A4 THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019 OPINION editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Cannon Beach History Center and Museum A newspaper with a message. Wikimedia Commons Twain’s typewriter. Ah, things were so much simpler then. What’s a typewriter, grandpa? I had something of a jarring journalistic moment the other day. A woman called — on the tele- phone — and said, “I want to drop off a letter.” I said, can you email it? She said that she doesn’t have a computer. I told her that we didn’t have the offi ce staff to re-input a typed or handwritten letter. Letters need to be submitted via email, verifi ed and adhere to a number of principles. Fifty years ago someone at the front desk would have welcomed the letter writer into the offi ce, taken the handwrit- ten sheets and typed it before deliver- ing to the managing editor, who would pass it to the editor, who would have then passed it to the assistant editor who would type the document and then sent it to the copy editor before going back to the editor. Ah the good old days. Reader’s Digest founder and publisher DeWitt R.J. Wallace sent employees MARX anywhere they wanted to go once a year, on the thought that they would become better, more well-rounded human beings as a result. Digest commuters from throughout the New York Metro area could ride to work on company buses to the bucolic offi ces in Pleasantville. Even though the offi ce was technically in the town of Chappaqua, Wallace preferred the sopo- rifi c “Pleasantville” postal address. Each May, Fridays became holidays, so work- ers could tend to their gardens. Type a letter? There were 25 bod- ies waiting with carbon paper to make a correction. When Spencer Tracy and Robert Red- ford portrayed real journalists, they inhabited small cities. So there was an awkward pause on the phone. Here was a woman looking to express herself to put pen to paper and share her thoughts. She wanted her ideas shared with the world, but was rendered mute without a computer. Why she didn’t have a computer — access? money? choice? — didn’t really matter. Think about it: Shakespeare scribed; our Founding Fathers, Abraham Lincoln and everyone until Mark Twain decided to turn to the typewriter. He called it “the newfangled typing machine” after he saw a Remington in a Boston store window — in the 1870s. Twain’s 1883 book, “Life on the Mis- sissippi,” was the fi rst literary work to be completed on the machine, Michael Ros- enwald of the Washington Post reported last spring. In small towns, journalism was a family affair. I was down at the Can- non Beach History Center and Museum recently as they kindly opened their Cannon Beach History Center and Museum The Cannon, one of Cannon Beach’s earliest journalistic entries. Wikimedia Commons Mark Twain didn’t yet have the typewriter at his desk in this 1880 photo. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters should be exclusive to the Cannon Beach Gazette, should be fewer than 350 words and must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. You will be con- tacted to confi rm authorship. All letters are subject to editing. Letters written in response to other letter writers should address the issue at hand and, rather than mentioning the writer by name, should refer to the headline and date the letter was published. Discourse should be civil and people should be referred to in a respectful manner. Letters in poor taste will not be printed. Send letters to editor@cannonbeachgazette.com or via our online form at cannonbeachgazette.com. archives to me, old lisher/Janitor The newspaper pre- Beloved Rever- decessors to the end Billy Lloyd Gazette. Hults,” was an The Cannon exquisite work was the fi rst on of art. Headlines record, published read: “Put your by Jack and Jim good where it will Dennon in the do the most,” and late 1940s when a “Jerry Brown for few hundred folks President.” lived in town and It is the physi- street lights were cal appearance and R.J. Marx/The Daily Astorian tactile experience a big issue. The Cannon started as A letter to the editor. Now what do we do? that makes print so a Cannon Beach seductive. student newspa- Ironic that it per — this was before Cannon Beach would take America’s greatest writer, merged with the Seaside School District Mark Twain, to alter technology — with mimeographed headlines in cur- inexorably. sive script. Typewriters gave way to teletype In the 1990s The Upper Left Edge, and fax machines and telexes and bits under the supervision of “Editor/Pub- and bytes, PCs, iMacs, iPhones and Cannon Beach History Center and Museum Street lights in CB! apps. Talk about a tsunami, but these took place every generation, then every decade, every year, every second. I gave up my own beloved Hermes 3000 typewriter — so iconic that author William Kotzwinkle wrote a book with the same title — for good in the early 1980s when I got my fi rst personal com- puter, an AT&T 6300 with dual 5¼-inch fl oppy disk drives. It’s probably worth something — at a museum. Public works employees recently dug up a 50-year-old time capsule buried underground at the Tolovana Arts Col- ony. A new capsule was boxed and stored at Whale Park at a celebration on Feb. 14. History goes by quickly. When 2069 comes, those of us still alive may say, “I remember the Internet.” Their descendants will say: “There you go again, grandpa.” R.J. Marx is editor of the Seaside Sig- nal and Cannon Beach Gazette, and cov- ers South County for The Daily Astorian.