The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, February 27, 2019, Page A6, Image 6

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Fido needs to lose weight
Dear Annie: I just adopted to find a swimming pool
a dog who’s quite over- for dogs. Aqua therapy for
weight. Right now, he’s dogs helps them lose weight.
about 24 pounds, and the vet Swimming can encourage
wants him to be about 17 to better digestion and help
18 pounds. I have
with overall health.
instructions from the
Swimming for both
adoption agency on
humans and dogs is a
what to feed him and
great form of low-im-
pact exercise. Some
how much, but get-
ting him to exercise
pools even have under-
water treadmills for
has been a struggle.
dogs. The walking and
When I take him for
swimming will gradu-
walks, he gets tired
quickly and plops ANNIE LANE ally help Doggo shed
those few unwanted
down on the ground,
Syndicate Inc.
refusing to get up.
Lastly, try to find a
Are there ways to get
an overweight dog to be more friend who has an overweight
willing to exercise? I can tell dog or an older dog to take
the excess weight makes him walks with. Dogs are pack
lethargic and uncomfortable. animals, so if your dog were
I was hoping to find a gym to see a buddy walking a lit-
for dogs and their owners but tle farther, maybe that would
haven’t had luck. — Dad of a serve as motivation for him to
Dieting Doggo
take a few more steps before
Dear Doggo Dad: First plopping down.
off, congratulations on the
Dear Annie: How do you
adoption of your new furry feel about hairdressers who,
family member. Thank you as they are coloring and cut-
for adopting. You have made ting your hair, talk on their
a huge difference in this dog’s cellphones? Often, while
mine is trying to cut, the
Redirect your quest to find phone is propped between his
a gym for dogs into a quest shoulder and ear.
Part of the reason I feel
this way is I am old and can
remember the day when there
were no distractions for ser-
vices of any type. Cellphones
are appendages these days,
but I’d like to know whether
I’m just getting cranky or oth-
ers are bothered by their ubiq-
uitous use. — Put Down the
Dear Put Down the
Phone: Age has nothing
to do with it. For old and
young alike, rude is rude and
Unless there’s a fam-
ily emergency or he warns
you ahead of time that he’s
expecting an important call,
your hairdresser should not
be talking on his cellphone
when cutting your hair. The
fact that he has scissors in his
hand and is not 100 percent
focused on the task at hand
is a safety issue. The scissors
or color brush should be the
only thing in your stylist’s
hands. Next time you go to
your salon, kindly ask your
stylist to put down the phone.
If you don’t feel comfortable
speaking with him directly,
you could tell management.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). To need attention
isn’t weakness. Though when you admit this
need, even to yourself, it may feel like weakness
if you’ve been conditioned to think so. Recognize
this for the brainwashing it is. Everyone needs
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re afraid you
may lack the self-discipline to move forward on a
path that clearly goes to your desired destina-
tion. But go forward anyway. Even if it doesn’t
work this time, you’ll get a better feel for exactly
what’s needed.
most days, but believe it or not, there’s going to
be a way to please everyone today.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Are you being asser-
tive enough? If they’re responding at all, then the
answer’s yes. If they’re not, your approach may
be too timid. If they are responding but not the
way you want them to, more research is in order.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It’s said that
what you seek is seeking you. If that’s true, then
what you need is a meeting point, and an open
line of communication to establish and agree
on it.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The desire to be con-
trolled and the desire to be controlling are two
sides of the same fear. It’s distrust in one’s own
abilities and in the workings of life. Bravery is the
salt that melts this cold fear. Take courage.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Greatness
doesn’t happen overnight — almost nothing
does. “Overnight” is just a term people use when
they’re working so hard on something that they
hardly notice the passage of time.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). There are things
you want so much you’re willing to go to great
lengths to make them happen. Why apologize?
You’re not hurting anyone. And you certainly
shouldn’t be sorry for not conforming. Noncon-
formity is your duty.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While you don’t
want to put undue pressure on yourself, some
amount of pressure is warranted — a reminder,
at the very least. A lack of urgency can lead to
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your creative projects of-
ten get put on hold because they don’t fit other
people’s idea of “work.” You can’t expect everyone
to understand what you understand. Defend
your own interests. If not you, who?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). These days, quality
help is considered a luxury because so many
people do not understand the nuances of
excellent service. Those who teach others how to
treat them will live in luxury without paying big
bucks for it.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). This is a rare phenom-
enon and definitely shouldn’t be attempted on
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Minor wins are wins.
Small steps are steps. Pennies add up, and so do
incremental successes. You’re going to accom-
plish big things by starting small and building
consistently and gradually.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 28). Stay aware
of what keeps you wondering. Curiosity is your
main compass. It will lead you to where you can
blossom your secret talents and formulate the
new wishes that will help you fulfill your destiny.
Also, if ever there were a year to keep a diary, this
is it. Writing will embolden you, give you clarity
and open worlds. Aries and Scorpio adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 21, 5 and 16.