A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TuESDAY, MARcH 5, 2019 From generosity to resentment Dear Annie: I like doing do you do them for people who kind things for people. It makes don’t treat you well? If your me feel good. I believe my kind self-worth is tied up in the idea acts should be appreciated but that you’re a generous person, not be expected. Is that wrong? you should disentangle it. You Most of the time, what starts are worthy and enough; you do off as a kind act ends not need to go out of DEAR up with expectations of your way to prove this ANNIE more. Sometimes these through gestures. To be expectations can be dif- clear, I’m not saying ficult to manage and you shouldn’t be gen- erous. But true gener- are so far from what I osity can exist only for intended. In the end, the its own sake, not for the recipient is angry when I ego’s. Frank A. Clark pull back, or I feel used if I don’t. It’s too much ANNIE LANE said, “Real generosity Creators is doing something nice stress. How do you not Syndicate Inc. for someone who will go from kindness to never find out.” resentment? What am I Dear Annie: My wife and I doing wrong? — Trying to Be Kind have been together for 17 years, Dear Trying to Be Kind: and we have two wonderful Anyone who acts entitled to daughters. your generosity doesn’t deserve Being busy with work and it, and you shouldn’t feel guilty kids’ activities, we share our for putting some space between weekly schedule and commit- such a person and yourself. ments in an online calendar so Boundaries are the founda- that we know what is going on tion of a healthy social life. Lay during the week. some down, and resolve not to Last week, she entered in pay any mind to another’s unfair the shared calendar a meeting expectations of you. with a “grieving support group” I also think you could ben- that she will attend soon. To my efit from examining your own knowledge, nothing bad hap- role in this pattern. Why do you pened recently in our family, do these kind things, and why and I really have no idea what she is grieving about. When I asked her whether she could tell me the reason for her grieving, her answer was a sharp and angry “No!” without any explanation. I feel sad and bothered by all this. It is not the mystery that bothers me. (I don’t think there is anything wrong with a little privacy in a couple.) What both- ers me is she feels that I couldn’t be of any help with her grief and that I am not entitled to even know about it. If I were griev- ing, she would be the first per- son I would talk to for emotional support. Am I being unreason- able? — Lost in Grief Dear Lost in Grief: You can’t pry a bud open before it’s time to bloom, and you can’t force a loved one to open up before she’s ready. I commend you for being patient so far and encourage you to keep that up for a little longer. I don’t think your wife’s entering this on the calendar was an accident; I think that deep down, she does want you to know. But she will have to tell you in her own time. In the meantime, let her know that you love her, that you are here for her and that she can tell you anything. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Tension is the sweet sounding string music of life. Without conflict, there are no stories. Instead of running from those who oppose you, you find a way to work together toward a mutual aim. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The trouble with overly high standards is that they can be a grind to keep up. Should you forego fun out of a slavish adherence to your own rules? Maybe so. Then reinforce that it’s a conscious choice to avoid resenting yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). In every life, even the busiest and seemingly most fulfilled, there’s a void. Without it, we wouldn’t continue to grow. So answer that tug at your heart. But don’t confuse a fuller life with a more complicated one. CANCER (June 22-July 22). As much as you enjoy being the one who gets to cross a thing off your list, sometimes you’re actually the “thing” someone else is crossing off theirs. There’s an odd satisfaction in that too today, so don’t discount it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve been known to feel skeptical of mushy romanticisms and fairly so, as they can be quite over-the-top. Love won’t come on the wings of hyperbole, rather it will show itself in subtle specifics. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). At some point you have to stop worrying what the others think and just do it your way. Maybe it’s a mistake — offensive even. But you need to put it out there to learn from it instead of holding it in and never being corrected. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Eventually the gentle forces will overcome the vehement ones because the intensity just isn’t sustainable. Volcanos expire. Fire dies. Heat cools. The placid lake remains for FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE hundreds of millions years. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). People may or may not like what you’re pitching, so, whether or not you’d like to admit it, your pride is at stake. Good. Ultimately it will make you sharper and help you align your aims with the needs of those around you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You just might be able to simplify everything at once. What you do to simplify a relationship will in turn simplify your schedule, priorities and domestic flow. It may even eliminate your need of a possession or two. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Wanting to win, not wanting to back down, needing to come out ahead or be right ... these are all natural human instincts to be acknowledged, embraced even, but also transcended. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Grown-ups have the same intense feelings as children; they just (hopefully) manage them differently. You may internally throw a tantrum today. Externally you’ll find a different outlet. Just be sure to fully vent. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). However informally you may engage in this afternoon’s negotiation, it will be an interaction of consequence. Even though it’s a seemingly minor commitment, you’ll be held to it. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 6). The simple act of accurately deciding what’s yours to solve and what isn’t will lighten your load and make your actions count! You’ll do what you love so the accolades that come in June, though nice to receive, are minor treats along a fruitful journey. In August, the big goal is achieved finally, and you can rest a few weeks. Libra and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 16, 7, 31, 20 and 46.