworking men and women liv- ing here in Clatsop and Columbia and counties at a competitive disadvantage. It will force local mills to secure pulp from outside the state and remove one of our few competitive advantages. It is essential that local mills stay competitive with those in other states, and even other countries. Production can and will shift internally from company to company. If one mill stops pulp pro- duction, they will simply shift that work to a location outside Oregon. The overall company doesn’t suffer. Instead, it’s the individual mills that shut down — lead- ing to job losses and economic peril for the surrounding communities. Between our members and additional 150 salaried personnel here at our mill, $370 million is spent annually on labor as well as other goods and services crit- ical to our area. That figure doesn’t even account for charitable donations and volunteer work that we do in our com- munities, including the fact that Wauna mill employees are the largest contribu- tors to the local United Way. A United Steelworkers Union econ- Wikimedia Commons The Wauna mill as seen in 2015 from Bradley State Scenic Viewpoint, just west of Westport. omist has estimated that the total loss of jobs to our surrounding communi- ties from the closure of the Wauna paper mill could be as high as 2,500 due to the rippling effect of lost revenue by closing a mill of our size. State and local gov- ernments can expect losses exceeding $20 million in decreased revenues from their tax base — negatively affecting our schools, public safety and other tax-reli- ant entities. What our mill means to this region isn’t unlike the contribution other mills make in communities across Ore- gon. Pulp and paper mills are regularly among the largest employers in the com- munities where they operate. Shifting production from Oregon mills to those in other states will devastate local econ- omies and will actually increase global greenhouse gas emissions. That’s right, the proposal — as currently drafted — will cost local jobs and lead to higher carbon emissions globally. It’s a lose-lose. Our neighbors to the south have already been down this road. No pulping mills operate in California since enact- ment of their cap-and-trade legislation. We know that Oregonians would pre- fer to buy paper made at Oregon mills, by Oregon workers, and support their local economy. Without a local pulp and paper exemption from the proposed leg- islation, jobs will shift to mills in other states and countries that rely on much more carbon-intensive power sources — often from fossil fuel resources like coal. People who work here at Georgia-Pa- cific’s Wauna mill have tremendous pride and passion about what we do and the contributions that we make to our community. But workers here at our mill are the ones who lose if pulp and paper production isn’t exempted from pro- posed cap and trade legislation. We applauded the leadership of state Sen. Betsy Johnson and state Rep. Brad Witt to protect our jobs and oppose the cap-and-trade proposal. We urge Gov. Kate Brown and Rep. Tiffiny Mitch- ell, as well as the 87 others representing communities across Oregon, to follow their lead. As you finalize cap-and-trade legislation, do what’s right and protect our environment and protect local jobs. Bill Kerr is president of the United Steelworkers, Local Union 1097 and an employee of Georgia-Pacific’s Wauna mill in clatskanie. Water under the bridge Compiled by Bob Duke From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers 10 years ago this week — 2009 Even Betsy Johnson’s usual broad smile held a tinge of fear at what is ahead for Oregon. “We are staring down the barrel of a $3 billion out of balance (budget) for ‘09-11,” the North Coast’s state senator told an audience in Astoria Sunday afternoon. “We are in desperate financial times,” she said, in answer to a question from Steve Hawks of Warrenton, who pleaded for support for seniors and disabled. “Prob- ably no program will be held inviolate in the next round of cuts.” Sea lion traps are in place on the Colum- bia River, and today the states of Oregon and Washington will begin trapping and possibly killing animals that follow the spring Chinook salmon run to the base of Bonneville Dam in search of an easy meal. For the sea lions, it could be their last trip up the river. “Targeted” California sea lions are those who have been seen eating salmon at the dam. Many of the fish are protected by the Endan- gered Species Act. The ballot measure allowing physicians to prescribe lethal medication for terminally ill patients becomes law Thursday, but Ocean Beach Hospital and Medical Clinic in Ilwaco will not be participating, announced Joe DiPalo, chief executive officer of the hospital. Initiative 1000, the Washington State Death with Dig- nity Act, allows patients diagnosed with less than six months to live to request and self-administer lethal med- ication prescribed by a physician. Martin Nygaard’s proposed development behind the Les Schwab tire center on U.S. Highway 101 in Warrenton, which has been in the works for a long time, is picking up speed. Rumors abound. Some have speculated it might be a Walmart. But Nygaard has not revealed the identity of the tenant he has lined up for the vacant 17.5-acre site. A return of more than 1 million Columbia River coho salmon — the largest run since 2001 — is expected to brighten fishing prospects this year from the coast to the upper Columbia River. 1969 — A special Astoria Chamber of Commerce committee released a report on alternatives for rerouting Highway 30 in the Astoria area. The committee gave the most favorable rating to Routes A and D. Route A heads west from the John Day bridge and ties in with Highway 202 and Route D follows the present highway route nearly to Tongue Point; and then heads southwest up Mill Creek to 202. Both routes would take traffic to west Astoria to provide access to the Youngs Bay and Astoria bridges. Route B goes southwest and goes into the Walluski Loop Road and then follows 202. Routes C and C1 follow generally the present Highway 30 route. 50 years ago — 1969 75 years ago — 1944 A state highway department official said today rerouting Highway 30 south of the Asto- ria hills would be a major, highly expensive project and extensive study will be given to all the alternatives. Fred Klaboe, assistant state highway engineer, said by phone from Salem that construction of an improved Highway 30 south of Astoria might cost between $750,000 and $1 million a mile. He also said that if traffic studies show that the large majority of cars coming into the area on 30 are going to Astoria, there wouldn’t be much point in routing the highway around the city. Approximately 75,000 young Port Orford cedar trees will be planted by next weekend along the new Wolf Creek highway throughout the Tillamook burn, so suc- cessful was the initial planting this weekend by a crew of 50 high school boys. Despite snow on the ground in some places, the youths averaged about 400 trees apiece each day, under super- vision of officials of the state highway commission and forestry department. The lumber operators of Columbia and Clatsop counties donated the trees in a move to hide the ugly scars of the disastrous 1933 fire, which swept over 300,000 acres. The trees line the highway in 10 rows on each side for a distance of nearly 80 feet. About a foot high now, they will establish roots this winter and begin growing a foot or two each year thereafter. The season is so late no more planting will be attempted now, but more trees will be planted each year until the burned area is screened. Boys from neighbor- ing high schools are hired on the work because men are not available. Armed with search warrants, state police, deputy sheriffs and city officers from Cannon Beach and Seaside raided four fraternal organizations Monday night, arrested four persons and confiscated 11 slot machines. Targets of the raids were Seaside Moose lodge, three machines; Seaside American Legion club, three machines; and Cannon Beach American Legion club, one machine. A group of private citizens Monday night launched a drive to keep a section of the popular Klaskanine fishing river open to the public by putting up a small amount of money to “hold” property for sale near the Klaskanine fish hatchery. Age records for marriage licenses at the Cowlitz County auditor’s office were shattered Monday, when an Astoria couple giving their ages as 82 and 78 were granted a license. The groom, Victor Mikkola, who said he was a retired farmer and former Clatskanie resi- dent, gave his age as 82, while the bride, Mrs. Kristian Savolainen, listed her age at 78.