A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, MARcH 4, 2019 His retirement changes her Dear Annie: Recently, my tion. I also feel she has been push- father-in-law retired. This has ing us and the grandkids away made my mother-in-law a differ- slowly but surely. ent, not-so-kind person. She has My biggest issue came after I always confided in me her worries recently called her out on the things about many different sub- she has been saying about DEAR jects, and I have always her husband. Our conver- ANNIE been honest but consid- sation went well, but then erate of her very touchy she called me and yelled, emotions. However, since saying I had called them my father-in-law’s retire- bad grandparents, which I ment, she has been bit- would never do, and hung ter, cranky and mean. She up on me. had always been the one to This doesn’t seem fair. take care of the home sit- ANNIE LANE Both are great people, but Creators her change is not good. uation and its needs, but Syndicate Inc. Now I don’t know what to she became homebound say or do. We have spoken a few years ago for health reasons. After his retirement, my every day via phone for six years. father-in-law took over many This new situation has broken duties. In short, she seems upset, my heart. Where does it go from acting as if he is an impostor in her here? I feel that she lied when she said I could speak freely and then home. She has asked him to leave the changed my words to hurt me. I house at times but then becomes said what I did out of love. — Lov- upset when he is not home. He ing In-Law Dear Loving In-Law: You sometimes goes to his local VFW post, where he is accepted and sound like a wonderful daughter- seems happy. But she doesn’t seem in-law who is dealing with a chang- ing personality that you have no happy for him. This is not like them. They are power to control. It is not unusual typically free-spirited people, kind for wives to find the adjustment and loving, with big hearts. I feel difficult after their husbands retire sad about her behavior. She has and stay home most of the time. even been talking about a separa- But it sounds as if your mother-in- law could use professional help, especially if her sudden meanness is so out of character. It could be depression or any number of seri- ous ailments that only a profes- sional could diagnose and help her deal with. Speak with your hus- band and father-in-law about seek- ing help for her or possibly for both of them together. In the meanwhile, continue your daily phone conversations and put an emphasis on finding good things to say about her and her hus- band. Over time, she will be grate- ful to you for helping her to feel better. She’ll know that you cared enough to have an honest conver- sation with her about your concern for her well-being. Dear Annie: When I was recently proofing the next day’s paper, I read “Husband’s a Hoarder,” and I want to give you some appreciation. I help facili- tate an addiction recovery course. I’m married, so of course I read books and articles on improving one’s marriage. I am pleased to see, in this age of misinformation, that so much of your advice is really good! In fact, I’ve saved all of it, and it’s stacked up on every surface imaginable in our bedroom. Ha-ha- ha-ha... Ahem. — Editor TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). While worrying alone does not solve problems, realizing that there’s something that could go wrong is step one. Step two is figuring out what to do to about it: How to avoid it, or how to better prepare for that possible outcome. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re interested, and now there’s an opportunity to dip your toe into the proverbial pool. You won’t have to totally immerse yourself to satisfy your curiosity and gain some experience. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Not everyone is comfortable sharing feelings. Some people you know are very encouraging and supportive and yet not demonstrative. Still, you can feel the love and compassion whenever you’re in their presence. CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s your goal to be compassionate and respectful, though you may not have articulated it quite like that. There are people you admire that embody those qualities and you want to be like them. In fact, you already are. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Everyone is observing something different at any given moment. You’ll share memories, compare notes and be sur- prised at which details stand out to other people. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). To enjoy and be friendly with people without feeling compelled to spend a lot more time with them than neces- sary is the definition of “acquaintanceship.” Who crosses to the next level? Choose carefully. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have a complaint. You’re right about it. But it’s not something that you’ll be able to change today. Accept it, and log it in your mental banks for now. Solutions and FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE opportunities will come. Stay positive. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If you assume the door is locked, then you won’t be able to open it. Don’t assume. Watch the others. Maybe the door is heavy and needs a shove, or temperamental and needs a jiggle of the handle. Watch and copy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A live stream- ing camera can tell you what life is like now on the Las Vegas Strip, a city square in Madrid or the jungle of Costa Rica. Looking around helps you appreciate both the world and what’s going on in your part of it. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one around using rational thought in a culture that prefers letting the person with the biggest ego call the shots regardless of what’s logical. Stay rational. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Maybe it looks like the side you’re on doesn’t have a chance, but this is early in the game. Besides, if you’re confident enough to take action, then you’ve already won. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). To get things done your way at the price you’d prefer would be won- derful, but it’s not in the offering. The good news is that the compromise that is in the offering will be better in the end anyway. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 5). You’ll spend time with people who, though they are from different parts of the world, seem to be made from the same soul material as you are. Doing well on an intellectual or academic test in April helps you to leap forward in your purpose. Financial gain comes from communicating your ideas very well. Sagittarius and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 30, 14, 22 and 36.