A3 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2019 Lobbyists remain a powerful constant in Salem Special interests spent $39 million on infl uence in 2017 By CLAIRE WITHYCOMBE, AUBREY WIEBER and PARIS ACHEN Oregon Capital Bureau SALEM — As the Legis- lature steams ahead, an army of 1,000 lobbyists is at work to gain political favors from the state legislators. Two years ago, special interests reported to the state that they spent $39 million on that effort. The most expensive lob- bying effort in 2017 was staged by the Oregon Asso- ciation of Realtors, followed by Western States Petroleum Association and the Oregon Nurses Association, accord- ing to spending reports required by the state. Oregon law requires any- one who hires a lobbyist to report what they spend to try to bend the Legislature to their will. That transparency is intended to hold legislators and lobbyists accountable, providing the public a way to judge who’s serving whom. Housing advocates and hospitals have already secured big wins with a fi rst- of-its-kind rent control bill signed into law Thursday and a Medicaid bill awaiting sig- nature by Gov. Kate Brown. Still to come are sig- nifi cant proposals such as carbon pricing, campaign fi nance reform and educa- tion spending, as well as a tobacco tax and pharmaceu- tical pricing bills. To date, more than 2,000 bills have been introduced. Lobbyists will have a say in which ones make it and which ones get nothing more than an introduction followed by a quiet politi- cal burial. The 1,079 lobby- ists registered with the state are beholden only to the 1,150 clients who pay them. Employers can have several lobbyists. The labor union SEIU Local 503 and sports- wear giant Nike, for instance, each has nine registered lobbyists. The lobbyists return year after year, some decade after decade. In contrast, some leg- islators last only a term, serv- ing two years in the House and four in the Senate. “In a Legislature that has extremely high turnover, there are different institu- tional forces that have impact on the outcomes of legisla- tion,” said s tate Rep. Dan Rayfi eld, D-Corvallis. “And some of the people that are institutional forces are legis- lators that have been around for a while, that have a histor- ical knowledge of things. But the one constant in Salem is gonna be the lobby.” In 2017, interest groups spent $12 million more on lobbying than they did a decade earlier, according to the Oregon Government Eth- ics Commission. That spending on lobby- ing is only part of the cost of doing political business in Oregon. Donating to legis- lators’ campaigns and other political operations is rou- tine. Interest groups sank $25 million into last year’s state elections. But now the focus is on trying to shape the laws and state spending that will touch every Oregonian. ‘Everyone has a lobbyist’ Hasina Wittenberg is an independent lobbyist who has worked in the Capitol since 1995. She mostly represents businesses such as Schnitzer Steel Industries and pharma- ceutical companies. “Everyone has a lob- byist, whether or not they are some high-paid, pow- er-wielding person who has notable wins or losses,” Wit- tenberg said. “Basic associ- ations have lobbyists, like AARP, the Humane Society. The food bank has a lobby- ist because they want to feed more people.” For that money, interest groups expect to have infl u- ence, raising the question of whether lawmakers are vot- ing on behalf of their constit- uents back home or for the interest groups fi lling their schedules and campaign coffers. “At its least harmful, it creates a signifi cant bias in what stories legislators hear,” said John Wonderlich, exec- utive director of the Sun- light Foundation, a Wash- ington, D.C., group that advocates nationally for open government. “Beyond that, it can cer- tainly become much more harmful,” Wonderlich said. “Especially when there’s a quid pro quo, or an offer of either supporting on the basis of a decision, or withholding support in order to prevent a decision from happening.” Common Cause Oregon, a nonpartisan public inter- est group, has studied lobby- ing at the Capitol in the past, but in recent years has turned its focus to expanding voting access and campaign fi nance reform, said Kate Titus, the group’s executive director. A review of lobby expen- diture reports from 2017 showed that the top spender was the Oregon Association of Realtors at $864,500. The Realtors had two top priorities at the 2017 Legis- lature, according to lobbyist Shawn Cleave. They fought legislation that would have allowed cit- ies and counties to cap rent increases, while support- ing legislation creating a tax deduction and savings pro- gram for Oregonians buying their fi rst homes. That local rent cap idea didn’t pass, after a defi n- ing vote in the Senate in which four Democrats joined Republicans in opposition. The most vocal Democratic opponent was then-Sen. Rod Monroe of Portland. “Rent control ultimately reduces the supply of low-in- come housing and will actu- ally make the problem worse than better,” Monroe said in an interview explaining his stand. Last year, the Realtors stuck with Monroe as he sought re-election, donating $19,000 to Monroe’s cam- paign and spending another $200,000 to fend off a pri- mary challenge from Shemia Fagan. She won. “He stuck his neck out on an issue that was important to us,” Cleave said. “He under- stands the economic con- cerns that come along with rent control, and we wanted to demonstrate to him that we support his position, and we support his re-election. Unfortunately, we weren’t successful there.” Just this week, the Leg- islature approved statewide rent controls that were signed into law by Brown. Subtle effect Not all lobbying is about WANTED Alder and Maple Saw Logs & Standing Timber Northwest Hardwoods • Longview, WA Contact: John Anderson • 360-269-2500 WE CARE! DID YOU KNOW? For all emergency vehicles including TOW TRUCKS! IT IS A CLASS B TRAFFIC VIOLATION for failure YOU to maintain a safe distance from EMERGENCY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE VEHICLES, MOVE OVER- VEHICLES, TOWING VEHICLES AND AMBULANCES UNDER IT’S A LAW! ORS 811.145, WITH A MINIMUM FINE OF $260. MUST backing or fi ghting a pro- posal. Often, the political work focuses on amend- ing legislation in detailed ways that often escape pub- lic attention. “I think the effect on leg- islators is more subtle than some people think,” said Sen. Jeff Golden, D-Ashland. “People don’t walk in here with big bags of money and say, ‘Here’s how you gotta vote.’ I think it’s more subtle than that.” Golden said at times it can be hard for lawmakers to not consider campaign donors’ interests before casting a vote. Associations increasingly recognize the importance of being active at the Capitol, such as the Oregon Nurses Association. Between 2007 and 2017, the amount the association spent on lobby- ing more than doubled, pub- lic reports show. The group ranked third in lobbying spending in 2017, shelling out $416,362. A decade earlier, it ranked 19th, spending $194,412. Kevin Mealy, a spokes- man for the Oregon Nurses Association, said in the past decade membership rose from 11,000 to 15,000. Those members have increas- ingly taken on new roles, such as nurse practitioners, home care nurses and school nurses. Mealy said that in 2015, the association decided to expand its political interests beyond direct health care to livability issues such as edu- cation, housing and clean air and water. Groups such as the nurses association also deploy their members as a lobbying force, picking one day for members to fl ood the Capi- tol, shake hands, and make their points with legislators. In recent days, the advocacy days were conducted by the Oregon School-Based Health Alliance and the Northwest Credit Union Association. Some bring hundreds, others thousands, armed with signs and matching T-shirts. They set up shop in the Capitol hallway, giving out everything from cookies to scarves. The nurses association reimburses its members for travel costs to get to Salem, said Martin Taylor, the orga- nization’s executive direc- tor. Earlier this month, 125 nurses showed up to lobby for the day. When such one-day advo- cates go home, the paid lob- byists stay behind to tend to legislation and legislators. Lobbyists are considered by legislators and their staffs as vital sources of informa- tion to explain what legisla- tion would do — or not do. A good lobbyist shares their client’s perspective — and the opposition’s, Witten- berg said. “We have this wealth of information and a tremen- dous amount of knowledge based upon longevity,” said Wittenberg. “A reputation is the only thing you can protect as a lobbyist,” Wittenberg said. “If you are dishonest, uneth- ical and don’t tell the full story, people will eventually see through that.” ‘Advocacy process’ “To be a lobbyist is not to do evil,” said Phil Keisling, director of the Center for Public Service at the Mark Hatfi eld School of Govern- ment at Portland State Uni- versity. “It’s an advocacy process.” Some are infl uential because they’re persuasive. Keisling worked in the Legislature as an assistant to then-Speaker Vera Katz in the late 1980s, served one term in the House and was secretary of state from 1991 to 1999. In his experience, the most effective lobbyists pro- vided lawmakers the best argument against their own position and then refute it. According to Wonderlich, state lawmakers generally have fewer staff to evaluate legislation. TAX SEASON SPECIAL 15% Off Now Apri thru l ON ALL FURNITURE Over 30 years in Clatsop County! 15th Hours: MON-FRI: 8-6PM SAT: 9-5PM SUN: 10-4PM Appliance & Home Furnishings “We Service What We Sell” Information provided courtesy of A ffordable 503-861-0929 TOWING & REPAIR North Co. 503-458-5588 South Co. 503-338-6402 529 SE MARLIN AVENUE , WARRENTON, OR