A6 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THuRSDAY, FEbRuARY 28, 2019 Wedding No. 3 is too much Dear Annie: Our beau- a small party to celebrate tiful 44-year-old daughter down the road. is making plans to be mar- We’re not sure whether ried for the third time. Her to broach the subject and first wedding was over- give her our opinion or to the-top and cost us a for- leave it alone. Her father tune. Her second and I would be DEAR wedding was also financially unable ANNIE expensive, held at to attend the des- tination wedding. a private home. We — Mother of the helped her pay for bride, Times 3 that wedding, as Dear Mother well. She is now of the Bride: For planning her third, everyone’s sake, which she says will be a destination ANNIE LANE I certainly hope Creators that the third wedding. The des- Syndicate Inc. tination she chose is time’s a charm across the country and that your in a very expensive area. daughter found her Prince Between the two of Charming. them, they have five chil- Though she will always dren. They make a good be your daughter, she is income but not enough for still a 44-year-old adult this not to be a burden to who is capable of mak- ing her own decisions. If them financially. My husband and I feel she and her fiancé want that because their friends to have a destination wed- and family have now ding, then by all means, attended two weddings let them do so. The fact and given two gifts, this that her friends and family would be too much. We have attended two wed- wish she would have a dings might make it more very low-key local wed- challenging for them to ding with just her imme- have many people attend, diate family and then have but maybe they want it that way. All that being said, I think you need to sit down and talk to your daugh- ter — not to tell her what you think her wedding should be like but rather to tell her you and her father would be unable to attend because of the financial burden. Once she has this knowledge from you, it will be up to her to decide whether she wants to either pay for your travel expenses or have her par- ents not attend her wed- ding. By pointing this out, you may make her realize that it might be a financial burden to others, as well. In the end, it’s her party. You can always share your wisdom and advice with your grown children, but you can’t always expect them to listen. Dear Annie: Recently, you printed a letter from “Bashful,” who was frus- trated that her face flushes so easily when embar- rassed. My suggestion would be that she work on becoming a better speaker. — Ann K. TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). The most frustrating thing is when something doesn’t quite work right, but it doesn’t work wrong enough to warrant the cost of repair or replacement. Hold on. What you’re dealing with isn’t broken, just temporarily wonky. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your ambition is high gear, but the question that keeps coming up is: At what cost? The biggest clue will come from observing the people around you. What’s it costing them? TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your prize for doing everything right may be simply that you get to keep doing it. Is it worth it? Doing a thing differently to satisfy your own curiosity will be lucky for you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You do have an overactive inner critic; it’s true. But your inner ambassador also has a lot of energy, as does your inner cheerleader. Pit them against one another if necessary — whatever it takes to do your best work. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). No need to agonize about your choices today because there won’t be any wrong paths, just paths that get there a little sooner, or paths that don’t get “there” at all but go some- where delightful nonetheless. Enjoy. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re still sorting something out — your feelings, your involvement in a process, what you are and are not willing to do. You don’t have to decide all of this in a day and anyone pressuring you has an agenda. Factor that in, too. CANCER (June 22-July 22). When you please that one certain person, the rest goes better. Maybe this person has too much power. Or it could be that this is just what works for both of you. The good news is that this person will be easy to please today. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). One pop song sug- gests that “it’s too late to apologize ...” and yet it never really is. The apology may not hold any sway, but if it’s sincere, it shouldn’t come with such contingencies in the first place. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The prize may seem just out of reach, and as uncomfortable as this is, it’s a great sign. One leap, shove or gust of wind is all it will take to bring this to hand, so keep that hand outstretched. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). To impact the world, one must first impact the personal. It sounds big, but it’s accomplished in all the small actions you take to assume responsibility for yourself and your surround- ings. Give yourself credit for this. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There are things you’re experiencing that can’t be described in words be- cause words are inadequate. And yet, there are parts that can be described, and when you try to do this, you’ll gain new insights and understanding. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Sweet afterthoughts, door prizes, party favors — the add-ons do make a difference. And while the novice finds them frivolous, the seasoned expert has counted them as part of the package all along and made it into a surprise. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 1). This year fea- tures the warrior in you — the part of you willing to work up the courage take on your fears and obstacles and to fight for those who need you. You’ll have a breakthrough in your work that connects you with people you never thought you’d know. Beauty in your home life has to do with far-off influences. Aquarius and Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 30, 1, 11 and 45.